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Thanks guys. Very nice walk around town tonight. Mobile hifi has its advantages.

Congrats, Ric, glad you like them. Fit ok?

Need more tests before deciding on fit. Been fooled by customs before.


received mine few days ago. no need to elaborate sound wise as everyone knows how it sound. But to get a comparable sound out of this little beast and corda headsix (my only portable amp), it would be comparable as lugging the my dynamic rig (wa6+hf2 and dac) on dry batteries

No problems on fit though........

And I think I have the worst color choice of all the custom. Laugh away folks. Seriously no idea what I'm thinking when i pick this stoopid colors



8 ) a good chunk of people did end up shipping them back for refits, with the right ear being the dominant issue by far

I've notice this as well, and will adopt it as the sole reason why I will continue not to buy the JH13.

(I really can't think of another)

JH-16s for $975 today.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Can't believe you beat me to this, Jeff.

You keep asking we keep giving........it's raining gifts at JH Audio!!!

A sale now on the JH16PRO? You have got to be kidding me? Use the discount code XMASINJULY2 to get the JH16pro for only $975.00 only 50 coupons available. HURRY RUN RUN TO OUR WEBSITE..........




I've been sending mine back for fit touch ups. But I've always attributed the slight fit issue with my own behavior during the mold making process.


Something that might be instructive is take your little finger and put in in your ear. Then open and close your mouth, completely closing your bite, and opening your mouth all the way. You can feel in your ear with your finger how much volume change is taking place.


Jesus Jhaudio organization really sucks .. If the 40 orders delay wasn't enough, after sending them to repair I spoke with adam after they got it and he told me that would be sent 3 days later.More than 2 weeks have passed and guess what it was still there getting dust until I called and after waiting a long time they said they were sorry and that would be sent that day.

It kinda sucks feeling that I have always to being checking them out like a little kid to make sure things are rolling specially when dealing with their top product.

Let's hop adam made a better job than the shipping team and nailed on the refit, fingers crossed .


I got my recite back on Monday. The problematic right side fits perfectly. Passed goofy smile test and everything!

However, te left side, which was very good before, is now worse. There was some squelching in the left side which I had noted, and now te squelching is worse. It occurs with any jaw movement or opening of the mouth, and in general feels looser than the other side. My guess is that the bore needs to be dipped another time or two to make it thicker. J had noted that before but for some reason the bore feels like it was grinder down andade thinner.

Jaime gave me to go to send them in again so hopefully it works out.


So I've been spending more time with my JH13 recently. Still wonderful. My opinion has changed a bit re the bass. I can admit when I'm wrong, you guys are right, it has plenty of bass. However, I still notice what I perceive to be sort of a "hot" top end. Perhaps it's the actual recordings, but cymbals tend to sizzle just a bit more than I would like. This is a minor complaint, but a small flaw nonetheless--just a bit of tizziness/sparkle in the highs. Maybe that's what was making me wish for moar bass at first. You can all start yelling at me now.

Regardless, these are an absolute pleasure. To those of you sending in for refits, you will be happy you did. It's simply not worth it for these things to be uncomfortable. But once they get it right...victory!


Monkey, don't know if this makes a difference or not but I've come to attribute a somewhat "hot" top end on the 13Pro's as not quite getting a proper seal. That would also account for the sense of lacking bass. I noticed the "hot" treble mostly with the demo's but when I first got my 13Pro's I wasn't sure what to make of the sound, I expected if I wasn't getting a good seal they would sound like ass but they sounded pretty good albeit the bass seemed a bit shy from my recollections of them. Now, after one refit, I'm able to get a much better seal and the sound quality has increased quite a bit, bass is noticeably more solid and they seem smoother and more spacious on a whole.


No hot top end on my pair either. Actually, when I compared my JH13 to other headphones at our last meet here, I thought it was lacking just a tiny bit of top end compared to most full-sized open headphones. It doesn't stop at all my enjoyment of the JH13 as I much prefer a "smooth" top end than a hot top end, but that's one of the very few faults I can find on these headphones. With that said, since I bought the JH13, I haven't thought for a second about buying another pair of headphones.

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