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What are you listening to Part Two


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Within Temptation -- various tracks. Was looking for the live version of Stand My Ground, but didn't know it. They do this cool thing in the live version that's subtle to the point of oblivion: they raise one of the riffs that's buried in the mix to the foreground. The riff is cool, too, because it's something I've wanted to do -- almost Nine Inch Nails-y, it's almost like a bent chord. Anyway, here it is:

...and while I was at it, I had to hear The Cross, probably my favorite track by them (and the live version exemplifies what a great singer she is -- she nails every note in both parts of the intro...as well as the rest of the song):

YouTube - Within Temptation The Cross Live Black Symphony

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Now there's a blast from the past.

Anyone want to buy a used Starfighter?, or buy an acre of ground, and wait?

I was lucky enough to see Rob perform in KRANKSCHAFT Cabaret and THE KID FROM SILICON GULCH downstairs at theatrespace, by Charing Cross. Ah youth.

Now I need to go get his second album (LUCKY LEIF AND THE LONGSHIPS) and put that on, great stuff.

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cool some one who likes psytrance. I really like that album so different for this genre.

Been trying to find all the direct and indirect musical offsprings of Pink Floyd. Started out with prog and some other kinds of rock, moved to various kinds of metal, now trying electronic stuff.

Not gonna lie, some of this stuff scares me. Not that album, but subgenres like darkpsy and full on psytrance. I'm afraid I might actually start becoming insane. Maybe insane enough to even start listening to krautrock.:kitty:

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Not sure you'll find anything quite like Pink Floyd. But if you like the space-rock side (my personal favorite aspect of Pink Floyd), you need to investigate the whole space-rock scene, and some of the scenes it inspired, shoegaze and dream pop and to an extent, post-rock.

Oh, and good krautrock rules. I love early Kraftwerk (and by early, I mean Organisation/Tone Float, 1, 2, and Ralf & Florian) -- your best bet is to start with side 2 of Autobahn and work backwards. I think you just decided what I'm going to listen to tomorrow.

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I've spent the past 5 or so years trying to find bands/music like Pink Floyd, and frankly I'm glad I haven't found anything quite like them. That's what makes music interesting. If I had, I'd probably just deem them a rip-off anyway. It's definitely fun to see the far-ranging influence across a large variety of genres, and also fun to see that I enjoy most of these genres. Thanks for the recs, I think I tried Kraftwerk and Tangerine Dream at some point in time and was confused and/or scar®ed.

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I disagree entirely -- "like" is entirely too vague a word. I mean, you like Porcupine Tree, and they're "like" Pink Floyd, right? They're not a "rip-off", by any means (well, except that "Time Flies" is a deliberate rip-off of "Dogs").

I mean, I know what you mean -- certainly, if someone is a Pink Floyd tribute band, they're not bringing anything new to the party, but ... if I were to find a band whose single most audible influence is Pink Floyd, I can think of worse things to be influenced by. (I think we had this conversation the first time we met, so...sorry for repeating myself.)

Oh: Legendary Pink Dots -- they're all over the place, stylistically, so you can't just pick one song, but try the two albums, Crushed Velvet Apocalypse and Maria Dimension and the track, "Premonition 13". I don't think they'll scare you.

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I have been on the same quest for many years. My favorites so far:


Red Sparrowes

My Sleeping Karma

The above 3 are all instrumental.

Porcupine Tree


I figure I won't (and wouldn't really want to) find music that sounds the same but rather makes me feel the same when I listen to it.

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