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CanJam 2009


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My son got sent home with a fever yesterday putting the Most Important Birthday Party of All Time in jeopardy.:palm:

Since I'm missing CanJam for this, my wife and son are going to go through with this damn party even if they are both bedridden.

No, I'm not bitter.

:( sick kids are so pitiful looking you might see him and not have a party.

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My son got sent home with a fever yesterday putting the Most Important Birthday Party of All Time in jeopardy.:palm:

Since I'm missing CanJam for this, my wife and son are going to go through with this damn party even if they are both bedridden.

No, I'm not bitter.

Dinny, you're looking at this wrong. It's not a problem, it's an opportunity. Now all you need to do is:

1. Say to Mrs. Monkey "I guess the party is off as Little Monkey is sick. That means you won't need me this weekend".

2. Buy round trip ticket to LA and get on a plane.

See? Opportunity! :P

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Ken, believe me, you and I are on the same page. If he has a fever tonight, I'm booking a flight.

If he doesn't, just heat up the thermometer a bit while Mrs. Monkey isn't looking.


On another note, I just passed Ray in the lobby. Either he didn't recognize me or he ignored me. I suspect that the former is true.

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naaman, you should tell Ray that you're milspec.

Not unless you want your fingernails painted red. :eek:

Back on subject, I wandered down into the HeadRoom/Senn room. Tyll was setting up and just unpacking a pair of the pre-production HD800s that they had balanced. So I got to be the first ever (according to Tyll) to hear balanced HD800s. I listened to one of the HR demo CDs from a Wadia > HR Ultra DAC > HR Ultra Desktop with HR Ultra Power Supply.

The balanced HD-800 is sublime. It's not a wow kind of headphone, everything just sounds right. It has just the right amount of bass, soundstage was large but not overly so, midrange was neutral but not analytical and the highs sounded right. It's the fastest dynamic headphone that I've ever listened to.

Later I get to listen to a production, single-ended version of the HD800. I asked the Senn rep what the difference between pre- and production models were. He says that there are no acoustical differences and that the main difference is the paint. He says that further testing showed the original paint to not be robust enough. If the production version sounds as good (or better) as the pre-production version, my pre-order definitely stays in. :ian:

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Arrived ~11:30am, made it over to the hotel, promptly sat down in the Headroom room and after giving the Senn rep a short ration of shit about his shipping priorities I checked out the HD800s for 20 min or so on the new Balanced Ultra DAC and what I believe was the MAX balanced amp. The 800s are seriously good as was everything upstream. I'm going to try and spend more time with this setup tomorrow.

Then I ran into Dan, Vicki, Nums, Jacob, Jeff, Mike and Dom and had a short visit with them before leaving to hang out with my little sister. A double-double animal style has been consumed, now time to chill and give my liver some rest before tomorrow.

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