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gpalmer has/had the original gilmore reference


this was a custom pre-amp version for emelius with 24-step gain switches. the contents of the 2 box reference are the same


My gosh....that is one damn sexy amp!!

Nice work Justin!

gpalmer has/had the original gilmore reference

<Amp porn 1>

this was a custom pre-amp version for emelius with 24-step gain switches. the contents of the 2 box reference are the same

<Amp porn 2>

*whistles loudly* Show us the solder side! :D

Wonderful pics Justin, thanks for sharing them. I still have to hear from the former owner and the current seller >:(

I share the interest of others about how do the


thanks for your impressions asr. I agree with you on the 22, though I've never heard the gs-x.

my next big goal is to compare the HR balanced desktop to the 840C + beta. so y'all let me know if you see one used. :)

I previously owned both the GS-X and the B22. Not at the same time of course, and I didn't get to hear both on the same source (which would've been nice). But both amps seemed to share a distinctive "transparent window" type of sound. If you've heard a HeadAmp, it'd give you a good basic idea of what the B22 might be like. The GS-X and B22 to my ears are both unfiltered windows to the source component. The B22 will have an easier time driving high-impedance and/or inefficient loads of course due to its much higher output power - it is partly designed as a speaker amp after all, and Ti says it can handle the K1000.

And I really think the B22 is overkill for most headphones that most people would pair it with - its specs and parts cost alone are indicators of its high quality. I heard my B22 with the Qualia 010 and found it to sound amazing, much better than with the K701.

And the B22 isn't exactly readily accessible either, I think most people forget it's a DIY build. Build it yourself or find a builder - and I haven't seen many builders exactly springing off boards to build these amps either, so that may be difficult.

Given the relative dearth of high-quality, high-end balanced (and solid-state) amps in the market, I think the Gilmore Reference Balanced is still a good buy despite its age - a solid design that's bested only by a few other amps technically that include the Dynamight (balanced Dynahi) and balanced B22.

Asr did you sell your B22? what are you using now?


The B22 can be just a bit sterile sounding when cold but let it warm up for a bit (30-60mins) and it's just a very open window into the music. This is with the very transparent Fostex T-50 which will let you know everything that is going on. It may look like overkill on paper but the truth is that you can never have too much power.

:cool:, oh, man, look forward to knowing what "_____" and "____" are. Must be good stuff to be able to replace that b22...
He did, and he's not telling (they (2) haven't arrived yet).
BTW, what's your opinion about HR amps? I rarely see them mentioned as being neutral-transparent, but for the price of the big models, they'd better be. I've never listened to one, too expensive to import one paying full custom taxes, shipping, etc.

I haven't heard any HeadRoom amps for a long enough time to be able to comment on them. I can say though that HeadRoom is the 4th and last commercial amp vendor that I'd buy from after HeadAmp, Eddie Current, and Woo Audio (in that order also) - I wouldn't personally buy from any other amp vendors at this point, for reasons that are too many to list.

:cool:, oh, man, look forward to knowing what "_____" and "____" are. Must be good stuff to be able to replace that b22...

"_____" and "____" are 1 dynamic and 1 electrostatic amp, and the electrostatic amp is the still-in-progress HeadAmp Blue Hawaii SE, if that helps any. ;) Right now I am not listening to my home CD system since there's no amp in place. I have the SP Square Wave w/ DAC but it gets next to no use.

Posted (edited)
I would say a Pass Labs amp is musical and neutral at the same time. Very capable of revealing what a source is capable of yet at the same time wasn't sterile or dry.

For headphone amps- another you might want to keep an eye open for is the Dynamite; gorgeous sound from those beasts. Though it might be hard finding one in Europe.

Yep, I know of the Pass Aleph series, nice amps. Too bulky and too hot, but nice sounding.

Regarding the Dynamite or Dynamight, I've not even seen one recently for sale at Head-fi, so forget to find one in Europe. I suppose it could be custom ordered to some reliable builder who were able to build the

Edited by Torpedo
I didn't see Asr had posted
BTW, what's your opinion about HR amps? I rarely see them mentioned as being neutral-transparent, but for the price of the big models, they'd better be.
I find the Balanced Max to be very neutral-transparent. I've heard it several times under meet conditions, and once in a more dedicated listening session. The current one with the diamond buffer was special, so if you search used, make sure you know which version you're looking at.

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