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So here's my pickle. I am currently running my Apple Airport Express through my DAC1 using the AE's optical out. However, if I wanted to use a USB DAC, I would need a converter for the SPDIF--->USB conversion, correct? I'm aware that such things exist, but I'm wondering:

a) Do they actually work well in practice, and

B) Would such a converter work coming off the AE instead of directly out of a PC? In other words, most of the converters I have come across tend to have a PC in the mix, which indicates to me that maybe there's a driver issue. But I don't know shit, so help me out.;)


There isn't a way to go optical to usb without a computer, unfortunately. It's a usb host vs usb client issue. Just because a criminals and lawyers usually go hand in hand, a criminal can't get you out of a speeding ticket without a lawyer...

There isn't a way to go optical to usb without a computer, unfortunately. It's a usb host vs usb client issue.

Dan, could you educate me a little more on this. I had hoped the Pico could be used with the AE, but now it looks like it can't...


The pico definitely can be used with an airport express :), you just have to pay someone more talented than me to replace the audio board inside the AEX with the pico boards, and put it in a different case, probably with an antenna. :)

Otherwise, it can't, because the usb port on the AEX is for printers only.


Vincent, are you looking for an upgrade from your current setup? Or are you still looking to sell the DAC1 and get something else? If it's the sell it option I'd see if you can't find someone early next year to build you a y1 dac (amb's latest project). I might have one in time for the NYC meet.

Vincent, are you looking for an upgrade from your current setup? Or are you still looking to sell the DAC1 and get something else? If it's the sell it option I'd see if you can't find someone early next year to build you a y1 dac (amb's latest project). I might have one in time for the NYC meet.

I take it the y1 can be USB powered?

# When used standalone, the USB interface board can be configured as a bus-powered USB-to-S/PDIF or USB-to-I

I take it the y1 can be USB powered?

Now that you mention it I think it requires a wallwart. But since he was already using the DAC1 I figured it didn't need to be USB powered. I'm still unclear as to what Vincent's endgame here is.

[edit]D'oh, spoke too fast.

[edit2]I see you found the same info.

I take it the y1 can be USB powered?

The PCM2707 USB-to-spdif converter used sounds about twice better subjectively when *not* powered by the USB bus and powered by good batteries IME in other DAC's...

I'm still unclear as to what Vincent's endgame here is.

heh, you and me both. I'm sort of re-examining my whole rig here, but what I was originally thinking was sell the DAC1 and get a Pico. I'd use the Pico as a portable, but I was also hoping that it would be possible to use it with the AEX. Basically sell the DAC1 and get a portable amp/DAC with a little left over. Sounds like that's a no go w/r/t the Pico. But maybe the y1...

The PCM2707 USB-to-spdif converter used sounds about twice better subjectively when *not* powered by the USB bus and powered by good batteries IME in other DAC's...

The incoming USB power on the y1 seems pretty well filtered by ferrites and capacitors, through a power multiplexer, and then regulated for each section of the DAC.

heh, you and me both. I'm sort of re-examining my whole rig here, but what I was originally thinking was sell the DAC1 and get a Pico. I'd use the Pico as a portable, but I was also hoping that it would be possible to use it with the AEX. Basically sell the DAC1 and get a portable amp/DAC with a little left over. Sounds like that's a no go w/r/t the Pico. But maybe the y1...

It should be doable with the y1 as it says it will accept digital inputs.

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