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i believe PJ has a pair of those.

Somehow I missed this reply until now. PJ as in Postjack?

The auction closes this evening, making any impressions a bit 11th hour. From what I've read, it sounds like the 22L2s are very sensitive to room positioning, especially how far back they are from the walls. This might not be the best for me, especially as the position of my gear is in a state of flux. Still, I've be interested in hearing any head-caser's experience with the 22Ls, especially with regard to placement and amp choice.


I used to be a borderline shill when it came to the Quad L series. I was in the position of almost getting a pair, but then realized I'm heading in a different direction, speaker-wise (omni, etc.). I have to admit, the one time I heard them, they were positioned extremely well. (Several feet out from the wall.) So can't help you there. They were paired with a Manley Stingray, which wasn't as synergistic as I would have liked, considering that was the amp with which I was going to pair it at home.

  • 3 weeks later...

Well, that was quick. To reasonably heavy boxes arrived at my doorstep this afternoon. The contractors just left, and I've got a radio show at midnight, so I won't have much time to set up the speakers and futz with them this evening. One thing's already clear, I'm gonna need some isopads.

Time to complain, as the ebay ad clearly says "**** This PAIR of speakers you are bidding on are in Black. "

A-yep. I double checked the auction description, to make sure I wasn't going crazy, and then sent of a short email explaining the situation. I just spent the last half-hour getting the speakers situated and wired (oh, do I loathe long runs of Kimber.) I've had the speakers on for oh, about two minutes, and so far they sound ...well pretty good I guess. I'm nowhere near the point of doing critical listening, but they make noise, and it is pretty.

On a side note, apparently the DACs of my Adcom GCD-750 work even when the unit is powered down (in standby mode?) Sound comes out, but it's very quiet. Powered on it has a class A analog output stage (I think, don't hold me to that) which is of course VERY LOUD. Fortunately, I turned the Quads off before powering on the Adcom.


I had an email from the seller this morning. He apologized, said he'd send me the other black speaker, and a return tag for the wood finish one. He seems like a stand up guy, if this goes well, I'd still consider him for future purchases (MA sales tax and all).

It turns out the wrong speaker was Cherry finish. I'm somewhat perturbed by this as I grew up in the antique furniture business and in theory should have some clue about identifying wood.



I now have a pair of matching black 12L Active sitting on my desk. They're being feed directly via the balanced output of my Adcom GCD. This arrangement is suboptimal for a number of reasons, but it was simple, and there's not much in the signal path. It'll be weeks before I can offer any real insight into these things (I am ponderously slow at getting to know a piece of kit. I'll say this offhand, the Quads appear to be closer to the Gilmore "clear light of day" sound than the "beer goggling" of a Millett. I've already found one recording that I can't stand to listen to (the promo version of Kyuss - Sky Valley is mastered horribly.)

The GLite + DPS perch quite nicely on the left speaker. I'll take pix ...real soon now. I've got to clean off my desk and get some of these building materials out of the kitchen before I even think of taking pictures. :palm:

Another pair in cherry, ending in a couple days. I can, ahem, attest firsthand as to the quality of the cherry finish. My only objection to the Quads thusfar has been the overly bright blue LEDs. I'm going to have to cover them with a few layers of matte scotch tape. Ever since I got my GLite and DPS, I have appreciated how the LEDs are both not overly bright and somewhat recessed. I wish more audio designers would follow Justin's lead. I'm not a fan of being blinded by my electronics. knuckledragger-albums-smileys-picture241-blink.gif

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