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I'm lucky. The fit is excellent, and they're extremely comfortable. I'm really not much into having things stuffed in my ears at all, but I've had them in my ears since 3:30 today, and am only now starting to feel a little claustrophobic.

I'm just messing around listening to a little bit of everything, and not listening critically at all. Live shows sound like live shows. Studio recordings sound as they are. Love the sense of space and instrument placement. Detail is superb, but not at the expense of body. Tone is dead-on, as far as my initial impressions go. Drums and bass don't get muddied up together. Real decay (wasn't expecting that). Etc. Very loose ideas so far with either a old nano (don't even know what generation, but at least two or three more have come out since) and no amp, or a pico and my laptop.

I posted in the What Are You Listening To Now thread that I had my first OMG moment with these, with the first track on Gilad Atzman's Exile where it starts in with the low bowed bass, and then Reem Kalani's powerful voice just knocks a hole in the middle of your chest. Had a very visceral, powerful reaction, almost like one of those horrible adrenaline rush-and-drops that happens right after avoiding an accident at 80 miles an hour. It wasn't pleasant, but the song wasn't meant to be pleasant. Very cool these little iems just put it right there.

I'm very very happy.

I'm happy for you! I think I know just how you feel.

How about some pics of those rose coloured beauties?

I'm going to have to find my camera first....and...uh....er.... it may take awhile. Organization of small objects in my home isn't really a part of my skill set.

I may try with my iphone later, but I know it won't be able to pick up the detail in the art well at all, which would be a shame since it turned out great.

I'm going to have to find my camera first....and...uh....er.... it may take awhile. Organization of small objects in my home isn't really a part of my skill set.

I may try with my iphone later, but I know it won't be able to pick up the detail in the art well at all, which would be a shame since it turned out great.

Eh go figure, here I am with plenty of camera, and yet my JH13's didn't turn out quite as intended:



Eh..well..the intent was for the logo to be silver, and for the shell to be darker and more toward the indigo than the violet. Perhaps I am just being bitchy, but it isn't what I described/showed them mockups of (including render done by Edwood I posted earlier in the thread).

The do sound superb though. Certainly more neutral than the L3000! ;)

Eh..well..the intent was for the logo to be silver, and for the shell to be darker and more toward the indigo than the violet. Perhaps I am just being bitchy, but it isn't what I described/showed them mockups of (including render done by Edwood I posted earlier in the thread).

The do sound superb though. Certainly more neutral than the L3000! ;)

Well, orange isn't silver, so you're not just being bitchy. If you're willing to part with them, I think you should call them up and see what can be done. How's the fit?


I'm not sure that I feel like sending them back, if only because I don't know how long it would be before I see them again. And the shipping costs. I wouldn't mind so much, if I hadn't be quite clear and upfront about my desires, in numerous emails dating back to just a week or so after CanJam. I will call and see what they have to say. Again, it's not horrible or anything, just not what I asked for, which is somewhat the definition of custom in this instance.

The right fits just perfect as far as I can tell, being a n00b to customs. It is harder to get a seal in the left, but it just takes a bit more pressure. It might just be me being new to the whole custom thing. Once they are in though, the seal is great, again, as far as I can tell, as the sound and the isolation are both what they are cracked up to be.


I wouldn't hesitate to send them back at all. I had asked for black shells with neon green artwork and received neon green shells with black artwork. I called up Adam last Wednesday to tell him about the issue, my iems got to him on Friday and when I called this morning he told me that they shipped out today and I should get them tomorrow. All in all, I've been without my jh13s for a week, but I didn't really mind the wait. If you don't mind waiting, I'd go ahead and send them back.


Yeah, I guess I just find it aggravating that I would have to be deprived of something I've been waiting 6 weeks for, because THEY made a mistake. Boo hoo, right? But it still chaps my hide a bit.

The do sound fucking fantastic though! The more I listen, the less and less I want them to go anywhere! :D

Yeah, I guess I just find it aggravating that I would have to be deprived of something I've been waiting 6 weeks for, because THEY made a mistake. Boo hoo, right? But it still chaps my hide a bit.

The do sound fucking fantastic though! The more I listen, the less and less I want them to go anywhere! :D

I completely understand the sentiment and I don't think it's at all unreasonable to feel that way. I know I did.

As for your assessment of the sound, I could not agree more :).

I sent mine back today after being remolded and I am going through withdrawals

I can certainly understand that. I've been listening nonstop for about two hours, the grin on my face is growing by the minute. At this rate, I might need reconstructive surgery by midnight!

Yeah, I guess I just find it aggravating that I would have to be deprived of something I've been waiting 6 weeks for, because THEY made a mistake. Boo hoo, right? But it still chaps my hide a bit.

The do sound fucking fantastic though! The more I listen, the less and less I want them to go anywhere! :D

That's how I felt getting mine on Saturday and sending them back Monday (48 hours later) for a re-fit because they are too loose. I miss them already, but I am used to having re-fits since 5 of 6 of my customs have had to go back to get tightened up. Weird since I always use fresh new impressions. I also sent my UE11Pro with the 13's, and Jerry is going to scan the 11's and make an exact duplicate of the shell since those fit me perfectly. So, at least I have my ES3X to keep me happy until the 13's and 11's return next week. The ES3X are also pretty damm good too, so it's not like I'm suffering or anything.

I hope yours turn out fine in the end, but you may want to just keep them like they are...


At this price and for something that is supposed to be uber custom you should be absolutely happy, no compromises. Having said that, I think you should not let anything stand in your way from being totally happy with your purchase, any little issue with the iems now will continue to bug you over time spoiling your overall impression. Now is the time to be type A bitchy, just my two cents.

At this price and for something that is supposed to be uber custom you should be absolutely happy, no compromises. Having said that, I think you should not let anything stand in your way from being totally happy with your purchase, any little issue with the iems now will continue to bug you over time spoiling your overall impression. Now is the time to be type A bitchy, just my two cents.

Well I will certainly have the discussion. Brittany is so nice, I can't imagine needing to go type-A bitchy on her, if I could even locate that sector of my personality ;)

I wonder why they're having so many problems getting their orders to come out correctly

Probably just that the current level of orders have them somewhat overwhelmed. According to Brittany, she never sees Jerry anymore, because he is spending all his time, including what little sleep he gets, in the lab.


I don't suppose anyone has heard a universal version of the JH-5?

I also hope nobody minds a few feeler questions:

1) How well would these fit under a helmet? They look very low profile,so I doubt its an issue. I'm tired of killing my eardrums when my er6i is torn out while I take my helmet off.

2) Can you lay your head to the side with them on, while on a pillow? I have sleep problems, and I don't enjoy bothering my fiancee with the TV.

I suppose any custom would suit my purposes fine, but there's no way I can swing $1100 for the 13's.

You could do it if you sold off your other gear :)

Yeah, I thought of that already. I don't know if I could let go of my VTG again.:palm:

I went all IEM at one time in the past, and I yearned for a full size phone to give my ear canals a break.

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