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For the last few months I've lost all my motivation for DIY.

I have parts to complete quite a few projects but all my motivation is gone... I haven't been listening alot of music too...

I haven't fired the soldering iron probably in 6 months...

Any ideas to help me get back DIYing? I'm sure some of you had this problem!

Thanks in advance!



1) Associate soldering with great sex.

2) Give yourself a Hershey's Kiss after every solder joint.

3) Have soldering parties, with alcohol and loose women.

4) Send it all to Nate.


I've certainly gone through periods of time where I wasn't interested in doing any DIY. Usual I just accept that and find other stuff to do rather than try and force myself to do something that should be fun. I've also stopped trying to keep up with every cool project out there, there's just too many and trying to track all of it (not to mention afford it) is insanity in its own right. So my advise, put the iron down for a while, enjoy another facet of life and when it's time to come back to it you'll know.


About that enjoying listening to music thing, maybe it would help to explore and find new music. If no motivation for that; start/stop drugs/sex/job (in some rare cases all three).

I find that music and work often depend on or sometimes can even affect your emotional state, sounds like you might want a change if you don't like how you feel.

About that enjoying listening to music thing, maybe it would help to explore and find new music. If no motivation for that; start/stop drugs/sex/job (in some rare cases all three).

I find that music and work often depend on or sometimes can even affect your emotional state, sounds like you might want a change if you don't like how you feel.

I would advise to stop, or, not start drugs.... ever.


If it's not fun and you're not motivated, just don't do it. It's a hobby, it's supposed to be fun, if it isn't fun anymore then move on and find something else to enjoy. One day in the future you might get an itch to do DIY again, or maybe you won't, but in either case don't worry about it, it's not your job, it's just a hobby. Interests change, people change, and that's life.

To use a personal example, I used to play tennis a lot and it was a hell of a lot of fun, then I got tired of it and it wasn't fun anymore. I have close to $1000 in tennis equipment sitting around gathering dust, haven't played in years but that's fine, I don't lose any sleep over it or regret anything. Maybe I'll play again someday, maybe not, in the meantime I'm having way too much fun mountain biking.

depends on the drugs. a little dimethylmercury might be just what the doctor ordered.

What about just regular old mercury? Cheap and easy access. You may or may not have funny visions, either way you'll be the only one that knows!

oh, you have to go out of your way to poison yourself with elemental mercury. the dimethyl stuff will kill you if a drop falls on your hand, even if you are wearing rubber gloves.

but there's just something about NOS thermometers ...

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