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What If I Were Looking For a Complementary HP for The 750..?

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Huhumm, I thought I would never say that but I guess it's time I'd expand my vision. I am, at times, getting tired of the sucked out midrange which makes me feel like eq-ing buy I don't want that.

When I walked home today I listened to Paranoid Android of Radiohead and I got scared of the hollownesss to the sound. I can't seem to listen around it anymore. I noticed the sucked out midrange long before and got the hollowness at times too but it was not noticable with all music and mood depending so I thought it was more me or the recording than the hps. I know some people described those same issues with the 750s but I rather tend to wait till I find it out myself.

The issue ate at me and I kept it silent for a long time but now I'm done with that.

I recently briefly listened to the DT990 600 ohms of my brother straight out of my Powerbook and when switched to the 750s again I could clearly notice the sucked out mids and highbass. It was the first time I noticed their awkward presentation of sound.

It was straight out of my comp and short so I don't value that comparism a lot. I know the 750s do better when being properly amped but the thought of that never quite left me alone after that.

Don't get me wrong, I absolutely love the 750s for their highs, their bass, and especially their speed and attack. With electronics and metal they still sound like making out with my ears.

I do plan on getting the ed9 as I know they will make up for what I miss with the 750s but that'll be for home use and when I win the lottery or something :cool:

But now I'm a little very not sure where to go...Closed is a must (it's for on the go as primar purpose). I like a bright sound I guess. I don't like lush musical sounding such as the hd600. To me that's boring. I have never heard it out of a killer setup, I have to say nor balanced, maybe that does the trick but I don't like them at all.

I hate the DT770. Bass is awful muddy not detailed, overpowering the rest of which there isn't already a lot.

No other Ultrasone as I liked the 750s best of what I've heard so far.

No DT880. No Sennheiser. No Sony.

Music taste: Electronic dancy stuff, Pink Floyd, Bjork, Air, Massive Attack, CSNY, Simon & Garfunkel, Classical stuff, Yes, Saga, Dave Brubeck, Stan Getz, Glenn Miller, Pleymo, Korn(older stuff) so I like lot's of things.

Budget: 300-400$

I've read a lot on headphones during my time on head-fi and I'm not sure a thread with recommendations will help a great deal as no one has my ears but I might be shown a direction I haven't thought of before....

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I'm going to go out on a limb and say a k340 or even a k240. Sweet sweet sweet midrange. The 340 will take a beefy setup to milk the most out of it, though. The 240 will sounds pretty darn good right out of an ipod.

You might not want the k240s, though, its a bit on the muddy side. You won't know unless you try though. You are welcome to auditioning my k240s, if you'd like.

Yeah, I looked at those when I started my search 2 yrs ago. The only thing that kept me from them is the headband. I find these double headbands pretty uncomfortable when out and about.

And that kills my recommendation... I haven't heard it, but what about the ESW9?

Yeah, I looked at those when I started my search 2 yrs ago. The only thing that kept me from them is the headband. I find these double headbands pretty uncomfortable when out and about.

The cd3000 are comfy but they are really big I'd never wear them out.


What!? Peter Pinna says that the Ultrasone PROline 750 Pro Headphones with S-Logic are the most accurate and neutral headphones of all time across all of the sound spectrum! How dare you say the mid-range is "sucked out"!? :indra:

:cool: How about the ATH-ESW9 woodies on the go? Other AT cans I would think of would be the ATH-A900/A900Ltd or even A500 for a cheaper option. Sennheiser HD25-1 II is another closed option, although I don't know if they are going to be both bright and have a nice mid-range.

What!? Peter Pinna says that the Ultrasone PROline 750 Pro Headphones with S-Logic are the most accurate and neutral headphones of all time across all of the sound spectrum! How dare you say the mid-range is "sucked out"!? :indra:

Yeah, I know. My ears suck and other headphones just have boosted midrange instead of the 750s a laid back one :palm::D

:cool: How about the ATH-ESW9 woodies on the go? Other AT cans I would think of would be the ATH-A900/A900Ltd or even A500 for a cheaper option. Sennheiser HD25-1 II is another closed option, although I don't know if they are going to be both bright and have a nice mid-range.

How would you describe their sound? You know I like the ed9 and why. Would I be able to enjoy the esw9? I know this is a stupid question but I just asked it anyways ;D


I'll second recommendation for the ATH-ESW9 woodies. They are a bit expensive, but are the best headphones that match your criteria that I've heard. For a quite decent, yet inexpensive pair for rainy days, etc., I recommend the Panasonic RP-HTX7. They have surprisingly good sound for their price and you can get them in the color of your choice! ;)


For rainy days they invented this "handy" tool:


I'm not sure if you're familiar with it but check it out when you run into one :P;D

I actually hate them but started using them when I got the Prolines to keep them dry.

I have to check Hans from Qables, I believe he has the entire lineup from ATH. Might be able to check them out...maybe...

Ow and thanx for your recommendations anyways, Jason ;)

And that kills my recommendation... I haven't heard it, but what about the ESW9?

Not really, the AKG headbands are nothing like the Sony, and not really a dual band. I have to agree with your recommendations too, but I'd say one of the K240 variants because of the amplification needed for the K340. Sweet mids with both my K340 and K240 Sextett!


3x on the K240, such an enjoyable phone for how little it can be had for at times. I'm not near as much of a fan on the K340, it has a crappy low end and sounded very reserved from the little time I spent with it.

The ESW9 is probably the best headphone I have heard in the portable/compact category.


K340 bass-light will work from a sonic point of view, but it needs a stationary amp. So, for out and about, it's not going to work. There are variances in SQ from pair to pair, and you'll have to match stationary amp to how your pair sounds... it's a bit of a PITA, but I've yet to hear a headphone with such incredible price to performance ratio. I had a pair that, out of a $200 tube amp, blew away the SR-404/SRM-007t combo, though admittedly that's easier than it sounds.

Don't discredit the HD600, properly driven it's a beast. But, I don't have to preach, sooner or later everybody converts to the dark side.


Although I'm a fan of the ESW9s, they are on the warm side of things, not bright, though Vorlon1s pair sounded much brighter than mine, which was strange to all of us who heard the two pair together, so who knows. They had more treble energy, that's for sure. Not sure they're what you'd be looking for.


K501 ain't closed ...

Contrastique, I chose ESW9 over Ultrasones, when I had the Proline 2500 (although I would take HD600 + amp over either since its actually more neutral, not exactly 'lush', HD650 is 'lush'). Edition 9 will have the same suck-out in the midrange, although no quite as extreme, you can find that out very easily by comparing to a more even-sounding headphone.

That sadly sums up the closed headphones you could use on the go...you can try bass-light K340 in a moment of insanity, and Larocco PRII will probably not disappoint, it certainly was interesting when I had W5000 and it had enough power to get K1000 up to volume.

Another portable option is Stax SR-001mkII - but they are open, so you give up isolation on the spot (but they won't leak). In this case you will have more speed than Proline will ever offer, great midrange, somewhat boosted midbass and tad softened highs...eat batteries like no other though, so better use rechargeables, and carry an extra pair with you if you are going to listen for the whole day.

That is about it...if you really can get yourself to go into the world of open headphones - consider giving ATH-AD2000 and HD600 a good run.


Oohh yah, the AD2000, very energetic, somewhat bright, but to my ears, the midrange focus was in the higher regions of midrange.

How about the ES7? It looks puuurty, has a sparkly presentation with focus on mids and highs with a nice punchy bottom to round things off. ;D

They sound awesome with Allison Krauss, Robert Plant, Buddha Bar, Cafe Del Mar, Hot Action Cop, Korn, Jesse Cook, Alejandro Escovedo, Pink Floyd etc...

Although I'm a fan of the ESW9s, they are on the warm side of things, not bright, though Vorlon1s pair sounded much brighter than mine, which was strange to all of us who heard the two pair together, so who knows. They had more treble energy, that's for sure. Not sure they're what you'd be looking for.

Yup, read that too that makes me doubt they are for my ears. This is the first upgrade I have in mind that makes me feel sad as I have the feeling I won't find something that I will be completely happy with. I'll be paying Hans a visit soon to see if I can find something that suits my needs.

@ Malos: Open stays out of the question. The HD600 out of my portable setup is nothing but dissapointment to me. I auditioned them for quite some time as my brother has them. The HD650 makes me feel the same, even worse. Their more present bass is just too much of what I can stand. Neutral isn't a word I think of when hearing them.

They are too laid back. My senses need to be tickled when I listen to music, they don't do that for me.

The ed9 has a less sucked out midrange which is pleasing to my ears. Something they don't have is the hollowness to the sound which would please me even more. I'll certainly give them a good workout when I go to Hans for a final decision maker though.

Maybe I should just buy 2 ed9s, one for on the go and one for at home...:eek: Maybe I should just get an ed9 first so that my at home listening won't disturb me anymore and revise the portable section later on....sigh...:palm:

Thanx for all your comments so far though :)

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