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I'm guessing a simple retermination could fix that "problem".

Won't fix the fact that they're incredibly overrated and a terrible value at current prices :palm:

Though they are worlds ahead of the W5k, not that there's any great achievement in that.

Won't fix the fact that they're incredibly overrated and a terrible value at current prices :palm:
I think we both had a similiar reaction to them in New York. Sort of a "what the f is all the fuss about" listening experience.

Though they are worlds ahead of the W5k, not that there's any great achievement in that.
I can only hope that the pair I owned for a short time was broken in some way, they were just not good. I'd rather listen to SR325s w/ bowls.

I listened to L3000 this last weekend for the first time in a while. They are good to great cans, and they are better balanced in a good system. When I had a pair for a couple of weeks, though, it turned me from wanting them a lot to not really caring much at all. There is a wow factor and the tactile appeal of the leather covers, but in the end I didn't find them nearly special enough for the cost. They are not neutral and they are not all that well balanced, from what I have heard. I'll live happily with my PS-1s that I bought before the crazy uptick in price. 8)

Oh, wait, I meant to write something more related to the original topic. I am really looking forward to hearing the ESW9 vs. ESW10 at Tampa, Vicki, so please don't let go of either before we have that chance. :) Aardvark seems to be quite taken with the 10 and slwiser apparently thinks they are an upgrade. I'll be curious to hear it. I often take my HF-1s for travel as an alternative to IEMs but they are not closed and do not represent an option on a plane. I used my Ed.9s a couple times that way, but then reterminated them with 2 XLRs which is kinda clunky with adapters down to 1/4 and then 1/8. :o I hope you can borrow an iPod this weekend to spend some time with the 10s.

yeah, but that would be more money on top of the phones.
So let me get this right, you're fretting over spending what is probably less then $100 after buying cans that will set you back a couple grand. Shoot, even if you just bought an adapter you could probably be into a solution for ~$50. This strikes me as penny-wise, pound-foolish behavior.
So let me get this right, you're fretting over spending what is probably less then $100 after buying cans that will set you back a couple grand. Shoot, even if you just bought an adapter you could probably be into a solution for ~$50. This strikes me as penny-wise, pound-foolish behavior.

Uh, twice. :palm:

So let me get this right, you're fretting over spending what is probably less then $100 after buying cans that will set you back a couple grand. Shoot, even if you just bought an adapter you could probably be into a solution for ~$50. This strikes me as penny-wise, pound-foolish behavior.

Its not a deal breaker, its just a pita. I'd rather have S.E. if it could be worked out.

Its a petty charge on top of the phones, but the phones themselves are already at an astronomical price, that anything above that would still be a pain.

I'm guessing a simple retermination could fix that "problem".

I would recommend getting an adapter instead. That way you can listen both ways and it's cheaper than a retermination. Plus it's still balanced and easier to sell if you decide to later sell it. I own and highly recommend the Sialo adapter.

Note: I saw that Nate later suggested an adapter too. Shill! ;)

Won't fix the fact that they're incredibly overrated and a terrible value at current prices :palm:

Exactly how I felt upon first receiving them.

Having spent so many months with my PS1's, initially the L3000's were not that impressive. Immediately I noticed the darker sound signature, compared to the PS1 highs which I love, and was a little turned off and disappointed. I could tell right away that the midrange and bass were definitely to my liking, but the highs left a lot to be desired. What really struck me though was how good their tone was. I sat back and decided to devote a few hours to them, and ended up feeding them everything from Chemical Brothers to The Dead. About 30 minutes in to the ordeal I was wowed, sold, etc. The darkness literally disappeared somewhere along the way, everything came in to focus, and it revealed itself as a most impressive headphone.

There is definitely some brain acclimation involved with the L3000. I liken it to the HP-1000. With the PS1 I can put it on and literally be right there in the music immediately, but both the HP2 and L3000 take me a few minutes to really notice and appreciate what they have to offer. I feel that these two specifically are not the ideal headphones of choice for evaluating during meet conditions, however I have no doubt that your initial impressions left you with the feeling that they were vastly overrated.

Price is another debate entirely, and I understand where you're coming from when you bring up price and value, however I truly don't feel that these factors apply to the majority of the top tier headphones. The way I see it, they are by far the best bargain going. Why? Because they very rarely ever lose any value and almost always gain, at least until they hit a temporary plateau. So where's the risk in trying them out? As long as your do your homework and know what you should be paying for the headphone, you can literally but it, try it out for a few weeks/months, and then turn around and sell it if that time comes and not lose a penny other than shipping costs. Sometimes if you hold on to it long enough you end up selling it for a couple of hundred dollars more than you bought it for. Getting paid to own the top tier headphones for a period of time? I just don't see the downside in that. Yes you could argue that their current market value does not correlate with their performance, I would disagree, however with the top tier's one is always paying for that last 5-10%.


Between the L3000 and Edition 9, which one did you enjoy listening to more?

I listened to L3000 this last weekend for the first time in a while. They are good to great cans, and they are better balanced in a good system. When I had a pair for a couple of weeks, though, it turned me from wanting them a lot to not really caring much at all. There is a wow factor and the tactile appeal of the leather covers, but in the end I didn't find them nearly special enough for the cost. They are not neutral and they are not all that well balanced, from what I have heard. I'll live happily with my PS-1s that I bought before the crazy uptick in price. 8)

Oh, wait, I meant to write something more related to the original topic. I am really looking forward to hearing the ESW9 vs. ESW10 at Tampa, Vicki, so please don't let go of either before we have that chance. :) Aardvark seems to be quite taken with the 10 and slwiser apparently thinks they are an upgrade. I'll be curious to hear it. I often take my HF-1s for travel as an alternative to IEMs but they are not closed and do not represent an option on a plane. I used my Ed.9s a couple times that way, but then reterminated them with 2 XLRs which is kinda clunky with adapters down to 1/4 and then 1/8. :o I hope you can borrow an iPod this weekend to spend some time with the 10s.

Between the L3000 and Edition 9, which one did you enjoy listening to more?

I also own an ED9, and it's just sitting around collecting dust. I need to throw it up on ebay while this cashback thing is going on.

To my ears, both the L3000 and PS1 are noticeably a tier or three higher in performance than the Edition 9. The ED9 has an initial wow factor, especially if you're coming from a lower end Ultrasone(I used to own a PL750, prior to acquiring the ED9), but after comparing them back to back with either the PS1 or L3000 I'm just not motivated to use them in the slightest. They have very pleasant highs and excellent bass, but their midrange just ain't right. Their worst trait is their tone though, or lack thereof, and that is the major dealbreaker for me. They could have been an outstanding headphone. They have fantastic balance, and amazing low level detail retrieval and detail presentation, but in the end the music just doesn't feel right coming out of them. Something just feels off and it never gets my toes tapping. The tone, body, and soul to the music is just missing.

If I had bought them before ever having been exposed to the L3000/PS1 then I would have ignorantly been in bliss.

Posted (edited)
Boomy, what's wrong with the Ipods?

I dunno. Just dead. One was barely used (a free nano that came with my computer). One was an old ipod photo that Vinny turned into an imod for free, so I gotta send it back that way. I've been either really busy or really lazy lately, and listen to cds or with my computer at home. Dan's sending me his ipod for now, so I'll have something to try out.

I'm pretty excited. I should have new headphones today or tomorrow, and just bought a new gun. When I get my UE11s back from UE next week, I'm going to wear them under my muffs at the range, and listen to some good tunes. Life is fun!

Edited by boomana

Oh, wait, I meant to write something more related to the original topic. I am really looking forward to hearing the ESW9 vs. ESW10 at Tampa, Vicki, so please don't let go of either before we have that chance. :) Aardvark seems to be quite taken with the 10 and slwiser apparently thinks they are an upgrade. I'll be curious to hear it. I often take my HF-1s for travel as an alternative to IEMs but they are not closed and do not represent an option on a plane. I used my Ed.9s a couple times that way, but then reterminated them with 2 XLRs which is kinda clunky with adapters down to 1/4 and then 1/8. :o I hope you can borrow an iPod this weekend to spend some time with the 10s.

Don't worry. You know how hard it is for me to let go of gear, so both the ESW9s and 10s will be in Tampa. Dan's sending me his ipod, and I'll be sending all back to Dan after Tampa so he can have a listen.

Don't worry. You know how hard it is for me to let go of gear, so both the ESW9s and 10s will be in Tampa. Dan's sending me his ipod, and I'll be sending all back to Dan after Tampa so he can have a listen.

Given all the dibs-calling and such, if you find that you don't really want the ESW10 I call dibs on them!


Headphone crazy! Gear crazy! Crazy people crazy! and now


I'm too busy and tired to be crazy, but those are really cute shoes. :)

Looks like both my esw9s and esw10s will sit at the post office until Friday, which is the first time I'll be free to go pick them up. Ah well. Something about patience being a virtue or somesuch nonsense should be in my mind about now, but that's not what I'm thinking at all. It's really something more like this: :rant:


Well, I finally retrieved both the 10s and the 9s, along with Dan's ipod, from the post office today, and have been listening over the past couple hours. My very preliminary impressions are that the 10's own the 9s in pretty much every way, especially in a tighter bass, and more pronounced upper midrange. I was afraid there would be more treble emphasis than I like, as I'd heard Vorlon1's pair, a later pair of 9s than mine, that had a far more pronounced and, imo, nasty, biting treble, but I'm not finding that to be true. These have the sound signature of the 9s, but are cleaner and more balanced, and with slightly improved headstage/soundstage (whatever floats your boat). I'm liking pretty much everything about them, and I just gotta say that Dan's recordings of the Cowboy Junkies aren't hurting my impressions one bit: beautiful!

I need to get a few more hours on them and let my new-toy rush wear off, before I can say anything that might be meaningful, but my first-day impressions are all good :)


fwiw I haven't really noticed much change due to 'burn in' with my pair, with the hours I've put on them at the office. I will say they sound a lot better with the ipod than the Transit. I never realized how bad the transit sounds until getting a second unit recently.

Anyway, I think you can expect them to sound at least reasonably close to what you're hearing now, unless something magical happens after some # of hundreds of hours. :)

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