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2009 RMAF & Head-Fi (CanJam 09.5?)

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Here's the issue: both in terms of size and attendance this could dwarf "CanJam". Is it a headphone specific event, no, but I think there are ways around weakening the branding of the name.

That's great if what you want canjam to become is a small part of a big trade show. It's not so great if you want canjam to be the place where headphone enthusiasts gather and gab. I'm glad there's a giant headphone section at RMAF. As someone who actively supports the community building aspects of the meets, tho, I'm not as happy about the canjam at RMAF monicker. Things like this could potentially kill canjam as a big deal all together.

I am with Dan on this one, and pretty much everyone from the CanJam Chicago team is on board as well with that viewpoint. It's really a preference in philosophy and scope, but it has some pretty major ramifications for the future.

Also, from what has been communicated, the "CanJam" at RMAF will be in a separate room of itself, about 12,000 sq. ft., kind of a subset to the traditional RMAF area/sections. At least in terms of venue space, CanJam Chicago's proposed venue dwarfs even the RMAF proposed space and would be the largest venue space of its kind for CanJam weighing slightly under 20,000 sq. ft. (as long as contract negotiations are coming along Jim :) over two full levels. Yet CanJam Chicago would be devoted purely to the headphone community and not simply operate as side action to the "real" speaker exhibits at RMAF.

I would hate for the many vendors that would have loved to be at both "CanJams" but not can only afford one, so they choose the RMAF one. Or perhaps that many west coast members who would have loved to come out to Chicago but now with "CanJam" at RMAF being closer they devote their dollars to go there instead, as well as anyone within that region. Hopefully our goals and vision for CanJam 2010 won't be affected too much and I will remain optimistic.

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Posted (edited)

just to clarify CanJam at RMAF, the intent was to draw greater interest in the headphone annual event and broaden the level of knowledge regarding the annual event to a greater audience. While it is inevitable that people will agree or disagree with the potential outcome of the naming of the event the goal was to broaden the audience.

Yes RMAF will have greater attendance than a CanJam annual event but the focus of the attendees is very different. I believe that both events can co-exist and gain from on another, but well see as time goes on.

I would welcome any local participation or help in RMAF and also would welcome ways to market the Chicago event at RMAF.

Ryan, just saw your post after mine went up, no vendor I have spoken with has indicated this to be an issue. We have gone a step further to attempt to squelch this by creating a bundle price to entice early enrollment in Chicago. I have no doubt that Chicago will be the largest and best event to date both in scope, size and attendance (both vendor and member).

Edited by jp11801

Thanks JP - I know you were a part of the decision making process for CanJam RMAF and thanks for clarifying your viewpoint. I guess I am just personally skeptical about how speaker people view headphones in general ("ipod" users, not serious or real audiophiles, headphones are toys, etc.), and would hate for the event to dilute the impact that CanJam Chicago could have. If CanJam RMAF is able to suck in some new blood for the headphone community as well as for Canjam Chicago then I think that would be a sign of success.


As I said in my initial post, I feel the RMAF event will be of benefit to the community. I also do not feel that it will have a major impact on attendance by members or vendors on CanJam'10. Any loss due to some choosing to go to RMAF will likely be more than compensated by increased exposure to a larger audience.

My only "concern" and it is minor, has to do with branding. If they are marketed as CanJamA and CanJamB then the inherent message is that they are varients of the same thing and not independent events with their own unique advantages. Perhaps, it is good that I am not in marketing. :)

  • 4 weeks later...

I could feel Al Stiefel reaching out through my monitor, patting my head, tussling my hair, and offering me a werther's original.

I'm game to blow those fuckers' socks off.

I sure do hope some folks are planning on showing up with world-class systems.

I sure do hope some folks are planning on showing up with world-class systems.

I'm already planning on taking my BHSE and OII, with hopefully my Plinius CDP or something equivalently high-end that the RMAF snobs won't scoff at. ;D

Also I think you meant the late Al Stiefel.....

I'm already planning on taking my BHSE and OII, with hopefully my Plinius CDP or something equivalently high-end that the RMAF snobs won't scoff at. ;D

That's the spirit, Steve :D

That's fairly close to being the most patronizing thing I've ever read. :rolleyes:

I agree...I received similar treatment during my experience with 6moons, considering I was the resident "headphone" user. To "them", "we" will always be portable ipod users. Its hard for them to take "us" seriously. Even if you guys show up there with kilobuck rigs, I feel they will just dismiss the rigs and say "you should put that money towards a real system with speakers". I am very cynical about this I am aware, but my experience with "that" group has left a bitter taste in my mouth. Speakers are great, but I feel headphone fidelity has as much merit as speaker fidelity IME. I understand that the goal of pseudo canjam is to help market real canjam and attempt to expose speaker guys that headphones can be serious forms of musical enjoyment, but I just don't see that happening...

That's fairly close to being the most patronizing thing I've ever read. :rolleyes:

"And let's face it, at some point, even the most committed Head-Fi'er will want to expand from high-end headphones to the world of speakers." So true . . . when I grow up, I may be able to get me some speakers. :palm:


I see RMAF Canjam differently, but I imagine some of that has to do with the fact that it's in my backyard at a show I've been to for four years and greatly enjoy.

This is Colorado, kids. We're not terribly uptight here. You can go to the Opera in jeans.

If they're expecting trumped up ipods and mp3s, they're not going to get it. This can be an excellent show for head-fi and for headphones in general. I sincerely hope that it is just that, and that some eyes are opened. That's what I'm pulling for, at least.

That being said, I think distancing this show from the CanJam name is in order. This is something else entirely. I'm optimistic about what it is, but that ain't CanJam.

I agree...I received similar treatment during my experience with 6moons, considering I was the resident "headphone" user. To "them", "we" will always be portable ipod users. Its hard for them to take "us" seriously. Even if you guys show up there with kilobuck rigs, I feel they will just dismiss the rigs and say "you should put that money towards a real system with speakers". I am very cynical about this I am aware, but my experience with "that" group has left a bitter taste in my mouth. Speakers are great, but I feel headphone fidelity has as much merit as speaker fidelity IME. I understand that the goal of pseudo canjam is to help market real canjam and attempt to expose speaker guys that headphones can be serious forms of musical enjoyment, but I just don't see that happening...

That's interesting, Ryan. I'm well aware of the default position on headphones and their devotees, but I would have thought Srajan to be more generous, considering his professed enjoyment of the K1000s and whichever ATH he raves about.

I did always kinda wonder what the story was there.

Well, looks like they're expecting some portable audio. Curious.

It just reads like a summary of the sales pitch they probably received about headphone audio. Head-Fiers are no longer stepping up from portable rigs to big home headphone rigs the way they used to.

It just reads like a summary of the sales pitch they probably received about headphone audio. Head-Fiers are no longer stepping up from portable rigs to big home headphone rigs the way they used to.

Interesting observation justin.

***** WARNING: Wild conjecture ********

Is it really that fewer are moving up (i.e. are your salee numbers (not % of revenue) for home stuff down) or that more people are just buying portable rigs and being "done"? I would guess the number of people spending on home rigs is about the same or growing but there have been a lot of people that have entered the market that are only interested in portable so the market share for home stuff is down a lot but the number of units sold is not necessarily down. Of course this is all a wild ass guess and I don't have anything to back it up.:palm:

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