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i wish our official language was C++

Certainly you meant dot_Nyet.

This is really intreresting, even here in Texas, from the Asian side. In China, kids are required to take 'English' names in the first grade. A very 'close' co-worker of mine, Ximei (pronounced here in Texas 'Zu-May), goes by Sophia (except I refuse - and use Ximei - much to her chagrin). Interesting as she had another name selected early on, but loved Sophia Loren, and aspired, within OUR culture, to assume her personna.

Of course, she is all fucked up about culture - being from Bejing, and quite well educated and sophisticated (not a interior back country type), yet caught here between her background, the Catholic church, and rampant American materialism (which isn't so different from current China).

The only comment she could muster from all this is that we are a fucked up culture, because no matter what anyone thinks, we are all bigots in some way. Then observed we are no different here than anywhere else... before launching into how much she hates Japan(ese)... but, she is way cute, and freaking adoreable, so she can think whatever the fuck she wants as far as I am concerned.

My Korean friends just laugh it off as 'another stupid (and inferior) American'.

Ain't just Terrel, Texas or Bejing... I had staff in 6 locations on 3 continents, and this shit happens everywhere. The Texas redneck is too soft a target.

Now, the fucking rookie cop doing the Plano bigtime was something to really get the blood boiling...


I kind of agree with Betty....henceforth I want to be known as Jimmy Buttefuoco.

Has a nice ring to it, just need to head down to the US embassy tomorrow...

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