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That's not what I said or meant.

Changing the subject, this place really is impossible because anything the person under attack says, you guys will find something to use as more ammo. I was amazed that during my 3 day silence (just to see what would happen if I stayed away) didn't result in any hint of the attacks dying out - which actually impresses me with everyone's tenacity. So, I'm at a total loss as to what the proper course of action is now. You win.

Looking back at the posts, from 12/10 6:20pm until yesterday, 12:00 something pm when Sherwood came to your defense, I don't see anything that could be construed as being an attack on you. Actually, almost all of what occurred until you went ballistic also could not be construed as an attack on you. Difference of opinion, yeah.
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Nobody was saying that you shouldn't review mid-fi gear or that you are somehow not worthy because some of your gear might fall into that category, including JP#s who was wrongly assumed to be claiming mid-fi isn't worth consideration. The criticism as I read it was that you think so highly of the Nuforce amp with the Stax trafo box and JP and others feel that amp is lacking. He had one at one point, so he was stating his opinion that yours was suspect because you praise something so much that he thinks is not worth the praise. That's it.

You don't have to apologize or change your style or whatever you are suggesting. You have to have a thicker skin and stick to your guns (no pun intended) if you want to hang around here, it's as simple as that.

I have no doubts there are better amps than the Nuforce, and when I reviewed the Nuforce SRD-7 vs SRM-1 Mk2 Pro, the SRM-1 beat it, as did the GES prototype.

I was considering an Almaro A205A Mk2 that JonL thought I should get, and decided to the the Woo GES maxed with pro and normal bias and loop out instead. The Nuforce/SRD-7 is just my backup, but it still sounds good to me, and better than even my HEV70.


If you show up here and expect that any opinion won't get challenged, you're not gonna like it. EVERYONE gets challenged. EVERY opinion gets called bullshit. If you can't take that, go the fuck away. If you can, if you care to stand up for what you think, then do it. Just don't whine like a bitch when you don't like what people say.


Okay. I would like to move forward and get this thread back on topic.

I am concerned that two people have already gotten their UM-56 custom tips and posted that their Westone 3 sounded worse with them. Are there any people here who have tried the UM-56 custom tips with other IEM, like SE530, UM2, UM1, ER4, IM716, Klipsch Image or others and did not like the UM-56 as much as universal tips?

I do know that when I would use a deep ear canal insertion with q-JAYS and Image X10 or Sleek SA6 that the sound would become dull and rolled off and boomy, with bass bleeding into the mids and hurting vocals and pianos. I posted a long time ago that by not inserting them as far that it really improved the sound a lot. Spyro found out the same thing with the W3 recently and is now loving them. So, I could see where the deeper insertion due to UM-56 could make it worse, but somehow the UM-56 improve both the Image X10 and W3 for my ears.


I am concerned that two people have already gotten their UM-56 custom tips and posted that their Westone 3 sounded worse with them.

Can't you just accept the fact that some people don't like the Westone 3?

You just can't let it go can you? Nit pick, pick pick pick... Can't answer the question, just looking for more ammo... :rolleyes:

That's a no then.

Oh, and how do you like my new Dino Jesus? I think he rocks.

You just can't let it go can you? Nit pick, pick pick pick... Can't answer the question, just looking for more ammo... :rolleyes:

If you actually took the time to read others post and tried to understand why people are nitpicking on you, we wouldn't have this discussion now. Perhaps you're too used to the royal treatment that you get on Head-fi and defending your opinion is something new for you, but you'll have to get used to it because that's how things work here, it's not a fantasy world where everyone is always happy and enthusiastic about everything. Just to remind you of my grudge with you, here's the statement that I disagreed with and that you still have not addressed:

Well it's either a high 10% failure rate of the phones or tip selection, or I and many others have super bat-hearing and can hear what you are missing.


This will probably provoke the ire of a few of you, I really don't want it to seem like I'm taking sides because god knows I feel the same way about some of the things that have been stated about HeadphoneAddict and what goes on at HF but I can see why the guy may have been a bit on the defensive from the outset considering this was post #8 of the thread:

BTW, is it just me or HeadphoneAddict is the biggest FOTM starter I've ever seen on Head-fi? He makes dedicated threads for his reviews, most of time with big capital letters in the title and he always seem super positive about everything. A lot of burn-in talk also in his reviews and it seems like a lot of people take his word for granted, though that's not his fault.

He seems like a friendly guy, but I hate the fact that a lot of people follow blindly his advice because I've been hearing very different things about some of the headphones that he reviewed (Markl Denon D5000 and Westone 3 come to my mind).

That and some of the ensuing comments certainly come pretty close to questioning his integrity. I don't really have much of an opinion either way, it's kind of become the way of HF, but I do think it showed some balls and at least somewhat of a thick skin to come on here and try and explain his position, maybe he could have dealt with it better but I think people saying there was nothing done to provoke him is a bit misleading. It's kind of starting to remind me of the whole -=Germania=- thing.


HeadphoneAddict is the one who brought the debate on a personal level, nobody questioned his integrity before he started acting like an 8 years old schoolboy.

My post about him being a FOTM starter was merely an observation, I didn't accuse him of anything. It's hard to deny that his writing style and online character make his reviews very prone to start FOTMs, it's pretty much a fact if you look at all his "followers" on Head-fi.

BTW, I'm out of this debate because it's becoming pointless very fast.


I'm not saying I disagree with what you posted only that saying he wasn't given a reason to be defensive is a bit off base. Seriously, wouldn't you be a bit on the defensive if the same thing was posted about you?

I'm not saying I disagree with what you posted only that saying he wasn't given a reason to be defensive is a bit off base. Seriously, wouldn't you be a bit on the defensive if the same thing was posted about you?

Or maybe I'd take a moment to be introspective and examine how my posts could be interpreted rather than act like a 5 year old.

Just to remind you of my grudge with you, here's the statement that I disagreed with and that you still have not addressed:


Well it's either a high 10% failure rate of the phones or tip selection, or I and many others have super bat-hearing and can hear what you are missing.

I didn't mean to insult with that remark, I am sorry.

This will probably provoke the ire of a few of you, I really don't want it to seem like I'm taking sides because god knows I feel the same way about some of the things that have been stated about HeadphoneAddict and what goes on at HF but I can see why the guy may have been a bit on the defensive from the outset considering this was post #8 of the thread:

That and some of the ensuing comments certainly come pretty close to questioning his integrity. I don't really have much of an opinion either way, it's kind of become the way of HF, but I do think it showed some balls and at least somewhat of a thick skin to come on here and try and explain his position, maybe he could have dealt with it better but I think people saying there was nothing done to provoke him is a bit misleading. It's kind of starting to remind me of the whole -=Germania=- thing.

Yes, that did put me on the defensive. I thought it was rather offensive and mean coming from someone who doesn't really know me.


After reading through large portions of this thread, this is all complete bullshit. Discussions of headphones should NEVER lead to personal attacks. I think you're all wrong, even the mature people, even me. I'm amazingly wrong.

I suppose it is human nature to create drama, because life is only interesting if there is drama right? (sarcasm).

I generally read these forums to get information, but every so often I come across threads like this, (both on head-fi and here) and get extremely pessimistic about the human race. I feel like it wouldn't be so bad if a giant meteorite came and destroyed the earth, it would put us all out of each other's misery.

I'm such a happy person! :D

But seriously, why is there so much hatred?

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you misunderstand calling someone out for BS as hatred. Just because HA is called out for his statements doesn't mean he is hated. :palm:

If I am out at the pub and I say something inane and my friends call me on it, it does not mean they hate me it just means they expect better of me and it also means they shouldn't have to stand idle by while I spout inane crap. Same holds true here or for that matter anywhere else.

Truth sometimes hurts

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