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The new Grado lineup

John E Woven

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What's with a lot of the newer high end headphones being so... ugly? I'm not just saying the PS/GS1000 and the HD800, but some of the newer Audio Technicas, the JVC wooden headphones look pretty ghastly, and the list probably goes on. Not that it matters when compared to the actual sound, and not like I'm qualified to judge, as an owner of a Float. :D

I wonder how heavy the PS1000 actually is.

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What's with a lot of the newer high end headphones being so... ugly? I'm not just saying the PS/GS1000 and the HD800, but some of the newer Audio Technicas, the JVC wooden headphones look pretty ghastly, and the list probably goes on. Not that it matters when compared to the actual sound, and not like I'm qualified to judge, as an owner of a Float.

Agreed, I wish they'd have kept the PS-1 body. Like some people mentioned, the problem with Grado is in the details. On the PS-1000, the plastic rods kills the quality feeling of the whole design IMO. Of course, if it sounds good, nobody will talk about that, but I have to admit I'm a sucker for good-looking audio gear and it's not like Grado aren't capable of producing something beautiful, they're the ones who made the HP1000 series.

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Do you have some information to justify that speculation, or are you making it up? Grados have always been made in brooklyn, it'd be pretty shocking if that changed.

My apologies for the unwarranted speculation and didn't mean to start that particular rumour, just wanted to clarify what the concerns about new-model construction might be.

sorry and best,


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They look nice. The cups are shaped like the MS2i "fatboys" and the cable looks a good bit thicker.

Really wish they could have eliminated a couple of unpopular headphones in the lineup like the SR-125i and SR-325is to make a production version of the HF-1. They could even charge up to $350 for it if that's what it would take to cover costs of the wood and I wouldn't mind.

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