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1. Ear+ Purist HD? 2. How good is a standard PPX3 compared with other PPX3's?

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Hi guys,

Has anyone heard the Mapletree Ear+ Purist HD? I've read a few positive remarks about it on Head-Fi but details are lacking. Is anyone able to comment on how it would compare with a PPX3?

And another question, how is the standard PPX3 (>$650) compared with the 6SN7 version (>$750) or SLAM? I've always had the feeling that it wasn't worth it to get a PPX3 unless I got the SLAM version (>$800) though. :P Seems like everyone is telling me that extra $200 is the absolutely worth the money, and it's almost pointless to spend $650 for a standard PPX3. ;D

Cheers and thanks guys!


Guest sacd lover

I have had a couple ear+'s through here and this is definitely a good amp. But I preferred the standard ppx3-6cg7 with my senns. With grados and other low impedence headphones its very close; but I like the ppx3's warmer tone.

That said, the SLAM ppx3 is a much better amp, IMO, and well worth the $200 premium. The SLAM has more speed and dynamic punch, a slightly bigger soundstage, more clarity/ transparency .... and the combination of these improvements seems to exceed the sum of the improvements. If you hear the SLAM ppx3 in direct comparison you immediately recognize the sound is a step up. ;)


Having heard both and owning both a standard Ear+ and a souped up Ear+ HD, I would prefere to own the PPX3 Slam first but closely followed by the Ear+ HD. Actually you can't go wrong either way. I would do a Ear+ HD before thr standard PPX3 as good as it may be though. :P


Is there a way to describe what the Ear+ HD sounds like? ;D Smooth or impactful? Detailed or tubey? Etc. Thanks so much for the comments so far. :D


I recently heard both a tweaked Ear+ HD with even more upgrades to the standard HD design and also a completely modified version. Both were built by Mark Norman (Voodoochile on Head-Fi) and both were very impressive. The "normal" version is exceptionally smooth yet detailed and sounded very good with both Grados and Senns. But the modified version simply blew it away. It runs a power supply of Mark's own design as well as a few other tweaks. Here's some eye candy...


I don't think that I've heard a better sounding amp with the Senn 650s, period. It simply sucked me in and kept me glued to the music for a good hour. I then had to give up my chair and let someone else enjoy it for a while. Of course, this was running a killer source so it likely wouldn't sound that good in my meager mid-fi rig but showed the real potential of this amp if you're so inclined to take it there.



I'd agree with Nate that Mark's amp is simply amazing. It seems to be able to do the impossible by combining traits you wouldn't expect to hear together. The bass has great impact and extension, yet there's plenty of detail there as well. Liquid mids with great texture when needed. And the highs had the best blend of smooth and detailed I've heard to date. It really did everything well, and didn't impose itself on the music. It just seemed to do exacty what was needed for the piece of music at the time, and it sounded great with Senns and Grados. I've heard the PPX3 (and MPX3) and thought the Singlepowers were great, and Mikhail was great to talk to about them. But Mark's Ear+ is a great example of an amp that just has 'it'... whatever 'it' is.

And unfortunately a picture can't do it justice. It's absolutely beautiful.


I went for the best of everything when I had the "Ear+ HD Extream" made up. I started off with a modded up Ear+ HD and further stuffed it with lots of goodness. It did sound very good. The Ear+ is a good solid basic design well implimented by Dr. Peppard at Mapletree. It is easy to understand and to mod. I wish Mark would detail what he did with the wood based amp. Oh, and Dr. Peppard does help with your modding questions when juiceing up an Ear+. He is very nice to talk to.


Gah... I just realized I needed a transportable rig. If only the PPX3 was transportable. I guess I have to screw the plan for a PPX3. :(

Guest sacd lover

Gah... I just realized I needed a transportable rig. If only the PPX3 was transportable. I guess I have to screw the plan for a PPX3. :(

A transportable Singlepower will be available possibly by the end of August. But thats all I can say .... :-X


A transportable Singlepower will be available possibly by the end of August. But thats all I can say .... :-X


... SNAP.


Yeah, I saw it at the National... it was tiny! :D

I keep bugging Mikhail asking if I can beta test it... but he doesn't seem to be returning my emails. :(

Who does?



Yeah, I saw it at the National... it was tiny! :D

I keep bugging Mikhail asking if I can beta test it... but he doesn't seem to be returning my emails. :(

Tube? How tiny is tiny? >:D

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