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They dont replace the cups though, so you wouldnt get the same effect. No idea what a custom metal cup would run, might not be too bad in the quantities they would be looking at. At that point though, why bother with using any grado stuff? If you can make a SR325 sound like a completely different and better headphone, what possible reason would you want to keep the grado design?

They dont replace the cups though, so you wouldnt get the same effect. No idea what a custom metal cup would run, might not be too bad in the quantities they would be looking at. At that point though, why bother with using any grado stuff? If you can make a SR325 sound like a completely different and better headphone, what possible reason would you want to keep the grado design?

Yeah, the cups, forgot about those...

They dont replace the cups though, so you wouldnt get the same effect. No idea what a custom metal cup would run, might not be too bad in the quantities they would be looking at. At that point though, why bother with using any grado stuff? If you can make a SR325 sound like a completely different and better headphone, what possible reason would you want to keep the grado design?
It might be a legal thing -- to call it a 'mod' instead of a new pair of headphones, that way they don't get in trouble for mimicking/"paying tribute"/"making an homage to" Grado's. Lawyers, what say you?

They do have a unique name though entirely, even though they are a mod, so the point is moot, isn't it? I wouldn't be surprised if Rhydon eventually has it in mind to have the entire headphone built from scratch and not just be a mod, if enough people bought them. Now though I'd imagine it'd be too expensive to do.

I'd request the drivers back, they are not without value.
Meh, how much can they possibly be worth...?

Actually, pretty much the entire reason I did this is one of the rubber thingies that kept the gimbal rod thing in the headband was missing from my SR325s, so one ear cup would fall out of the headband assembly whenever they were transported, which got tiring. So, yeh aluminium gimbals!! The fact that they sound killer and smoke my RS1s is a bonus.


  • 2 weeks later...

I'm pretty shocked at how these damn things continue to improve with the hours... I've hawked my RS1s alerady and am getting ready to do the SR-X/Pro shootout...

I'm at the office, listening straight out of my iPhone 3GS at the moment... absolutely stunned I can get this level of experience in such a portable format...

  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Mine have survived the honeymoon period nicely. I've been alternating between them and the APS-cabled HD-800s depending on my mood. I think it'll take the eXStatA and O2s to ruin things. They are brighter, by the way, than the SR-5NB, but not as sweet as the latter out of the T1S I have here. Damn I miss those Omegas!

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