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Actually, I'd go even further, and just get a USB DAC and active speakers like the Quad 12L's or Mackie HR824's (which technically don't have a volume control -- only a sensitivity, which is not the same) and a USB DAC/pre like the Benchmark or the Headamp Pico or the Musical Fidelity X-CAN V8P.

The Mackies will be a bit overwhelming, size-wise. The Quads, less so.

is he going to want full range speakers or monitors?

She actually doesn't have a preference as she is only relying on me for good sound. I think the only concern she expressed was that her apartment is furnished in dark wood, so something that would match/enhance her decor :)

In that budget with my concern with only sound quality, I would replicate my buddy's setup (Mackie 824 and a lavry DA10 Dac). However, that is a very pro audio look that would probably not be a good match for her.

I've heard a Peachtree Decco and it sounded very nice for the price. The Nova is an upgrade so that is why I thought about it.

Grahame, the AVI speakers look amazing. Though, it would be hard to recommend them without hearing them.

I have a very good idea about the sound quality that can be had with Single Driver high efficiency speakers, so I'm thinking about starting with that.

I really wish she would up the budget to about $3000 so I can really get the creative juices flowing. She could with the salary she makes....Harvard Business grad working for a hedge fund AND still holding on to her job so well in this market! hehe

If I had my way, it would be a nice DAC, integrated tube amp and some high efficiency horns or single driver speakers.

I figured it would be best to bounce ideas off this forum :)

Ah, the classic foible...think of it as a challenge, stay under budget. In fact, don't even feel obliged to spend the entire US$2K.

So true! Also, once you get started bumping up the budget it's even easier to start thinking of what you could with even more!

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