Hopstretch Posted June 4, 2009 Report Posted June 4, 2009 I'd just like to thank y'all for saving some for the little people. And Dan for giving me a glass. I had a wee nip from it the other night, and it clearly tasted better than from an unmodded Glencairn. Quote
grawk Posted June 4, 2009 Report Posted June 4, 2009 You should invite them to participate here, we'd be glad to have a top shelf bourbon tasting next Quote
grawk Posted June 4, 2009 Report Posted June 4, 2009 Greg, if I'd realized you hadn't gotten any, the evaporated bottle would have found it's way to you Quote
TheCool Posted June 4, 2009 Report Posted June 4, 2009 It was great getting the chance to meet all of you. Far more impressive than the gear were the conversations I had and the awesome people I met. Getting Naamanf's riveting strip club impressions and talking with he and Wayne about the proper way to run a business was particularly enjoyable . I don't really wish to do the whole impressions thing but the two things that stood out to me the most were the jh13 pros and the Smythe system. I definitely need to own both of those. I'd like to especially thank Dan, Al, and Vicki for making me feel welcome and for helping me find JP on Friday so I didn't have to lug around my amp any longer than I did. My biggest regret of Can Jam is that I was far too sober and you guys are definitely rubbing my face in it . Is 10:29 AM too early for Jameson? Quote
matt fury Posted June 4, 2009 Report Posted June 4, 2009 I honestly thought that CJ'ers would be a bunch of stiffs. Turns out I was wrong...I found a bunch of assholes intead. er....I mean...It was lovely meeting you all! Who could've guessed that liking headphones also indicated a willingness to drink or smoke anything within arms reach? Quote
boomana Posted June 4, 2009 Report Posted June 4, 2009 It was great getting the chance to meet all of you. Far more impressive than the gear were the conversations I had and the awesome people I met. Getting Naamanf's riveting strip club impressions and talking with he and Wayne about the proper way to run a business was particularly enjoyable . I don't really wish to do the whole impressions thing but the two things that stood out to me the most were the jh13 pros and the Smythe system. I definitely need to own both of those. I'd like to especially thank Dan, Al, and Vicki for making me feel welcome and for helping me find JP on Friday so I didn't have to lug around my amp any longer than I did. My biggest regret of Can Jam is that I was far too sober and you guys are definitely rubbing my face in it . Is 10:29 AM too early for Jameson? It was good meeting you as well. I honestly thought that CJ'ers would be a bunch of stiffs. Turns out I was wrong...I found a bunch of assholes intead. er....I mean...It was lovely meeting you all! Who could've guessed that liking headphones also indicated a willingness to drink or smoke anything within arms reach? Not so sure about you. Quote
Grahame Posted June 5, 2009 Report Posted June 5, 2009 Can Jam On Tekzilla This was linked over at the other place, bit a pretty good Can Jam review from (say 4:30) ~5:00 onwards Revision3 > Shows > Tekzilla > Episode 91: Drop CPU Temps, Speed Up Your Machine! Headphones from $20... - Revision3, Patrick Norton, Veronica Belmont Liked The "Monster" comments Quote
Iron_Dreamer Posted June 5, 2009 Report Posted June 5, 2009 asr eagerly unboxes his new Blue Hawaii While Justin looks on, almost in awe of his own work Voltron's rig was ready to rock As was blubliss', with the ridiculously superb Omega I's Tyll's room had the HD800's working early and often I got up early to set up the booth... ...then watched the heavy hitters like Steve Hoffman... ...and Monster's Noel Lee roll into town namaanf's table featured his superb DIY work... ...including a very nice purple-heart Beta 22... ...which had a nifty control/display system... ...all controlled by a "monster" laptop system There were plenty of vintage Stax in attendance As well as a whole lineup of kickass cans from Shure: And who could forget the man behind the biggest sensation of the meet! Quote
Iron_Dreamer Posted June 5, 2009 Report Posted June 5, 2009 JP gave a nice opening statement But it was time for the first ticket of the raffle! And the winner is.... ...Colin (cetoole)! and again!! and again!!! agile_one got in the act as well Jacob won an interesting prize Beeelly picks up his certificate for a set of the great new Shure headphones Sennheiser IEM's were a nice prize But our friend flew overnight from the U.K. to win...a Duran Duran box set? Next up, a Beach Boys box set! And a nice Coldplay album Only fitting that zippy2001 from EMI would win some nice music! Quote
Dusty Chalk Posted June 5, 2009 Report Posted June 5, 2009 Can Jam On Tekzilla This was linked over at the other place, bit a pretty good Can Jam review from (say 4:30) ~5:00 onwards Revision3 > Shows > Tekzilla > Episode 91: Drop CPU Temps, Speed Up Your Machine! Headphones from $20... - Revision3, Patrick Norton, Veronica Belmont Liked The "Monster" comments I actually liked that whole show, might have to go back and watch some older shows. Any idea who he is on head-fi? I did a quick google for "tekzilla", but didn't find anything. We should invite him here. Quote
guzziguy Posted June 5, 2009 Report Posted June 5, 2009 I kept finding it hard to believe that anybody would be so pretentious as to ride a Segway at a meet. So I did just a little checking on Noel Lee (CEO Monster Cables) using google. It turns out that he has a degenerative nerve disease and has trouble walking. Here is the URL. So from now on I'll not bash Mr. Lee for riding a Segway. I'll continue to bash Monster Cables, however. Quote
Pars Posted June 5, 2009 Report Posted June 5, 2009 Yeah, I figured there had to be more to it than just being pretentious as I would think carting that thing around and maneuvering it would get old real quick. Ditto on cable and other product bashing, however Quote
Voltron Posted June 5, 2009 Report Posted June 5, 2009 Welcome Julian, aka TheCool, and have fun here. Not sure yet how you got the d-bag moniker but you're Cool in my book. See you at some more meets I hope. Cheers Quote
Voltron Posted June 5, 2009 Report Posted June 5, 2009 Oh that's easy, he asked for it in a post Quote
grawk Posted June 5, 2009 Report Posted June 5, 2009 So my highlights: Roscoe's Chicken and Waffles Glenrothes Cigars and Beer by the pool Debating Politics and Tshirts with BlessingX Discussing Forum differences with Mr. McManus big sweaty hugs from Tyll Ti's speaker setup Quote
Voltron Posted June 5, 2009 Report Posted June 5, 2009 Ah, I am sure markl listened to a post production one and hence why it was sooooooo sssssslllllooooooowwwww and eeeeelllooonngggaaattteeeedddd I just remembered where doucheL got his inspiration for Point No. 1 on his shilling review: is the slow slow slow forum is the slooooooooooooooooooow forum bo jumped over the charcoal & number blue bird Plagiarist fucktard. Quote
Voltron Posted June 5, 2009 Report Posted June 5, 2009 Trying to consolidate meet pics and travelogue into one place, so excuse the few repeats at the beginning. First up, MOAR. Mayberry On Acid Revisited began Weds. when cetoole, Agile_One, NightWoundsTime and thrice arrived from various locations at various points throughout the day. I took no pics, but Gene posted some somewhere. Colin arrived first and tooled () around the city while I finished up some work, then we picked up Gene at SFO. We met JP at City Beer for some nice brews and then went to the Giants game at AT&T Park. Not a great game, but what the heck it is a beautiful park. We then went to Toronado for moar beers before picking up Stephen at SFO. Colin decided he didn't need some of the beer and food he consumed, so he returned it to the porcelain gods at Toronado. Because of some bitch-slap diet bet he was on, there was no In-N-Out stop Weds. night. We arrived at Mayberry around 12:30, so I guess that brings us to Thursday. Here is how the MOAR team was greeted on arrival: There was one more round of beers and then off to bed for the crew. I had to wake up at 5:30 for a work call and wasn't feeling my freshest on 4 hours sleep but it is all in the line of duty. While I was on a 4-hour conference call, Gene was clawing away at his laptop and then Stephen came down to join him for some coffee shandies: Ah, the breakfast of champions: Actually, Stephen and Gene whipped up a beautiful egg scramble for the three of us while the call was ongoing. They enjoyed the sunshine on the porch while I yammered on. Thursday really got going when we were all awake and the full MOAR team ran some last-minute pre-Jam errands and had a fantastic Thai lunch at my favorite Thai spot in Marin. Sated, we all returned to Mayberry for a quick change into city clothes and got ready to pick up The Van. Instead of the gleaming Sprinters gracing the rental site's pages, we were stuck with a steaming turd of a beat up old war horse. We knew it was trouble when the agent said he really preferred these older models because they have moar powr. Undaunted, we piled into the old beast and roared off for my house. The gang met my wife and daughter briefly and when they left, we set about to tasting some of my scotch. Somebody has pics of that moment but who knows where that is? We then picked up blessingx and headed to Toronado again for a little dinner and beers, of course. This time, my camera made it out of the bag, so here are the few shots I can offer. We had sausages from the fantastic place next door that does brisk beer-drinker business and is fabulous to boot. Note Colin's new favorite beer, Consecration from Russian River Brewing. Good stuff if you can find it. Although we were late, we met up with my wife, Grahame and his wife at the famous Fillmore Theater for The Sadies and Jenny Lewis. All of us but Colin, that is, who couldn't be bothered with going as a non-fan of Jenny and everything she represents. Instead, Colin wandered the streets again and spent an hour talking to a homeless guy who knew more about Colin's college than he did. Only in SF, baby. The concert was great and the Sadies really rocked way more than I had ever expected. Jenny was on her game in a big way and put on a great show. Where to afterward? Toronado, of course. Actually just got some Pliny to go and ate a slice of pizza but who's counting? Dropped Ric and headed back to Mayberry for a *little* sleep. Next installment will be the VanJam Chronicles, so stay tuned. Quote
Voltron Posted June 5, 2009 Report Posted June 5, 2009 VanJam! What a great idea, whoever it was that started it (JP?), and we were all set to make our way to CanJam in style by Friday morning. Well, the van was not all it was cracked up to be, but it sure was smokin' nonetheless. We managed to assemble the full crew at Grahame's apartment, although neilvg did his best to get us a shovel for being late, and we posed for a couple of quick pics. Just to set the record for posterity, I have annotated the full crew pic. Gathering steam, or in Matt's case apparently, rage. Stephen and Gene planning their In-N-Out orders. Ric's essentials Mostly loaded, just like the driver! Just kidding out there kids. The drinking didn't start before the first rest stop. Oddly enough. L>R Gene, Matt, Joanne, Grahame, Neil, Stephen and Colin (Stephen is holding Grahame's plastic-encased In-n-Out "secret menu") A shady bunch, if ever there was one. L>R Grahame, Colin, Al, Matt, Ric, Gene, Stephen, Neil After logging some miles, we stopped for a little bio break and I quaffed a nice Sierra Nevada Torpedo Ale in the parking lot of McD's. Nobody was ready to break for lunch until we reached sacred ground. Stephen might be the most excited of all, proudly displaying his receipt for double-double animal style, animal fries, and vanilla shake. Anticipayaytion, it's making you wait... Luckily the wait wasn't long and the central valley heat wasn't too intense, so most sat outside. Behold, in all its glory! We got back on the road, now half way to CanJam. Captain Grahame took the wheel and I retreated to the back benches for some R&R with the boys. Grahame did the research and we learned that a high occupancy vehicle can have open containers if the driver cannot reach them from his or her seat. Given that Grahame doesn't drink anyway, this was perfect! Matt enjoying a tasty beverage. Here's Matt still smarting from one of my killer "your mom" retorts. You started it, bro, so if you can't take the heat get out of the VanJam! Speaking of heat... Just 10 miles from CanJam HQ, we were stuck in traffic on the 405 freeway. Although we were in the HOV lane, we and all the other lanes full of traffic were barely moving. Grahame was driving, Joanne was in the co-captain/navigator chair with white buds in () and Neil was sitting behind Joanne rockin' the Etys like he was in a trance. Well, most of this day he seemed to be in a trance, but especially now. All of the sudden, I looked forward and saw a LOT of SMOKE pouring out from under Joanne's seat. Neither she nor trance-boy noticed anything (not to mention Ric who was opposite Neil). There were two power inverters for AC power on the back of the seat and a battery underneath it. We assumed the battery was either smoking or burning but the reaction times were very slow and the piles of clothes and papers and crap around the floor made us even more worried that flames would follow the smoke. The one item plugged into the inverter was unplugged and the turned off. I shouted that Joanne should jump the heck out of that seat and she eventually did with her English decorum intact (mostly). Grahame managed to get across four lanes of slow-moving traffic and one very fast-moving exit lane to get us to the shoulder. We all bailed out and after reaching the shoulder in a dicey maneuver and the smoke dissipated after the van was turned off. The whole crew looked shell-shocked and I believe Ric has photographic proof of those harrowing moments. Undaunted, we piled back into the beast and Grahame fought back into traffic and we made it to CanJam intact. After checking in and changing undies , the chosen few scotch mavens made our way to the wonderful Glenrothes scotch tasting and talk that had been arranged by Augsburger and JP. We caused quite a ruckus upon entering -- sorry Glenrothes dude -- but slotted in after meeting making some long-anticipated acquaintances with Jacob, Stretch, 909 and many others, as well as seeing some other old friends. The scotch was great and the company was even better, as always. Good times. I guess this is the place to move on to the CanJam chapter covering the rest of the trip. From what I can remember, it was fun times but I didn't take that many pics. Some are posted, others are not, and for good reason. Quote
clarke68 Posted June 5, 2009 Report Posted June 5, 2009 Great post/thread! I had no idea you could order In 'n' Out fries animal style. Holy triple bypass, Batman, those look obscene(ly awesome)! If you guys weren't holding down jobs good enough to be able to afford all this stuff, I'd swear you were teenagers wearing grown-up masks. Rock on! Quote
Dusty Chalk Posted June 5, 2009 Report Posted June 5, 2009 I hate you all (for making me miss In-N-Out). Quote
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