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I'm looking for suggestions of interesting DAC designs and/or PCBs/kits. I guess I'm shooting for the higher end of things, and PCM1704-based stuff has gotten my attention. So far I've found the Hagerman Chime and TentLabs kit. Any opinions on these? Anything else I should consider?

Also, are there any standalone USB-I2S or analog output stage kits worth looking at?



Right, I forgot to mention them. As long as I could pair up a discrete transistor or tube I/V and output stage to it, I'd think about that. All I've found on the site is an opamp I/V stage, maybe I'm missing something.


They have a discrete I/V stage in a second round of testing now, it won't be far away.

That OPAMP output stage is surprisingly good though, and pretty inexpensive even if it is only temporary.

I've got your output stage, right here.

*pelvic thrust*

Touche :P

Now that we've gotten over the TPA lovefest, any other recommendations? Or thoughts on Hagerman or Tent Labs?

Edit: that's not dismissive, I'm definitely going to look at the Buffalo and related stuff.


Also forgot to mention the K and K RAKK DAC...

I guess, now that I stop and think about it, there's a pretty good field to start with. Any commentary on these designs?

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