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Exit polling suggests that 10% of Republicans voted for Obama and 10% of Democrats voted for McCain. I imagine we will have more conclusive evidence at some point.

Exit polling has about a 10% margin of error even in the best cases, so I'll be anxious to see more substantiated results in the months ahead

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Yup, I'm kind of a fan of a flat tax, 0 deductions kind of policy. If for no other reason that paying taxes to enforce paying taxes (the IRS) doesn't sit well with me. In 2005, the last fiscal year available, it cost the IRS approximately 10 billion dollars to collect our taxes. I'd like to think that that money could be put to a lot better use and that a simplified tax code could go a long way to reducing that number. Of course a substantial reduction of the IRS will probably never happen but I hope to live to see it.

Very well put, and I completely agree. A flat tax is not only fair, but much more efficient.

But I agree with Nate that we'll never see it in our lifetimes.

Since its come up again, i will restate that the current trend of anti-intellectualism in the conservative movement is a huge turn-off to me.

I agree, though I understand the rationale behind it. It all boils down to the fact that you can't do anything if you don't win. Sad state, though, when playing dumb gets you votes.

I give Obama credit for that. I don't recall him ever dumbing down to appeal to votes, though I do find some of his policies "dumb" in and of themselves. Kinda like a modern Adlai Stevenson, except for the winning part.

Meh. Not going to read the thread. No need to go over the last fucking two year yet again. just going to say:

Fuck yeah!

Now, let's get back to innovation and productivity, and get this fucking economy back on its feet.

Let's celebrate with an even better HR sale, desktop amps and preamps on sale.:)

It's reasonable for a president to pick people he agrees with as his cabinet. And again, I'd bet that Bush's cabinet is at least as diverse in opinion as Obama's will be.

Well Ingwe already pointed it out. Surrounding yourself with people of varying opinion is only worth something if they are allowed to freely express those opinions and if the opinions are seriously considered.

If you need examples look at the EPA, FDA, and FWS reports that had scientific evidence removed because it didn't support the political agenda. The pressure came directly from the top filtered through the respective cabinet posts.

Meh. Not going to read the thread. No need to go over the last fucking two year yet again. just going to say:

Fuck yeah!

Now, let's get back to innovation and productivity, and get this fucking economy back on its feet.

Amen! I think this thread has "run it's course" as the mods say.

I also heartily agree with Dan that this site is about friends. Individual human relationships are always more important then issues. It's more important for us to love and take care of each other then to be right. Having said that, it was stimulating to have this discussion.

Palin is a ridiculous circus clown up on the top of the list with Britney and Paris, no wait, they actually paid for the clothing on their backs.

I dare to state that you don't have a flippin' clue what Sarah Palin has accomplished as the Governor of the State of Alaska!

Your comments are certainly in response to the ridiculous media attempts at painting her to be the dittzy blonde that's more worried about her wardrobe than the business of politics.

If you have some actual criticisms of her decisions at the helm of the State of Alaska I'd love to here them. But if your just basing your opinions from the media's less than newsworthy "Little Lady" campaign that's just ignorant.

Why didn't the media comment on Barack's, Joe's or John's wardrobes? Because no one gives a shit, and why should that be different because the candidate is female?

I'm actually ashamed of how the media has responded to a female VP candidate. I'd have expected them to take a female VP candidate seriously, and not focus on such ridiculous trivial crap.

I assure you that she's quite adept at kickin' ass and taken' names.

Now there's a revolution with a solid platform :D

These desktop speaker stands are solid as rocks, baby! :o

Does anybody else find it frightening that all this dirt about Palin was "off the record" until after the campaign? Maybe those who were voting for McCain|Palin would want to know just how stupid and out of touch she really is, or maybe that she was a pain in the ass to her own campaign, or that they couldn't even teach her enough of the basics to get through the few interviews she did. :palm:

Oh, and once again, FUCK YEAH!

I voted for Bush in both of the preceeding elections. I felt like he'd be a better president than Al Gore and John Kerry. I still believe that. I'd make those votes again.

I definitely believe that John McCain would be a better leader for this country today than Barak Obama. I voted for McCain instead of Bob Barr for that reason.

Do I think George Bush was the best possible president we could have had for the last 8 years? No, but he was better than the alternative the opposition provided. I don't have the "all possible outcomes" crystal ball to look at. And I don't blame the president for every problem in the world.

Only history will tell. I think in the long run he'll come out way better than expected.

Only history will tell. I think in the long run he'll come out way better than expected.

As with any president, the demonizing will fade over time, and people will actually remember some of the positive things that happened.

I disagree with both of you. This administration has the lowest approval rating in history. It's certainly replaced the Carter administration as worst administration in my lifetime. Unless they can pull off a miracle (like an Israeli/Palestinian peace plan) in the remaining three months, I think historians will not be very good to this administration.

As with any president, the demonizing will fade over time, and people will actually remember some of the positive things that happened.

Bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaahahahahahaha. :rofl:

Sorry, we differ on this topic, I think if anything history will be less kind to G-dub than the present has been. I could site examples and I'm sure you'd site counter examples and we could banter about for another 200 posts or so on that topic but really, neither of us will play a role in that ultimate decision. All I know is that from where I sit it looks a lot worse than it did 8 years ago and I think the rest of the world (at least according to the polls) agrees with me.

Bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaahahahahahaha. :rofl:

OK. I admit it. I wanted to do this too. :P

It never ceases to amaze me how much denial people can go into. This applies to all sorts of things and both sides of every issue.

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