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Damn, all the reviews are really enticing me to get one but I just can't get over the fact that it costs 3 times what I paid for my ESW9...

I stayed up waayyy too late last night listening to these, and am still glad I bought them. Sell the damn 9s, and get ye some some 10s. They won't be available forever, and cost comparisons never really mean anything in the long run. If I weren't trying to save for that new car :cool:, I'd pick myself up a second pair right now.

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I stayed up waayyy too late last night listening to these, and am still glad I bought them. Sell the damn 9s, and get ye some some 10s. They won't be available forever, and cost comparisons never really mean anything in the long run. If I weren't trying to save for that new car :cool:, I'd pick myself up a second pair right now.

Are they really that good, Vicki? Somewhat we seem to share some taste, judgment and gear, so I take your opinions with interest nonetheless.

I could use some portable "big" cans which provide some isolation, but not as much as IEMs, to use them on my on-call duties. I need to be able to hear the pager when it beeps, and also that the DAP can drive them without an amp. Of course good sound quality is important, otherwise I would be looking at some mid-range Grados or eventually the Portapros or PX-100. Are the ESW10 what I'm looking for? These things aren't cheap :rolleyes:

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could use some portable "big" cans which provide some isolation, but not as much as IEMs, to use them on my on-call duties. I need to be able to hear the pager when it beeps, and also that the DAP can drive them without an amp.
The esw9s excel in this area, which is why I never sold them when I got the UE11s. I'm finding the esw10s to be better across the board in sq. I've recommended the 9s, and will continue to do so, for anyone with similar needs, and I think they'll make most folks happy, but after hearing the 10s, I won't be using the 9s at all. The only gripe I have with them is that they are limited edition, and have purdy cups that might get damaged if taken out and about.

Of course good sound quality is important, otherwise I would be looking at some mid-range Grados or eventually the Portapros or PX-100. Are the ESW10 what I'm looking for? These things aren't cheap :rolleyes:
For what you've outlined, I'd only suggest the ews9s or 10s if interested in sq. As everyone here knows, I'm a huge fan of the 9s for what they are: closed, portable headphones. They aren't really toss-in-the-backpack headphones, or go-to-the-gym headphones, or walk-around-outside headphones, but outside of needing that kind of portability, I can't think of better sq available in a smallish headphone. Since the 10s are better in every way, to my ears so far, I think they're well worth the price since you're paying for something that no other similar headphone offers.

I think the only consideration I can't help you with is comfort. I have a smallish head, and have no problems with how they fit me, but ymmv. After the first 4 hours of listening last night, I had to take them off for a bit, not because they hurt, but because I wanted to feel some air on my ears. The headband was also starting to bug me, but again, not in a painful way, just didn't want it touching my head anymore.

btw, my biggest bitch with the 9s were that they couldn't handle complex, dense music with heavy instrumentation such as orchestral works, or heavier rock/metal, especially old-school speed metal (and who doesn't like that? :) ). The imaging and speed weren't there, and there was almost a dullness that defeated the music. I'd been using them almost exclusively for more acoustic/folk-type music and small combo jazz, and loved them for that. I'm fairly blown away in the difference between the 9s and 10s in that area, since the overall sound signature is the same. I've cycled through pretty much every genre, and on purpose played tracks the 9s couldn't handle, and the 10s do them right. I have also, so far, only listened to these straight from the ipod and mac headphone jacks with no amp or dac. I'll try them out with the pico sometime today, but they absolutely do not need an amp to sound good. In fact, that's the most impressive thing about them so far. They make everything sound good.

I know that I've had these for less than a day, so take that into consideration when reading my raving, but I'm really impressed with these babies.

Edited by boomana
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Okay, now am listening with the pico and my macbook, and am really considering picking up a second pair to have around since they won't be available forever. This is just plain stupid. Tone on acoustic guitars is scary good. Damn. Now what to sell :(

Edit: Add damn good banjo tone to that also!

Edit 2: Add cello to that. Zoe Keating CD sounds wonderful.

Edited by boomana
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I'm starting to notice the differences between these and my better full-size headphones. The big negative I'm noticing is that decay is pretty lame, and after long periods of listening (uh....basically since I got them yesterday), that becomes a bit irritating. I'm guessing it was pretty much a trade-off with the improvements in other areas. These are much more forward sounding headphones than I'm used to, lacking some nuance, but still......I'm pretty blown away and happy.

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Every time I see someone saying this about the ESW10, my heart sinks a little and a small part of me dies... :(

PLEASE post more negative points about them so that I don't end up with a pair... :P

Okay, how about this: The decay thing is really starting to piss me off. It's all attack and no place to settle. Yes, that's a complete exaggeration, not at all accurate, but 100% true nonetheless. In other words, it's time for me to go outside and leave headphones alone. Bye for now. :)

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Okay, how about this: The decay thing is really starting to piss me off. It's all attack and no place to settle. Yes, that's a complete exaggeration, not at all accurate, but 100% true nonetheless. In other words, it's time for me to go outside and leave headphones alone. Bye for now. :)

You had me convinced that the ESW10 suck, then you had to go and ruin it by saying those things... :P

But seriously, thank you for the impressions Vickki, I'm probably gonna succumb to the ESW10 and give in to it soon. I'd have to sell off my CD3000 first though... :(

Must resist temptation....

Anyone tried it out with electronica/trance/club or house music? How do they fare with stuff like that? :confused:

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Listen to Vicky she has them sighted in really well. That decay thing has not bothered me though and I hope that I don't let it bother me either.

This may be part of the high frequency part that I am not as bothered with as much as Vicky. The decay thing might be higher frequency harmonics working against her. After reading my last statement seems almost backwards from what her issue is. Can't put my hand on it better though.

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She did say that a pair of ESW9 she heard has treble that bites. I read on HF that people were saying the ESW9 were less peaky/had less treble bite than the ES7.

Now thing is, I like the ES7 because of its powerful punchy bass and treble bite. Sure, its not refined but it makes the music sound fun as hell. One thing that stopped me from getting the ESW9 was that many people were saying that they were a more polite version of the ES7. So, are the ESW10 a more polite refined version of the ESW9 then?

If so, then that's one reason I'd stay away from the ESW10. I kinda see it like the differences between the W2002 and W11jpn?

I like my freaky deaky treble on the ES7.

Anyone can compare the ES7 to the ESW10?

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Listen to Vicky she has them sighted in really well. That decay thing has not bothered me though and I hope that I don't let it bother me either.

This may be part of the high frequency part that I am not as bothered with as much as Vicky. The decay thing might be higher frequency harmonics working against her. After reading my last statement seems almost backwards from what her issue is. Can't put my hand on it better though.

The decay was bothering me a little, but that wasn't what was driving my irritation, and I just couldn't put my finger on it after too many hours listening. You nailed it! There's a sense of pushiness with the higher frequency harmonics that got to me.

That said, I'm putting these away for the rest of the day (or so I tell myself). They really are impressive little headphones that I like more than all I've heard in their category, but once I get cranky about something, it's hard for me to turn it around. I really am a snob and wish I would/could just stop it....but.....

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The decay was bothering me a little, but that wasn't what was driving my irritation, and I just couldn't put my finger on it after too many hours listening. You nailed it! There's a sense of pushiness with the higher frequency harmonics that got to me.

That said, I'm putting these away for the rest of the day (or so I tell myself). They really are impressive little headphones that I like more than all I've heard in their category, but once I get cranky about something, it's hard for me to turn it around. I really am a snob and wish I would/could just stop it....but.....

I have not heard the TTVJ Millet amp but I have a theory that this amp may be something to make the ESW10JPN even more special. The reason why I say this is based on what I hear of the ESW10JPN while listening with my Yamamoto HA-02 tube amp. Tubes may just deal with this slight issue that Vicky has isolated. Someone with one of these portable tube amps please if you can listen to the ESW10JPN with one and let us know how they sound. The Yamamoto HA-02 sweetens the sound just a bit to me and makes this one sound even better to me than....I almost can't say this...but it is true....than with my UE9 that I have enjoyed so much with my Yamamoto. I normally listen using my iBasso Boa at work but on the last two weekends I have taken the ESW10JPNs to the Yamamoto while being on the computer. The Boa just fails to handle the ESW10JPN as well as the Yamamoto as one should expect.

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This is what the Live Search site says:

Keep saving money each time you use Live Search cashback. Every time you make a qualifying purchase, we'll send you an email to confirm your Live Search cashback savings. Usually 60 days after your purchase (although this time period may vary for some stores), and when your cashback account reaches a balance of at least $5, you can claim your cold, hard cash.

Oh, and yeah, it sucks that it only applies for USA. :(

I'd definitely buy an ESW10 on cashback if I were living in the USA. :sadcat:

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