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Many states have similar laws now but honestly they are a complete waste. The problem with peopling talking on their cell phones isn't holding up the phone it's that driving and talking at the same time is too difficult a task for many people.

Probably both hehehe. Here most cars are stick gear, so keeping a hand busy on the cell is some handicap for proper driving. Add to that the distraction of running a conversation...

Anyway, I'd need someone qualified to explain my why this need of being available 24/7 everywhere, and the need to tell someone every single crappy thought that crosses your mind.

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Individual's Charge Report

This woman entered expressway lanes that are one-way only, switched directions for traffic flow with rush hours. It's not an easy feat to get onto that thing going the wrong way, she had to run over cones and through a few barriers. A few miles later she piled up a few vehicles, killed a woman and injured the woman's 4 year old daughter. Worst part is she's kinda hot.


But they'll be easy enough to spot. Look for the cars that actually move as soon as the light turns green.

Can someone please explain this to me?

I'm feeling somewhat dense right now (4.20am, should be sleeping, but can't). :palm:

@NightWoundsTime, worst part? I think that's the best part. That will teach her not to be soo fucking idiotic the next time round. I hate people like her. Her dumbassness gets innocent people killed and she walks away to see another day. :mad:

Damn unfair. >:(

Oh, and she ain't hot at all. Just mildly/barely bangable. Sorry for the bad pun. :P

Can someone please explain this to me?

From the car talk web site

Within five years, all but a few latter-day Luddites who refuse to be "plugged in" will remain cell-free.

But they'll be easy enough to spot. Look for the cars that actually move as soon as the light turns green.


The people who aren't distracted by talking on their phone, have better situational awareness, notice that the lights have changed, and respond appropriately.

As opposed to people who are distracted by talking on their phone, requiring the people behind them using their horns to remind them that the world outside their conversation has changed :)


Aha, ok got it. I thought they were saying it was the other way round. I thought that they were saying people that were talking on the phone were the ones who moved faster. :palm:

My bad. :(

Ewwww!!!!! Not even on a bad day.

Ugly stick is all worn out from that one.

I went back and clicked on the pic to get a bigger pic.

And yeah, you're right. Ewwwww indeed. I take back what I said.

Not bangable material at all, just bang her down.


I read it the same way. I generally do try to avoid cell phone use while I'm driving. Don't quite see the point in possibly endangering myself and others for a phone call that I might not care about. Been thinking I might need to get sunglasses though, the sun's been blinding round 5-6pm recently.


Driving law enforcement in the USA depends entirely on where you live. In some areas traffic laws are a joke, and you can pretty much do whatever the hell you want. In other areas, like my sleepy little town, God forbid you stray 10mph over the limit, or change lanes too fast, or drive a flashy car, because the pigs will be on you like flies on a pile of dung. My friend has a flashy car, doesn't speed, obeys every road law, and he lost his license many, many times and only has it now because his mother is a translator for the local traffic court and has some influence.

I think that things like cell phones, headphones, booze/drugs, and other distractions, aren't the root of the majority of accidents that have anything to do with them. It's just that our driving training/tests are so easy, and our traffic laws are so strict, that people never learn to properly drive. Then, you factor in that a lot of people in the tri-state area are immigrants and didn't have a car back where they came from (my family certainly didn't), so they have a lot less experience than their age would have you think. If we were much more serious about teaching drivers some actual driving, like skid control, slalom, bad weather conditions, and yes, how to drive fast on a track and control the car at high speed, then people would be much more able to multi-task, drive while talking on a cell phone, or drive slightly drunk, or generally know how to react in a dangerous situation on the road - which WILL happen no matter how hard you try to avoid it.

Instead, the bureaucracy is making so much money just getting drivers on the road as quickly and in as large numbers as possible, then taxing them and fining them for just about everything they can think of, that having a stricter driving standard would involve financial losses, and will never probably be done.

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