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BBC NEWS | Entertainment | The golden age of infinite music

Interesting article, pondering on the change from a situation of Artificial scarcity - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia to a completely infinite online jukebox, where the limiting resource is no longer your money (or lack of it), but your time.

Given that you could listen to "anything ever recorded", what would drive your selection process?

Familiarity? peer pressure? marketing? social networking?, statistical patterns?

"Other people who listened to this, also listened to ..."

Indeed, when faced with The Tyranny of Choice: Scientific American do you yearn for a benevolent celstial DJ?

Charlie Brooker | There's too much stuff. We live in a stuff-a-lanche. It's time for a cultural diet | Comment is free | The Guardian

Other people have had similar thoughts

About us | Music, Movie & Web Video Discovery | The Filter

Peter Gabriel's The Filter - scrobbling your life | Media | guardian.co.uk

"Freedom from choice"?



at this point my bets are on two seperate courses of action/reaction

1)to return to mother nature after some sort of unexpected (cataclysmic?) event such as a Stax fart, where our environment that we live in reacts in an unforeseen way, causing us to pause and reconsider our place in our headstage, erm I mean new worldview, *cough*

2)we become androids, or at least acquire cybernetic implants

unfortunately, if this were the case, we would no longer need headphones to experience music,

what's higher fidelity? a mylar diaphragm rattling away or a fiber optic cable connected directly to your spinal cord?


Related posts on this matter highlight systems that know more about your taste in music, than you do

e.g. Spotify ? A world of music. Instant, simple and free , Last.fm - Listen to free music with internet radio and the largest music catalogue online, Pandora Radio - Listen to Free Internet Radio, Find New Music , etc

Slashdot Comments | The Golden Age of Infinite Music

Note the love for last.fm here

Squeezebox : Community : Forums - View Single Post - I've just got it. I have the best music system in the world.

These systems are not perfect though, and can be biased by third parties

Slashdot Comments | The Golden Age of Infinite Music

"because it's idea of suggesting music is to load the page with the best ad income" - payola for the internet age :)

or we have already seen examples of where the algorithms get the wrong end of the stick e.g. the classic "My Tivo thinks I'm Gay" (NTTAWWT)

If TiVo Thinks You Are Gay, Here's How to Set It Straight

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