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No impressions for now, to come later. Pics below from Friday 5/29.

Posters fresh off the press


Edwood hard at work, finishing up room signs


Luxman DU-80


The party in TTVJ's room w/ Voltron, Pete Millett, & Tyll


Grado PS1000


Dual Singlepower ES-2s - blubliss' on right, neilvg's on left


....and, drumroll.....my Blue Hawaii SE!


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Brief Impressions - Grado PS1000 and Sennheiser HD800

Source was Luxman DU-80 and amp was the TTVJ Millett 307A, in TTVJ's room. Ambient noise was minimal - there were people talking in the room but not many.

My brief session with the HD800 was both positive and negative. Granted I don't know the sound of the CDP or the amp, so all I could discern was the basic sound of the headphones. It has two key similarities with the Qualia 010 - it's about as "open" sounding (in terms of displacing virtual air in the soundstage), and it also has very good overall clarity. As in, every individual element is cleanly separated so you can hear everything going on. I'd say that's where the similarities end (at least that I could quickly hear), as the HD800 has stronger bass and weaker treble in comparison, and I found it rhythmically slower too - it didn't leap off bass as quickly as the Qualia does. That said, I delayed my order with TTVJ a few days ago so I could hear the HD800 first and decide if I wanted to still buy it, and I decided I'm going to keep my order in. It was definitely a promising session for me. I wasn't really pleased by the weaker treble as compared to the Qualia but I suspect I could easily rectify the issue in my own system. The stronger bass is something I definitely like though, it's one of the reasons I actually use my Qualia less than my Audio-Technica AD2000 (and on that note, I wouldn't say the HD800 has AD2000-like bass either - definitely different, though I can't say how yet).

The Grado PS1000 was a wham-BANG experience! It really reminded me of the PS-1, though since I've only ever heard the PS-1 in meet conditions, I can't be any more specific other than that the PS1000 has a kind of similar tackle & assault style in the mid-bass and mid-range. There was definitely some of that Grado-style forwardness. Really strong mid-bass too. I've never heard Porcupine Tree's In Absentia more powerful or growling than this, it was truly headbang-worthy. The PS1000 quickly lost my interest though due to: (1) too much mid-bass, (2) unsecure fit on head (primarily due to the bowl pads), and (3) something about the treble put me off. It's possible my complaints could easily be rectified by a change in earpads though....

I probably won't have time to listen to the HD800 again this weekend, though it won't matter since I'll be receiving my order soon from TTVJ now.


My impression is that we are all having way too much fun. I hope that tomorrow is as cool because today was GOOD STUFF!

oops, this is Voltron typing because my boy Gene is pretty much passed out....


ha last night was fun. met a ton of kickass dudes plus Shelley who was kind enough to come out of her room, where she was asleep and we woke her up, to party with us. met reksy, thrice, dreadhead, filby, blubliss, blessingx, mattfury (sp?), neilvg, namaanf, and others I forgot I'm sure. also hung with pretty much the rest of cj 08 crew.

the hd800 is awesome. tyll is the man for letting me hang late in the room. IMO the cans do benefit from balancing, most noticeably in the bass. the HR ultra stuff is sick. I think I like the omega better then the 02, even if the 02 is more resolving. the r10s are still the best.

time for breakfast and then the hf-2 unveiling.


Very curious about these new planars - they could well be the giant killers ( or the giants )

The lads go by the name Audeze and are at Catalina 2B if anyone cares to feed back ;) ..dB

Know what flat out rocks? Buffalo 32 -> B22 -> HF2.

Ari reckons these are most akin to the brown-headband RS1s.

:eek: Really? Wow, that's going to be interesting, very interesting. Mostly for I haven't ever listened to any vintage RS-1. I don't dig the newer versions.

Nice pics, cool gear. Keep up posting cool pics. Make sure you take pics of new orthodynamic headphones :D

Am I missing something? What new Orthos?

Know what flat out rocks? Buffalo 32 -> B22 -> HF2.

Well that's good info. I'll be using...

Original 2008 CDP -> Buffalo32 -> β22 -> K1000



The Audeze planars are going to be interesting. The enclosures they are using are nothing to write home about but they still sound good, are easy to drive (we listened out of a Gilmore Lite) and will probably be < $400.

The engineer developing the drivers said he'd be very happy to have a dialogue with the enthusiast community -- pm me if you want his email.

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