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Somebody will have to tell me what measurements I want

All of them should sound pretty close to each other, honestly. I suppose there's still plenty of utility in customization, however.

If you could only keep one pair of headphones (based on sound alone), which pair would you keep?


Maybe you should use Tickle Me Lemos!

Oh, I just talked to Jude and he said that Tyll had the 800s on for 20 minutes this morning and thinks they may be the best dynamic cans he has heard. I know we will hear from Tyll directly, but that seems like some amount of further confirmation.

Plus, the Senn genius trust didn't even have the Dac 1 Pre so they are using the brand new Emm Labs dac as a digital transport into the the Dac 1! :blink: There may be a better way to listen to these cans, I'd imagine.

Posted (edited)
All of them should sound pretty close to each other, honestly. I suppose there's still plenty of utility in customization, however.

If you could only keep one pair of headphones (based on sound alone), which pair would you keep?

I have no intention of using the FR charts to make my pick. I intend to use the Psychic Puppy Network, of course! The Magic Dog Biscuit told me that the outlook was good when I asked if I should buy the HD800.


As for you question, that is tough. If pressed right now, I guess I would say my balanced Equinox'd PS-1s.

Edited by Voltron
Plus, the Senn genius trust didn't even have the Dac 1 Pre so they are using the brand new Emm Labs dac as a digital transport into the the Dac 1! :blink: There may be a better way to listen to these cans, I'd imagine.



Did you guys see the "manufactory video" on the webpage? It looks like one of those snobby Infiniti commercials with Jonathan Pryce.

The video shows the storage case, and the inside looks exactly like the SA5000 box with the silk lining. Did Sennheiser just bring over Sony's engineers? There are way too many similarities between these headphones.

As for you question, that is tough. If pressed right now, I guess I would say my balanced Equinox'd PS-1s.

Damn, them some nice cans. I think a better approach exists than the one I was driving at, however.

Your best bet is probably looking for the HD 800 that sounds most like an HD 800, rather than the one that sounds most like something else you like. If you have a list of FR charts available, take whichever looks to be most average. Odds are good that this is the pair closest to spec, anyways.


People around here and over at HF mock the DAC1 way to much. The thing is very very good and puts out what's recorded. That's the problem for a lot of people.

I had the USB for several months and really liked it. Sure it's harsh to bad recordings but that's by design as best as I can tell.

Damn, them some nice cans. I think a better approach exists than the one I was driving at, however.

Your best bet is probably looking for the HD 800 that sounds most like an HD 800, rather than the one that sounds most like something else you like. If you have a list of FR charts available, take whichever looks to be most average. Odds are good that this is the pair closest to spec, anyways.

Yeah all that function is going to do is now when someone writes a review that differs from the other guy they'll blame the differences on a inaudible .25db shift in the frequency response.

Yeah all that function is going to do is now when someone writes a review that differs from the other guy they'll blame the differences on a inaudible .25db shift in the frequency response.

Which will inevitably result in a "bass-light" and a "bass-heavy" version, or something to that effect. Whatever FR chart you get, Al, make sure to hold onto it. Should you ever decide to sell them, I guarantee you'll need to provide that information.

People around here and over at HF mock the DAC1 way to much. The thing is very very good and puts out what's recorded. That's the problem for a lot of people.

I had the USB for several months and really liked it. Sure it's harsh to bad recordings but that's by design as best as I can tell.

I'm actually not a DAC1 basher but it is not the height of headphone amplification and it is comical that they are using a $12k dac to feed a digital signal to a $1k dac/amp.

I'm actually not a DAC1 basher but it is not the height of headphone amplification and it is comical that they are using a $12k dac to feed a digital signal to a $1k dac/amp.

I thought that was funny too. But at the meet I had people raving about the Ayre when it was actually my $300-400 DEQ that was doing DAC duty. Perception is a lot in this world unfortunately.


Looking forward to hearing what some of you guys think of these when they start rolling in. If things look good, I might get a pair after tax season. Specifically what I'm looking for is transparency, comfort, excellent imaging and a distinctly un-sennheiser-like sound signature. :D

Looking forward to hearing what some of you guys think of these when they start rolling in. If things look good, I might get a pair after tax season. Specifically what I'm looking for is transparency, comfort, excellent imaging and a distinctly un-sennheiser-like sound signature. :D

Well at least from the diffuse field response curve it looks like that's (un-HD650) what they were aiming for.

I like this line from the webpage:

A material made of stainless steel?

Yeah, another thing I didn't know was that animals are made of food! How fucked up is that, no wonder everything wants to eat them. :eek:

Which will inevitably result in a "bass-light" and a "bass-heavy" version, or something to that effect. Whatever FR chart you get, Al, make sure to hold onto it. Should you ever decide to sell them, I guarantee you'll need to provide that information.

Wouldn't anyone be able to look up the frequency chart based on the serial number? You would think...

Wouldn't anyone be able to look up the frequency chart based on the serial number? You would think...

What self respecting Head-Fier is going to believe it?

"After 642.5 hours burn in with pink noise, the sound changed dramatically......"


If the phones are made and have the QC in Germany I bet measurements will be within 0.5dB or less for every single headphone. I guess it's just to show every single unit passes the QC. It also makes the thing more "personal", which IMO is a good marketing strategy.

I have a little experience with ring radiator tweeters. They need some burn-in to get more or less right... if you like their signature, which is not my case. I hope the HD800's driver sounds better.

Somebody will have to tell me what measurements I want, other than 36-24-36, which I already know about.
Wide (I.E. look at the upper and lower drop-off frequencies)? Flat? Perhaps a little bump in the presence region? Perhaps a little bump in the 5kHz region (is that "air")? Perhaps a little valley in the sibilance region? There was an article I read once that gave real-world examples of what all frequency regions "mapped" to, wish I could find it again.

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