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I thought it was about time my cheap ass got a cheap headphone amp (I wouldn't be so cheap if I wasn't so broke :() and due to the overabundance of orthodynamics in my collection I need something with a good bit of powah, so far the only ones I've found that are both cheap and powerful seem to be the Darkvoice amps @1w. I'm thinking the little Figaro or 336. I've heard and liked the 336 but heard not the Figaro and that one is cheaper and looks less vulnerable to my clumsy ways.

Anyone here heard one and have an opinion of it as a smallish and cheap workaday amp or others similarly priced ($200 inc shipping) with enough juice to run orthos?


Thanks to Hydrocity I was able to hear my AA amp, and unfortunately it is not well. I pulled it apart and the board looks fine, i.e. no obvious frying. If you have any DIY skills I can send it to you and you can see if you can get it working. You will need your own power supply with the specifications listed HERE. Let me via PM or email.


I had and liked the 336 with my K340s and a few new tubes, so it has the powah, as you say. I've never heard an ortho in my life, so I have no idea how they might match up. Never heard the figaro. After being all bitchy in a Little Dot thread on head-fi today, I have learned that they sure have devotees and I know they are cheap. Don't know about their power thing. They've powered more than a few idiots, that's for sure, but might still be worth checking into.


Heh, I don't know why people get so fixated on a particular brand. It's a pretty retarded way of looking at things. I prefer to have one or two of all makes :rolleyes:

I don't know how powerful the LD amps are but I know the DVs are fairly strong. I do plan on buying an amp because I'm just not that savvy with electronics otherwise I'd have already built an amp myself.

I'll investigate further on this. I guess I'm thinking the DV Figaro will be as good as anything else in that price range.

Thanks for the offer Morph, I have no test gear and little knowlege so it would be wasted on me. I can't even figure out how to make my Gainclone boards work.

Thanks to Hydrocity I was able to hear my AA amp, and unfortunately it is not well. I pulled it apart and the board looks fine, i.e. no obvious frying. If you have any DIY skills I can send it to you and you can see if you can get it working. You will need your own power supply with the specifications listed HERE. Let me via PM or email.

I'm sorry to hear that :(

What exactly is not well about it?


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I have the DIY abilities of a gnat. It'll have to be something ready made as I'm way too much of a doofus to ever think I could build an amp and expect it to actually work. :rolleyes:

I have a couple of options I'm pondering on now, also, I'm broke so options on ready mades are limited too. Gotta keep it cheap!

I'm sorry to hear that :(

What exactly is not well about it?

There is a lot of background static. It is there whether you use the volume control or not. You can actually faintly hear the music and its volume is unaffected by the volume control. It was sort of a "free" find anyway. I had packed it up when we were moving from SD and just happened to find the box a few weeks ago.


I would love an M^3, It's probably the ideal amp for orthos and I could probably put one together but would have no way to test or fault find as I know absolutely dick about electronics. Finding parts would also be a challenge because no-one has a standardized build and people swap and change parts as they see fit. I couldn't even nail down what transformer to use with a gainclone because everyone does it differently and unless you know, you don't know. Which is why even though I asked around I still have nothing more than a bunch of parts. I gave up through frustration. :confused:

Belive me, I'd love to DIY it, I simply don't understand electronics.

Old dog, new tricks and all that balls :(



If you look at amb's site you can still find the BOM that I did in an excel spreadsheet. If you can manage a paint by numbers type of exercise (really, it's just a matter of taking your time) then you should be able to stuff the pcb just fine. Same deal with the power supply. And I for one don't see much need to deviate from the standard parts list for 99% of the build. The only changes to the PS would be to upspec the trafo and heatsinks and same with the amp, just beef up the heat sinks.

I might even have some parts to donate to the cause.


Thanks for that.

I'll take a closer look at AMBs site and see what's involved.

Oh and Spritz, if I asked before doing something stupid then it wouldn't be stupid and I have a reputation of stupidity to uphold ;D

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