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Hard Drive Audio quality


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Fuck.... this barely merits the effort expended to type a witty response.......

Guys, he asked what advantage, not how much of an improvement.

The advantage is that it would sound a bit different and some people would prefer it, while others wouldn't. You may want some people to prefer it while you may want others not to.

I for example that someone preferred my money to owning what is now my SFD-2 MkIII

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  1. Cover flow looks cooler and is faster than flipping through the CDs on your rack.
  2. Selling the Marantz will let you buy more music. Or feed your cat.
  3. Small children won't look at you funny for using words they've never heard of (e.g. "compact disc").
  4. It'll be okay to eat BBQ wings and switch albums without washing your hands.
  5. Drog, the music thief, won't have to spend 10 minutes carefully packing 250 CDs into a giant garbage bag.
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