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:mad: Going for the BA will about deplete anything I have in the budget, especially something for a power amp, which may have to wait awhile to recover. My issue with the ZDT is that after talking to Craig about it, may be at best a lateral movement from my moth, though the 8 watts would sure sound extra nice on a set of cornwalls or my hornshoppe horns.

The 8 watt ZDT sounds very nice with Blutarsky's Fostex horns.

It's also a definite step up from my maxed WA6 (wider deeper soundstage, better instrument separation, moar power). I had the prototype WA22 for 2 weeks before our Colorado meet, and while the ZDT and WA22 performed similarly with a variety of Grados (RS1, HF-2) and Sennheisers (HD600/800), the ZDT performed better than the WA22 with modded Denon D2000/7000, ATH-A900 and K1000. This was with the PS Audio DLIII feeding the WA22 balanced and the ZDT single ended.

The ZDT also sounds nice driving my SRD-7 Pro + HE60 or Jade, but not as good with the O2 Mk1 (duller and less detailed than my GES, darker). I still have to do some tube rolling with some new 5751's that I recently bought (GE black plate, tung sol).

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Now posted in the correct thread.:palm: With the correct names :palm::palm:

Cut-N-Paste from the other place (since corrected :palm:)

First off, mad props to meet meister jp11801 for making this happen, and going the extra mile to ensure that there was enough room for everyone.

Several bags of kudos to the vendors for bringing some impressive products, and supporting the community.

This felt like a mini can jam, with another chance to experience some of the best our hobby has to offer, both in equipment, and the people that make it so rewarding. It also felt like can jam in that there was an embarrassment of riches, and still not enough time to sample all the gear, or spend time with everyone you wanted to.

The photo's give you an idea of just how much high end kit was around, and yet it was just as much fun to catch up with people, put faces to names, and help the meet first timers.

On the transducer side, the two highlights were the same as at Can Jam. The JH-13's and the HD-800's

Iron Dreamer was doing an excellent job making sure that people experienced the JH-13's to their full potential. I was impressed with them at Can Jam, and I was not disappointed here. I described them as "Stupid Good" as it is just ridiculous how good they sound. They are impressive from a Sansa Clip playing flacs, as a minimalist rig, and were more impressive yet from the usb pico dac/amp from a laptop. Not only on the usual audiophile suspect tracks, but also on a wide variety of music, which I think is telling. They shine in meet conditions due to the isolation, which lead to the surreal experience of being a few feet away from JP involved in a spirited conversation, seeing his lips move, but hearing nothing. Life imitating the art of his "Problem Solved" T-shirt. :)

I wonder how long it will be before someone comes up with a balanced system that pairs with the JH-13 ... >:D

Thanks to Voltron, for allowing his HD-800's to be tried out the systems at the meet. I managed to spend some quality time with Fallen Angel's β22 allowing me a chance to enjoy this quality paring.

At a recent BBQ, a non head-fi'er on being informed of the HD-800's existence and their cost responded "$1400 headphones? How is that even possible:confused:". It is possible, and we should rejoice in that possibility. I did :)

Al is also to be commended for the mini Van Jam recreation as we headed out for the near obligatory In-N-Out run. No smoke or fire this time, but there was a curiously large amount of liquid for no discernible reason. I dread to think what Chicago holds for us.

Other highlights from the blur that was the rest of the meet included (but were not limited to) :-

  • Frank Cooters gorgeous tube based works of art
  • AMB, the man, the designs, the builds, and the cryptic comment to "watch this space" ;)
  • Fallen Angel's impressive collection of Amp's and Headphones, glad we managed to find sources for them all
  • Linux Works DIY control systems
  • Seeing double with two Reel to Reels in the same room
  • Engaging people who recognize a broken protocol when they see one, in conversation ;)
  • Blessingx's attempt to corner the market in out of production Parasound DAC's
  • Matt Fury - for making it in from Vegas, Baby!
  • Seeing all the new faces - which bodes well for the future
  • bigguy's wife Becky's tasty treats - always good to end a meet on a sugar high!

Here's to the next Bay Area Meet!


Additional pic's would be redundant


Bullshit or not?

I had a chance to let people listen to the 8.35 D at the NorCal 8/8/09 meet. The members seemed to be really impressed with them. My first question was, "What do you like about the sound". Most of the answers were the same, "Well controlled." Here is a great photo, thanks to Iron Dreamer.


Hehehe, you should see the reactions of the people at NorCal 8/8/09 meet, listen to the 8.35 with the new pads. what a sweet surprise.

So, I came across these posts, and have been wondering about this guy (now has loan program for these, and seems to have a fuzzy connection to the new US President of German Maestro, Ray Windso). I've always known him as an obnoxious K701 pusher, but since he's started a loan program with these, I'm wondering if these posts are pure shill skills, or if there's some truth to what he said, since I've seen no comment about them in the meet impressions threads.


I met Acix and he said he is a musician/recording engineer/whatever and I tried the cans in question. They are pretty cool for studio kind of cans and I told him that they sounded pretty good from the Amarra headphone output. One thing I liked was the feel of them, both the rubbery ear pads and the springy headband that clamps to your head (but not terribly tight or anything). One major caveat is that he was playing a mix CD of his own creation and it was pretty esoteric electronica, mostly beeping noises and a beat. Nothing wrong with that, but not an easy way for me to really judge the cans. He clearly likes them and didn't seem shilly. I think he also had some K701 or 702 and spent some time on my rig.

I wouldn't assume ill intentions, but I really don't know any more about him than what I just wrote. Except that he is German and has an accent that is pretty heavy at times.

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