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I'm looking to pick one of these $199 Mini 9's up tonight to take advantage of the sale. My primary use will be browsing the net in the den while listening to my speakers, but I would also like the ability to use it to do needle drops. Any suggestions for upgrades? I'm thinking the extra $25 for the 1 gig of ram is all I'll need.

Or maybe I could buy my own ram. Apparently its pretty easy to get installed.

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I'm looking to pick one of these $199 Mini 9's up tonight to take advantage of the sale. My primary use will be browsing the net in the den while listening to my speakers, but I would also like the ability to use it to do needle drops. Any suggestions for upgrades? I'm thinking the extra $25 for the 1 gig of ram is all I'll need.

Personally I would spend that on 2 gigs and put it in myself. 2 gigs is much better than 1 gig with the Mini9.


Tried the Gamma-1 with MSI Wind and it was crackling badly, I guess something with USB power wasn't quite right. No problem with other notebooks. Maybe they aren't as ideal for the job as I had first thought? :(

My Dell Mini9 is solid as a rock...playing JRiver Media into my Pico using ASIO4ALL setup as noted in the how to post on the other site.

Link please? I have searched to no avail and I am curious to see what this is all about as I have a Mini 9 on order.

PM it if that is more appropriate (please).

J River Mediacenter

The Media Center Version (V. 13.0) is about $40. Media Jukebox 12.0 is free. Go to the downloads page.

ASIO4ALL can be downloaded here.

You mustn't have looked very hard. :palm:

Saw those, thanks.

Was looking for:

My Dell Mini9 is solid as a rock...playing JRiver Media into my Pico using ASIO4ALL setup as noted in the how to post on the other site.

Yes, I have enjoyed it here so far.

I just wanted to read the post he was referring to and I could not find it even though I searched pretty extensively.

I suppose I should have just PM'd him for it, my bad.


ASIO4All Explanation - Head-Fi: Covering Headphones, Earphones and Portable Audio

This is the setup that works for me. Before there was a slight clicking every few seconds with ASIO but now, as I said, rock solid.

Make sure you get a 2 gig memory. My Mini9 works much better with the extra memory and I also have removed virtual memory since with 2 gig I don't every go that high using the Mini9 as a music server. My Mini9 has a second hard drive where I store all my programs setting in the microSD slot. It uses a hacked HP microSD driver that makes it appear as a hard drive rather than a removable one. So my internal SSD drive is setting there with 7 gigs open and the microSD is 16 gig in size. I am also using a 320 passport external USB drive to hold all my FLAC music files.


Awesome, thanks!

Very excited about this setup. Was considering doing the Hackintosh but this looks pretty sweet. That microSD Hack sounds brilliant.

I got the basic setup with the intention of upgrading the ram to 2 gig myself. I already have an external 500GB USB HD for storage and I have already downloaded the other stuff. Now I just need my Dell to show up.

Looking forward to playing around with it.

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