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Apple Tablet

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I'm gonna go ahead and post my prediction just in case, on the very unlikely possibility of me being right. While I think they are going to introduce some sort of flat tablety device, I don't think it will be called the iSlate or the iTablet. I think this is going to be the new Macbook.

I know, I know, but hear me out.

Right now Apple has a strong laptop line with the MacBook Pro. 13, 15 and 17 inch models. The MacBook line was gutted during the last update. While the current MacBook sits just below the $1000 mark, the low end 13" MacBook Pro isn't far off at $1199. It could easily go to $1099 with $999 education pricing. The MacBook is one of their best brands and yet, they only have one model that's pretty close to the 13 MacBook Pro spec-wise and they eliminated the black option. That looks like they are clearing out that channel.

So the new device is actually a MacBook and the iSlate or iTablet thing people are hearing about is really software run on said MacBook for handwriting recognition or touch interface interpretation.

Either that or they drop the MacBook entirely and replace it with this new thing. But their product lines don't seem to need another "thing." The iPod/iPhone line is full with options. Their computer line is full too. Tech folks have been saying it's got to be either a laptop/netbook replacement or a new category of product... I think it might be both.

Anyway... at least that's what I want. It's fun to pretend.

I'd love it if he walked on stage, went through MacBook Pro and other updates, profits and all the usual crap, then said: "Oh, one more thing. No, it's not an iPad or iTablet or iSlate. We do have a new Macbook though..." then proceeded to totally blow our minds with "It".

IMO though, if you watch the Knowledge Navigator, and pay attention to the interaction in the video with the device, then apply all the possibilities that have come from technology since then, I think you will "get" what Steve Jobs is aiming for. With Safari, the iPod, iPod games, the ATV and whatnot, you can see how Apple has been slowly preparing for this. SJ was just waiting for the technology to be able to do what he envisaged.

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I think the revolutionary concept is it won't be a glorified netbook. ;)

That's what I hope. :)

One thing that can make or break the deal for me is the kind of display that it uses. I can only read stuff on my iPod Touch for a limited amount of time before getting eye fatigue, while I can read paper textbooks all day and be perfectly fine. The perspective of getting all my school books on a functional 10'' device is very interesting.

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BS. Like they'd give one to that f'in tard.

Other than that, OMG OMG OMG! Squee!

I heard it's ten feet tall and shoots thunderbolts from it's arse... much like William Wallace:


On a side note... I'm pissed that I have a boring status meeting today from 2-4.... right when it's gonna get good or the Apple Store opens up online and full specs and details are available.


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I've heard it will properly drive a set of O2s through a new, proprietory minipro-bias jack. Adapters will be available. Eventually.

Yes, but can it drive K701?

Pffft, It can simultaneously drive an O2, K701, K340, K1000, make toast and have a unicorn deliver a pizza sprinkled with pixie dust and that is all before you turn it on.

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