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NuForce Icon & NuForce S-1 v. TransDAC & Audioengine A2?

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As I've mentioned in another post, I'm trying to assemble an inexpensive computer rig for a friend. I know it's unlikely anyone has heard all the components, but anyone got any very positive or exclusionary experience with:

  • NuForce Icon & NuForce S-1
  • vintage DAC (likely Sonic Frontiers TransDAC/Assemblage DAC1) & Audioengine A2s

So USB DAC/amp & speakers versus DAC & active monitors. Leaning towards the latter (already have the DAC which would connect optically to his iMac), but both setups would in the end be ~$500. Unfortunately, buying both and returning the items of one set isn't possible in this case. Any words of advice?


The latter leaves a lot more room for improvements/additions/upgrades, while the first is kind of... stuck. The fate of all-in-one solutions. But then again I haven't heard much about the A2s, and I might have seen someone say the active Swans multimedia speakers were better?

The TransDAC is a fine piece of equipment though, no question about that.


I will chime in! :)

The only problem is that the midbass is a little too much without my kleenex stands imo and it doesnt go to the lowest parts of the bass. But its a nice full sounding speaker. It doesnt disappear or do anything extremely well but imo, great speakers for the price

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