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important lesson for my diy homies


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Chick DO dig scars... I just hate listening to the wife gripe about Dremel / Table Saw / Jointer, when the most skin I have lost recently was when I left the key in the chuck before turning on the drill press (funny, she missed THAT one)... tore off a dime sized piece of my knuckle.

Face shield for the win, or, it would have been worse.

Or, self fulfilling prophesy, as in, 'I am picking up xacto - note: do NOT cut self' - well, then, do anyway.

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Gather rund ye scurvy knaves, for I have a tale that will curdle ye blood and chill ye to the core..

I bee limpin around on me old peg leg for many an adventure on the high seas and determined it were time for a new one. Armed with a piece of an old schooner mast I set to work.

I'd just previously pillaged a woodshop and relieved them of one of them new-fangled pull action rip saws. A more fearsome set of teeth I'd never encountered. She were shiny and sharp, a real beauty. Little did I realize the depth of her treachery!!

Dismissing me crewmates warnings of the bedvillled saw, I set to work on me new leg, ripsaw in me hook and holding the wood in me one good hand. I was tired and sleepy, so what better to cure me slovenliness than a nice bit of peg making I thoughts to meself...

Before ye knew it, she was on me! Rippin at the end of me thumb for all she was worth.. Me poor flesh stood no chance against her ferocious bite and before I could cast her evil soul to the briney depths, she'd had her revenge on me.

Aye, she was a wicked temptress, preying on me tired old carcass, biding her time until she were ready to strike..

Strangely I found meself wide awake thereafter... aaaarrrrr!


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