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so, who's the Fostex T50v1 tweak king?

yeah, I like the Audez'e. When can I start listening to them? I don't want to listen too soon, I heard that screws up burn-in.

Wualta, dBel84, DAC, ludo and Kabeer are the ortho tweaking kings..and from what i hear a pair os T50V1s might be on sale if anyone is interested..listening is burn in..so just go ahead and listen to them.

the audezes are fantastically balanced even out of the box. gets better with burn in though.


Dac and dbel84 would be my personal pick...especially dBel84 (Donald)....he is a genius with orthos among many other DIY things. Many a broken ortho have come alive and have sounded awesome under his care. Including two awesome Yamaha Yh-1000s brought back from the dead.

I must note that tweaking orthos is a very personal thing. I have found most damping schemes floating about including what dBel84 suggests for some orthos to get me in the ballpark..but then i have to dial it in a bit here and there to get it to suit my tastes.


I had meant to add in (curse that edit restriction and demanding kids) that that there are many other "ortho-capable" head casers; our beloved smeggy, cetoole, F3D, BMF, ericj are but a few who spring to mind.


Wualta, dBel84, DAC, ludo and Kabeer are the ortho tweaking kings..and from what i hear a pair os T50V1s might be on sale if anyone is interested..listening is burn in..so just go ahead and listen to them.

the audezes are fantastically balanced even out of the box. gets better with burn in though.

I'm interested in the T50v1. It's one of those phones that I've never listened to, which I believe can be special in some ways. Are you selling them NoNoNoNoNoNo? If so, please keep in touch ;D


I think a solid 72 hrs at slightly higher than listening volume did it for me.. mighta been only 48. If it improved further after that.. well its possible but if so it was more subtle. Then again I'm no Jamato8 so there may be mad improvement hr by hr that I am just not able to really keep track of with my weak auditory memory.


Have you tried to remove the damping? It will give you a baseline as to just how much can be done to the sound.

I'd also put some Jena wire on them because it is teh bezt!!


They will become much brighter if you remove the damping (if I remeber correctly... :palm:) so try some different types of materials plus a reflex dot instead of the stock wool. Steve did an excellent job with the Donuts so perhaps enlist him for this?

They will become much brighter if you remove the damping (if I remeber correctly... :palm:) so try some different types of materials plus a reflex dot instead of the stock wool. Steve did an excellent job with the Donuts so perhaps enlist him for this?

what's he going to run them off of, his new plasma TV output? :chair:

They will become much brighter if you remove the damping (if I remeber correctly... :palm:) so try some different types of materials plus a reflex dot instead of the stock wool. Steve did an excellent job with the Donuts so perhaps enlist him for this?

I disagree, it will have the opposite effect to what he wants. It will become less bright. My expectation, would be muddier and bassier. Or muddier , less birght and the deep bass becomes quieter too.

I think you were thinking of a certain stat or something....

More clarity and more forward highs spring to mind, plus a general health check :)

Possible solutions:

Reflex dot/strip: will give you boosted highs, thats it.

Add a layer of damping, for instance a layer or felt: Will inscrease the damping, reducing any leftover resonances, making transients faster, sucking up bass a bit, and trebles will become a bit more prominent. At the sacrifice of a bit of openness.

But there are so many variables to felt or wool densities, its a balancing act. Im suprised you need more trebles, according to wualta they have v.good trebles, SR-X like.

Id be glad to be the one to run a health check on it if you want :P hehe. If it was me id rather keep it stock than woodyfying, but then to people like steve and smeggy if you dont petrify something its like junk to them heh.

EDIT: actually, i have another snazzier idea, but its something the other big cheeses dont really like doing. Id remove the earpads, and put something on with a larger inner diameter, maybe even circum pads with small holes.

(i just sold my ross pads along with my T50 so cant give you that unfortunately)

I had meant to add in (curse that edit restriction and demanding kids) that that there are many other "ortho-capable" head casers; our beloved smeggy, cetoole, F3D, BMF, ericj are but a few who spring to mind.


Thanks Don. I'm flattered.

I'm a lurker here (hence my first post), not out of disrespect, just busy. Trying to build my amps and make them Head-Case worthy. ;)

More clarity and more forward highs spring to mind, plus a general health check :)

I have Colin's RP18s here for some dampening and pad trials. There are two other Yamahas in front of them in the cue, but then I'll tackle those and I can let you know how they turned out. Colin can too after he gets them back.

I have Colin's RP18s here for some dampening and pad trials. There are two other Yamahas in front of them in the cue, but then I'll tackle those and I can let you know how they turned out. Colin can too after he gets them back.

Hey Bryan..Colin did a terrible job on that NAD the last time i heard them :chair:

Was expecting it to be sounding awesome with monstroius bass..instead absolutely no bass at all:mad:

Anyway if Colin is willing..send it to me before you send it back to Colin will ya?:P


heh, nothing like a T50v1 to draw people out from the woodwork.... er draw the community together. Heck, dBel84 didn't even understand the question and he volunteered :D

So, let me rephrase the question:

who has modded the T50v1, or heck even opened one up, or am I going to have to think of something real good to bribe wualta with?

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