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So we're hanging around, and all of a sudden JAGWIRE joins irc! What to do?!

22:35] * JaGWiRE (dadsa@Zoite-2EA5793A.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com) has joined #headphone-hifi

[22:35] <@tiberian> i have a party to go right now

[22:35] <@tiberian> wtf

[22:35] <JaGWiRE> heh

[22:35] <JaGWiRE> cool

[22:35] <JaGWiRE> headphone channel

[22:35] <JaGWiRE> :D

[22:35] <@tiberian> i am partying too much

[22:35] <JaGWiRE> everyone here on head-fi or?

[22:35] <@tiberian> thursday fri sat

[22:35] <@hungrych> fuck off

[22:35] <JaGWiRE> ..?

[22:35] <@hungrych> I mean

[22:35] <@hungrych> hi

[22:35] <@hungrych> :P

[22:35] <JaGWiRE> lol hi

[22:36] <@jjcha-ry> no

[22:36] <@hungrych> if you begin another sentence with "heh," or "eh," I will ban you

[22:36] <@hungrych> if you type another line

[22:36] <@jjcha-ry> how do we set up a real ban

[22:36] <@hungrych> I will ban you

[22:36] <@hungrych> if you pm me

[22:36] <@hungrych> I will ban you

[22:36] <@hungrych> if you continue to breathe

[22:36] <@jjcha-ry> hang on

[22:36] <@hungrych> ...you get it

[22:37] * hungrych sets mode: +b *!*dadsa@*.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com

[22:37] * JaGWiRE was kicked by hungrych (yeah)

Then the pms!

JaGWiRE hm?

JaGWiRE any reasoning behind a random ban?

hungrych yes

JaGWiRE eh?

JaGWiRE elaborate.

hungrych I wanted to do it first

JaGWiRE what's second?

hungrych everyone else?

JaGWiRE heh, are you guys all head-fi or?

JaGWiRE i see akwok, he's a head-fier

hungrych WE HATE YOU


JaGWiRE i don't even know who you are?

JaGWiRE alias on head-fi?

hungrych KTHX

hungrych I'm this guy on head-fi: http://www6.head-fi.org/forums/showthread.php?p=2189802#post2189802

hungrych and I hate you

hungrych now stop pming me

JaGWiRE ah

JaGWiRE i see

hungrych and go yell into a bag

JaGWiRE i have acted appropriately on what you and other people have said

hungrych or post ten thousand more useless shitposts on head-fi

hungrych well I hope so

hungrych :P

JaGWiRE if you plan to hold a grudge on somebody who has fixed a problem they created, then that is rather silly


JaGWiRE hm, trying to think of what to say.

hungrych don't bother

JaGWiRE why hold a grudge?

JaGWiRE i've stopped posting.

hungrych lets keep it that way

JaGWiRE so what other problem do you have with me?

hungrych and not have irc become your new place to spam up with worthless shit

hungrych because we aren't pussies like head-fi moderation

hungrych and you're just a pretentious dick

JaGWiRE what makes you say I'de spam?

JaGWiRE your making a simple assumption on previous acts.

hungrych I think this has gone far enough

JaGWiRE but obviously I have cleaned up those acts.

hungrych and now you're going to spam irc instead

hungrych well, you were

hungrych now stop talking to me please

hungrych go outside

JaGWiRE hm... interesting thought, but I honestly had no plan to do so, and you don't have any proof of me doing so because it didn't happen yet.

hungrych make some friends

hungrych your own age

JaGWiRE your theory of stopping the problem before it happens makes sense, but in this case it wasn't going to happen.



JaGWiRE you've given me about 2 reasons.

hungrych WE DONT

JaGWiRE either way, I don't know what to think of your statements, but I know that it gives me a new perspective on head-fi members such as yourself

hungrych you mean

hungrych people who don't like you

hungrych which is about everyone

JaGWiRE Although I do see some rather funny things. For example, you seem to be typing in short worded lines. You seem to use phrases such as KTHX which many little kiddies on the internet use. You don't seem to use much grammer (i.e. YOURE RATHER SILLY) and you seem to call people who run a community you spend so much time on "pussies"


JaGWiRE You also seem to curse for uneeded reaosns, and in my opinion it seems as if your frusterated and taking this rather seriously when you didn't even givem e a chance.


JaGWiRE ^--> The above statement of yours is good proof of what I said

Then we decided to unban him and GE changed his nick to welly:

[22:49] * JaGWiRE (dadsa@Zoite-2EA5793A.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com) has joined #headphone-hifi

[22:49] * Welly is now known as WellyWu

[22:49] <@Linas5> =o

[22:49] <@hungrych> jagwire I apologize

[22:49] <@hungrych> you were right

[22:49] <@hungrych> I'm an immature kid

[22:49] <JaGWiRE> *gets rebanned*

[22:49] <@hungrych> I should stop acting like this

[22:49] <@Linas5> JAGWIRE IS ALWAYS RIGHT!

[22:49] <@Linas5> =P

[22:49] <@hungrych> and learn some grammar

[22:50] <@jjcha-ry> wow cool

[22:50] <@jjcha-ry> i was thinking damn, i'm surprised he's not saying anything

[22:50] <@jjcha-ry> then ir emembered i have him on ignore..

[22:50] <@Linas5> lol

[22:50] <@hungrych> jason

[22:50] <@Linas5> nice job jjcha

[22:50] <@hungrych> why would you ignore jagwire

[22:50] <@hungrych> he's alot smarter than me anyway

[22:50] <@Linas5> WHY?!

[22:50] <@hungrych> and he's like 13

[22:50] <@jjcha-ry> lol

[22:50] <JaGWiRE> ah, I was right, he is Jason. He had a very blunt comment about me in some thread, I believe he told me to stop posting.

[22:50] <@hungrych> he's the smarterst fucking 8th grader ever

[22:51] <@Linas5> EVAR!!!!!!!!!


[22:51] <@hungrych> WHAT THE HELL

[22:51] <WellyWu> I have some candy for you guys inf you get in my van


[22:51] <@jjcha-ry> lol

[22:51] <@Linas5> OK

[22:51] <JaGWiRE> *laughs*

[22:51] <@Linas5> THANKS WELLYWU

[22:51] <@hungrych> next meet I'm punching you in the face jason

[22:51] <@hungrych> how dare you

[22:51] <@Linas5> charlie, come out here for the madison meet =P

[22:51] <@jjcha-ry> heh

[22:52] <JaGWiRE> So hungry, your using an apple irc client?

[22:52] <@Linas5> its xchat

[22:52] <@Linas5> its not an apple client

[22:52] <@hungrych> quiet linas

[22:52] <JaGWiRE> ah, that's a universal client, correct? linux, windows, mac, unix, etc?

[22:52] <@hungrych> he knows that

[22:52] <@Linas5> oh

[22:52] <@Linas5> my bad

[22:52] <@jjcha-ry> geez next thing we know 909 shows up

[22:52] <@hungrych> he's a fucking genious considering he's in 8th grade

[22:52] <@hungrych> lol

[22:52] <@hungrych> 909 = fucking nuts

[22:53] <JaGWiRE> that's the guy who sent jahn the pop cans, yes? (they are good friends?)

[22:53] <@hungrych> I think jagwire could kick his ass in a battle of words

[22:53] <@jjcha-ry> yeah you cvn say that again

[22:53] <@hungrych> no that's 1911

[22:53] <JaGWiRE> ah, my mistake.

[22:53] <@hungrych> you haven't been keeping up on your head-fi drama?!

[22:53] <@hungrych> OFF TO YOUR ROOM YOUNG MAN

[22:53] <@jjcha-ry> is eh still here?

[22:53] <@jjcha-ry> lol

[22:53] <@hungrych> GO STUDY

[22:53] <@jjcha-ry> okie i'm off to get something to drink..

[22:53] <@hungrych> later

[22:53] <JaGWiRE> that thread was a while back. it was in reference to jahn's pair of hf-1's with the special wood


[22:54] <@hungrych> O RLY

[22:54] <JaGWiRE> Linas, what are the origins of your name? (I ask, just because Linus.. Linux.. bleh.)

[22:54] <@Linas5> its a lithuanian name

[22:54] <@Linas5> PAGAN ORIGIN FTW!

[22:54] <@hungrych> Lithuanian

[22:54] <@hungrych> CAPITAlIZE LINAS

[22:54] <@hungrych> JAGWIRE DOES IT

[22:54] <@hungrych> WHY CAN'T YOU BE MORE LIKE HIM

[22:54] <JaGWiRE> ah, I see, I am not farmilar with that language.

[22:54] * @hungrych beats Linas5 into the ground

[22:54] <@Linas5> ahhhh

[22:55] * @Linas5 sinks into some mud

[22:55] <@hungrych> you don't know lithuanian?

[22:55] <JaGWiRE> nah, I'm Canadian.

[22:55] <@Linas5> its just spoken by two thirds of the entire world!

[22:55] <JaGWiRE> i live rather close to xand1x

[22:55] <@hungrych> I guess it's hard to know more then seventeen languages in 8th grade

[22:55] <@hungrych> but keep it up

[22:56] <@Linas5> so...

[22:56] <@hungrych> so how long should we keep this up before banning him again

[22:56] <@K2Grey> oh

[22:56] <@K2Grey> i alt tabbed for a while

[22:56] <@Linas5> who's sending linas money for a new bass...

[22:56] <JaGWiRE> yeah hunry, I was asking myself the same thing.

[22:56] <@K2Grey> this could be very interesting

[22:56] <@hungrych> it's hungrych

[22:56] <@hungrych> get it right

[22:56] <@Linas5> lol

[22:56] <@Linas5> but hunry!

[22:56] <JaGWiRE> sorry, my fingers are depressed from so much typing on head-fi.

[22:57] <@Linas5> ...wow...

[22:57] <@Linas5> EXCERSIZE FTL!

[22:57] <@hungrych> and my head is depressed from reading it all

[22:57] <JaGWiRE> hungry, I guess it's a chian effect. fingers to head.

[22:57] <WellyWu> postal worker

[22:57] <@K2Grey> that problem is easily ameliorated, by typing less

[22:57] <@hungrych> or lighting your self on fire

[22:58] <JaGWiRE> heh, jahn has a new post in his before and after therad

[22:58] <@K2Grey> the usefulness of a forum is determined not by the total # of posts but rather the ratio of good posts to uninformative ones

[22:58] <WellyWu> like me

[22:58] <@K2Grey> the same thing is not necessarily true of an irc channel

[22:58] <JaGWiRE> k2grey, I would not argue with you on the first part.

[22:59] <@Linas5> wtf

[22:59] * hungrych sets mode: +b *!*dadsa@*.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com

[22:59] * JaGWiRE was kicked by hungrych ("if you begin another sentence with "heh," or "eh," I will ban you")

I knew he would slip. >:D But then more pming!

JaGWiRE I'm Canuck, what do you expect?

hungrych stop sending me pms

hungrych er

hungrych stop sending me PMS

JaGWiRE the day just changed

hungrych and I care even less

JaGWiRE I'm not sending you PMS, that's something you get from being a woman.

JaGWiRE It's not contagious my friend.

hungrych yeah whatever

JaGWiRE I don't understand where the attitude of me being so smart and awesome comes from.

JaGWiRE But I guess it's just a compliment, so I won't take offense to it :).

JaGWiRE either way, it seems sa if I winded you guys up

JaGWiRE and I did hardly nothing, which is rather efficent.

hungrych sort of a hollow victory eh

dadsa@Zoite-2EA5793A.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com) added to ignore list.

Whew... ;D>:D


I think i'll extend the chat a little bit. You're missing one key part hungrych.

<@xand1x> <JaGWiRE> I live rather close to xand1x

? @xand1x SHUDDER

? @xand1x SHUDDER

? @xand1x SHUDDER

<@hungrych> burn ontario down man

? @xand1x SHUDDER

<@xand1x> isn't anyone else scared by this comment?

<@xand1x> maybe its because you're all far away


Wow Hungrych you booted a 13 yrold kid from a online chat room....

thats so fucking cool man, I so look up to you now.

(dipshit ::))

A 13 year old kid who deserves every bit of abuse & ridicule thrown his way. I'm sorry, my sympathy meter for Jagwire remains firmly pegged at zero, he's a 13 year old who acts like a 5 year old. He's a spoiled attention whoring brat who needs some sense beaten into him.


Wow Hungrych you booted a 13 yrold kid from a online chat room....

thats so fucking cool man, I so look up to you now.

(dipshit ::))

Wow Bhd812 you called someone out using sarcasm on the internet

thats so fucking cool man, I so look up to you now.

(dipshit ::))


Speaking of Jagwire, looks like he's lobbying to become a Headcase member...

AH, I see. What is the conclusion between the cardas, blue dragon and zu? I am really interested in the grand enigma cable because I'de rather give him business then zu or cardas as he is such a great guy.
:-*:-* :-*:-* :-*:-*


Pssh, he doesn't have to lobby, let the kid register! We could use a little more excitement in this forum, I'm tired of bitching about how bad Ray sucks. It's not even kicking a dead horse at this point, just a pile of bones with some flies buzzing around.


Speaking of Jagwire, looks like he's lobbying to become a Headcase member...

:-*:-* :-*:-* :-*:-*

hey that was in my curse-you thread, i totally skimmed over that part!

so funny that this thread is in the public forum - what, we don't even care about the casino anymore? :P


so funny that this thread is in the public forum - what, we don't even care about the casino anymore? :P

Oh nos, teh 13 yr old is going to see us talking about him...

Seriously, maybe it'll encourage him to act his age.

registration is open, so if he wants to... maybe we should have a contest to figure out what custom title he should get if he registers.

Village Idiot. Because every message board needs an official idiot to beat on.

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