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I too used to think it was a sort of "civic duty" to report my impressions on gear, but that doesn't mean one has to do it if you don't want to. But I eventually came to realize most people don't really care and everyone's ears & preferences are different anyway, so I decided to stop wasting my time. I just listen for myself now and am much happier as a result.

I think if you're tired of writing reviews, quit it and disable your PMs so you don't get stray questions from ungrateful strangers who will most likely not take any reasonable advice. That's what I found most annoying and is why I followed that route myself. It also doesn't hurt that as a result of my Head-Fi journey I've heard everything I wanted to and finally killed all my curiosities. It took a lot of money to do that but I'm actually glad I got to the end-point. :)

Yet I was one of those that you inspired to write their own reviews. It's your fault I do them, so now GPH can be mad at you too.

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Seriously, thanks for taking the time to reply Larry. I'm not mad at anyone and if you ever meet me in real life (CanJam 2010 maybe?), you'll see that I'm a pretty chill and relaxed guy. I just dislike a lot of bullshit that's going on in the audio hobby.

From now on, I will stop picking on you, because I feel that I have stated my beefs pretty clearly and I have nothing more to add. I guess we just have two different visions of what this hobby should be like and we'll have to agree to disagree.

Yet I was one of those that you inspired to write their own reviews. It's your fault I do them, so now GPH can be mad at you too.

I think that ASR was/is lumped into that same review category as you and the other "reviewers". But I don't think either of you was ever/are considered a shill. At least I don't.

I think the problem I have with most of the in-depth reviews is that I really don't believe any ones hearing is really as good as they claim it to be. I agree with GPH in the fact that your memory or how you perceive the sound on any given day has a greater effect than any burn-in or percived differences. Even what position the volume knob is at has a larger effect.


Yeah, I know my audio memory is crap and completely unreliable from one minute to the next and I know most others are the same if truth be told which is why I find so many claims in audio gear utterly unreliable to downright unbelievable.


I don't doubt that people are extremely swayed by any number of factors when listening to amps and that real differences are probably much smaller than we're led to believe. We're very susceptible to mind tricks and I've yet to be reliably convinced by my own ears unless there is something wrong with said amp or it's mismatched in some way.

I've never noticed any burn in or cable differences that couldn't be explained by my bad audio memory or wishful thinking. Retesting has always shown me little to no difference and I certainly wouldn't take a wager on it.

Warming up, charging, occasional breaking in a physical thing, yes. Other than that, I think it's mostly imagination... or I'm completely cloth eared. :D

Yeah, I know my audio memory is crap and completely unreliable from one minute to the next and I know most others are the same if truth be told which is why I find so many claims in audio gear utterly unreliable to downright unbelievable.

I'm the same. I also find that how good music sounds to me is VERY dependent on my mood, level of caffeination, alcohol etc.

These psychological and physiological effects are MUCH more substantial than any physical effects of burn-in. But people get very defensive if you tell them that they can't always trust their senses 100%......


heh, yeah, my ears get very trixy on me all the time depending on mood etc, knowing this and being realistic in my expectations has saved me a bunch of cash. I still love good gear even though I probably couldn't reliably pick out a mini3 or Beta22 in a blind test with easy to drive phones.

Phones and sources make the only substantial audible differences to my ears, it sucks but there ya go.

I sum it up as they sound more the same than different when used within their capabilities. At least enough that you can't tell the difference every time.

Well put. If the ideal amp is indeed a straight wire with gain, and decent amps are close enough to the ideal, such that their differences, are below the threshold of perception - or are not different to a statistically significant extent, then just get an amp that is "good enough", be happy, and pursue other goals with all the additional costs and anguish you just avoided.


It's not that simple. New things, especially new expensive things are shiny. On top of shiny, there's also glowy. Never underestimate the beguiling power of shiny and glowy to make things sound awesome.


Ever think of someone getting a take off of promises not to critically review a product? Sort of like promising to remove false class-action lawsuit advertisements against businesses in return for some form of payoff as mentioned in Chuck Palahniuk's "Choke". Head-fi seems like a prime candidate when their are sheep wanting direction. I would want to tar and feather such a person, but it occurred to me that it was maybe possible.


As someone fairly new to all this - A few comments (thanks to whoever un-blacklisted me for the Duggeh birthday 'wish' :palm:)

Full Disclosure: I just sent Larry an amp to 'listen to' (The Cavalli Compact Tube Hybrid - I'm kitting them for Alex - but never asked him to specifically review it, nor offered him anything but filament voltage settings.)

Larry offers his time to listen to all kinds of gear and provides his impressions in his individual system. I think his methodology is part of his charm and enjoy wading through it to pick out tidbits that would lead to directions for me to explore...Like all critics - I establish their level of credibility - then determine the deltas between their tastes and mine. Then find the useful info and what to ignore.

AFA as 'shilling:' Exposure (especially free) is a good thing.It's fun to play with new toys. Manufacturer and reviewer benefit. Maybe someone gets some useful info - and the sheep get FOTM.

Time for my Xanax...


A Very Compact Hybrid Amp - Page 55 - Head-Fi: Covering Headphones, Earphones and Portable Audio

I am not doing a full blown review of the Cavalli CTH (compact tube hybrid) - but I will post my impressions so far of its sound and a few comparisons.

I have spent a couple of days with the CTH/Mullard short-plate and find it to be a nice detailed and warm powerful tube hybrid, with above average soundstage and no glaring negatives or complaints in the sound. My main complaints are the lack of a power switch, no RCA input on the rear, and less transportability due to the protruding 12AU7 through the top cover.

I spent some time comparing it vs my Head-direct EF1/stock RCA clear-top 12AU7. One observation was with Giovanni Mirabassi "Prima O Poi" the song Symphomaniax - With HD600 the CTH presented more body to the trumpet, the piano was smoother/refined and more up front, and the sound was mellower overall and slightly darker. But, the sound was also fuller and more refined like you would expect from a bigger amp. In general listening to the CTH was more engaging than the EF1 with stock tube, which seemed a little more distant and presented a slightly less solid image of the instruments.

Switching the EF1 RCA clear top to a Mullard long-plate in the EF1 resulted in the two amps coming much closer together. The EF1 picked up more body and refinement, and became more engaging as well. With the Mullard in the EF1 the treble did become a little more recessed than with the RCA, but not lacking. At this point I cannot pick one amp over the other as the two sound very similar. The volume control on the CTH is much better than the EF1, and I am now convinced that I need to send the EF1 back to have the volume control looked at.

I also compared the CTH to the ALO/RWA Amphora which seems to have a little bit more transparency and detail and yet still has a fairly rich tube-like sound similar to the Cavalli. Yes, sound signatures are somewhat similar but they are not exact. I have not been able to compare their soundstages or bass/treble extension with test tones yet, but I can say the Cavalli has a little too much bass with the Sennheiser IE8 which sound better on the Amphora. I still don't think I would change anything about the Amphora or CTH with most headphones. With the Grado RS-1 the CTH, EF1 and Amphora also seem to come closer to each other in sound. (can't use the IE8 on the EF1 due to the volume control).

Most of the listening has been with my iMod and portable Vcap dock as source (using Soloz 12-strand Litz-braid mini-RCA or my ALO SXC mini-RCA). The RSA P-51 Mustang was velcro'd to my portable Vcap dock, so I tried it out in comparison too. The P-51 has slightly more treble presence than the CTH or EF1 with Mullards or the Amphora, so it's not quite as mellow as them, but that is about the biggest difference. The other thing you notice is the P-51 is a little more forward and energetic or aggressive sounding, but not in a bad way. The CTH, EF1 and ALO Amphora are a little less aggressive and more refined sounding than the P-51, but the P-51 holds up well against them.

The CTH is a good sounding amp and well worth the money and time to build one, and that is all that matters. I (and others) hate ratings, so I am going to nip the requests for one in the bud. Don't ask me. As you can see from my comparisons, it competes well vs other amps costing more, and as an added bonus it can be used with IEM while my son's Millett SSH and my EF1 cannot, due to poor volume controls. (Millett SSH not compared directly this time around)


....I know Head-Case isn't exactly the most on-topic forum some of the time and threads routinely go in different directions here, but did you need to post that in this thread that's about the A-10 and not the CTH? No offense but I don't see where anyone asked you for your opinion of the CTH.

Yet I was one of those that you inspired to write their own reviews. It's your fault I do them, so now GPH can be mad at you too.

Uh ok, but it's you who chose to write your reviews for whatever reasons you had, of your own inspiration. And for the record, if I could go back in time to never have written any reviews for HF, I would do it, I regret putting any of my thoughts to digital paper in retrospect. Reviews are worthless to anyone but myself and I would delete all of the ones I wrote if I could erase them from the collective consciousness.

....I know Head-Case isn't exactly the most on-topic forum some of the time and threads routinely go in different directions here, but did you need to post that in this thread that's about the A-10 and not the CTH? No offense but I don't see where anyone asked you for your opinion of the CTH.

I don't know what I was thinking and forgot where I was, and just responded to the topic on hand with a sample of a different kind of write up and review. Somehow the thread had derailed into a "let's criticize Larry's reviews" thread around the time I said I was on the list to review the A-10. But it is too late to edit it now - I hate that time limit on edits. Can a mod move my post above, or kill it please?


Larry, I enjoyed your impressions on the ES3X. Its great reading how an event or experience can catch one off guard, and change the perception of how you enjoy your equipment. I think that people who have stayed dedicated to this hobby for longer periods of time experience moments like this and that these events lead to the overall heightened appreciation of our own listening experience.

Although GPH stated that your testing methodology for testing burn-in was less than desireable, I feel that testing methodology in itself is undesireable in this audio realm. It is too unreliable and flat out impossible to create static rules and methods that will extract the same sonic perception about audio equipment to everyone.

However, I love reading honest impressions and experiences, especially from those who have enjoyed and lived with their equipment for long periods of time. When you read Darth Nuts review on the SR-007 you cannot help but feel how much the man loves and appreciates his gear and music. An enlightening read beyond the statistics that reviews sometimes try(and many cases fail) to provide.

When you read Darth Nuts review on the SR-007 you cannot help but feel how much the man loves and appreciates his gear and music. An enlightening read beyond the statistics that reviews sometimes try(and many cases fail) to provide.

That was really one of the best reviews I've seen, and it has this air of sincerity that is so lacking mostly.

That was really one of the best reviews I've seen, and it has this air of sincerity that is so lacking mostly.

I only really enjoy that review because it explained different terms of describing sound with headphones.

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