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What would you guys recommend as a good integrated amp, preferably under 800$, that could handle well Quad 12L2 speakers and that could be use to feed a SRD-7 Mk2/SR-007 at the same time? My source for the moment is an Apogee Duet. Here are the specs of the Quad speakers:

Transducer Complement: 2 Way

Cone Bass Driver: 170mm / 6.5

Cone Bass / Mid Driver: n/a

Soft Dome Tweeter: 25mm / 1

Nominal Impedance: 6 Ohms (compatible with 8 Ohm amplifier outputs)

Frequency Response (-6dB): 45Hz - 28kHz

Upper Limit (-10dB): 32kHz

Power Handling


You may want to check the Canuck Audio Mart. I found a Naim Nait 5i in Quebec City for $1150 (assume CA) which is about $1050 US. Still more than you want to pay but his price is a little high so there may be room to negotiate. It's a great integrated. A Rega Mira 3 is in your price range as well. There is one on Audiogon for $700 ($1200 retail, I believe). The Quads are 88db so not too efficient so 50 watts plus is probably what you are looking for but you probably can get away with less. There is also some tube stuff to consider, like the Prima Luna Prologue 1. Wasn't sure if you cared whether tube or not. There may be some Cayin stuff in that range as well.


Odyssey Cyclops integrated would be one to look at. New may be within your reach ($895 was one figure I saw, but not sure on current price). I don't see these come up used very often, but they have only been out a year or so. 110W/ch.


Thanks for the suggestions guys, keep 'em coming. I've made an offer to a guy on Canuck Audio Mart for a used Cambridge Audio Azur 840A, seems like a pretty good value and it delivers 120Wpc into 8 ohms.


I just bought a 840A. I had a pretty good price from a Canadian seller, so no border fees, smaller shipping costs, etc. The amp looks very decent too and I've read a few excellent reviews of it in the past. Let's hope I like it, I already regret having sold my KGSS to finance a speaker rig.


(the one I bought is black though)


Good choice. I heard this unit last week at a dealer and was really impressed by it. Of course it didn't hurt that it was driving a pair of Harbeth HL-P3ES-2's. I <3 Harbeths.

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