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Headphone magnets and pacemakers

Dusty Chalk

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To really have a serious problem from the interaction of an external magnet and an implantable pacemaker or defibrillator you need the magnet power of the ones in the Apogee speakers, which are well above most dynamic speakers, so let alone tiny earphones :palm: I know it well, a friend of mine has one of those defib implanted and the only speakers which gave problems were his Apogees Duetta when he was holding them to change placement into the room. He finally sold the speakers, but he's a regular user of others and cans. Never a problem.

One thing is "can be affected" and a very different one is having interaction to cause failure or malfunction, which should be the point instead of causing all this stupid public alarm. Cell phones can interact, MW ovens can interact... almost anything producing a EM or magnetic field can interact with a PM or DF. Fortunately not enough to cause malfunction, otherwise PM users should live in the countryside very away from any electrical or magnetic device :rolleyes:

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