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They have arrived!


Pretty good fit. I downloaded the sensaphonics bass seal test and it seems ok. I also have some other bass frequency tracks and they sounded fine. Nothing crazy when I move my head, but when I open my jaw really large, I hear a pop in my right ear, which might be more attributed to a very slight case of TMJ then seal or fit. Isolation is great and the music is rocking so far.


Man the midrange richness is freaking ridiculous. Really nice seal and very comfortable, I am glad I got my impressions from Jerry's guy at CanJam rather than some random person in Chicago (though I am sure Sensaphonics would have done a similar good job with impressions, though they charge a lot extra if you don't go with their IEM's). I am surprised that the universal demos weren't too far off in terms of sound signature for me. Very clear, focused, detailed sound, nice full bodied sound through the mids and the bass is right where I like it to be (the 16 demo's bass was just a tad distracting).

Nice Colin.

Anyone have a caliper and JH13's handy? I need the diameter of the base of the plug (circle of plastic). Best I can get with a ruler is ~8mm.

Does a MexicanDragon drool when JHx are around? I get almost spot on for 9mm.


I am going to play with them a little more but My right side might need some slight fit adjustment. When turning my head extreme left or right the right ear opens up a bit without losing a seal. Jaw movements seem to do the same with the same kind of popping/squelching that elnero reported as well. I've got some major commuting next week and then will probably hit up adam about fit stuff.

I am going to play with them a little more but My right side might need some slight fit adjustment. When turning my head extreme left or right the right ear opens up a bit without losing a seal. Jaw movements seem to do the same with the same kind of popping/squelching that elnero reported as well. I've got some major commuting next week and then will probably hit up adam about fit stuff.

lmk what they say. with some facial movements i can also slightly pop out the right side, slightly reducing bass and reducing high frequency isolation. it's pretty minor. i think the tip just needs to be dipped to increase the thickness slightly


I asked them if i could do a minor adjustment, my dad is a dentist and has polishing and diamond drills ext and i thought i needed a minor one-they said it would void the warranty on the earphones so be careful. I ended up sending mine back and they are better but I still have a slight issue on both sides though i do have a seal and no pain. Many say that you should barely even perceive them being there and if you notice them there is a fit problem. I more than just notice them but the sound is great.

I asked them if i could do a minor adjustment, my dad is a dentist and has polishing and diamond drills ext and i thought i needed a minor one-they said it would void the warranty on the earphones so be careful. I ended up sending mine back and they are better but I still have a slight issue on both sides though i do have a seal and no pain. Many say that you should barely even perceive them being there and if you notice them there is a fit problem. I more than just notice them but the sound is great.

I think if you're not used to an IEM that inserts that deeply it's going to take some time to adjust regardless of how good the fit is. At first my left ear had a very full feeling, no discomfort or anything but I was very aware of it being in my ear. I noticed just before I sent them in that they were starting to disappear much more so than when I first got them.

i think the tip just needs to be dipped to increase the thickness slightly

That’s what she said....

Also after sending them back twice for refit's for the same exact symptoms as elnero and justin (right side) and they still didn't fit quite right, Brit told me to re-shoot my right impression and send it back with the monitors. So I did, and now am waiting to receive them again, hopefully the third and final time is the charm. I thought I had a perfect fit at first, then I gradually began to become aware of fit issues while walking, etc.

F*%k it. Just ordered the JH13 too for DSP-free listening.

Time to dismantle the K1K rig.

Rock star fucking move, Ric! You can be our tester/comparator between them. That is very cool.

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