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Newsweek hates, then loves, the iPad - Apple 2.0 - Fortune Brainstorm Tech

Dan Lyons seems pretty honest in the video actually.

Also: http://www.newsweek.com/id/232723

And newly: http://www.newsweek.com/id/235565

Anyone else ever so slightly nervous about the iPads smallish size? I keep thinking it's bigger than the specs indicate.

Edited by blessingx
Anyone else ever so slightly nervous about the iPads smallish size? I keep thinking it's bigger than the specs indicate.

Nervous, no, but that's because I'm not an early adopter. As much as Mr. Jobs wants me to believe that the web looks fantastic on an 8" screen, I often find myself wanting a bit more space on a 13" screen and viewing the web on my do-nothing-well netbook can be downright frustrating. Don't get me wrong the 13" macbook is just about the perfect laptop-sized laptop and the netbook was absolutely what vacation called for but for day to day usage color me very skeptical.

The idea of cutting that viewable space down as much as an Ipad will is something that I'll have to see in person before believing. I also think that in this "quicker, better, faster" world it's likely that something like this will at least grow a little be in later generations. It's already not pocked sized so another inch or two on the diagonal doesn't seem like a big deal to me.


I know a lot of people are predicting larger iPad sizes in the (possibly even near) future, but Apple is attempting its second "pixel perfect" UI. As oppose to Android for instance (or Mac OS), Apple is locking itself into set resolutions (if preliminary mock-ups are believed) and, and although doubling or quadrupling pixel counts for apps could be relatively seemless, some apps, bitmap graphics and even websites creating different versions could get complicated quick. iPad versions of apps are already getting very specific about new real estate (not simply scaling). I can't imagine creating separate iPhone, iPad, iPad with slightly higher resolution, iPhone with slightly higher resolution, next iPad with even higher resolution, etc. versions of every app/mobile website.

iTunes LP is also a pixel locked format. I'm sure Apple is eyeing the future, but I'm trying to figure out how iPhones will meet or surpass the Nexus Ones resolution or the iPad will increase 2" in height, etc., thus changing ratios with such specific presentations.


I guess it'll be interesting to see over the next few years if they think that the two resolutions that they've chosen are still adequate. I still find it odd that they decided not to support 720p with the screen resolution on the Ipad. I have a feeling that pixel doubling is not going to matter much, every app developer is going to do ipad specific versions of their apps. I imagine the fear was that developers wouldn't support the pad initially so Apple wanted to be able to make claims about the # of apps available, turns out they didn't have to worry about that.


Anyone get a feeling if you'll be able to directly broadcast over airTunes/to Airport Express from the iPad (like Mac/Windows) or it'll simply function as a remote (like iPhone/touch)?

See a few others have asked around web, but find no, even speculative, answers.


I got an email from Apple that said they could not process my payment and to call my credit card company. I called Chase and they said Apple never tried to submit the charge and that there was no fraud alert or hold on my account. Basically Chase hasn't seen the charge attempt yet nor is there a hold for the $622, although they saw a $10.38 charge for the iTunes music store earlier today.

I called the Apple store toll free number in the email and they said it was a mistake and a lot of those emails went out in error. Apple said the charge was approved and to ignore the email, but that it will not be charged till it ships. At that point I told them there is no charge on hold according to Chase. They said don't worry, and just check back in a day or two. I don't know what to think.

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