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The Official Head-Case Photography Thread.


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I did indeed. It's back, with a new logic board, touchpad, keyboard, hard drive, and top cover. Total cost to me, $0. That is all awesome. Unfortunately, it's got a fresh 10.5 install on it, and reinstalling my apps has been a slooow process. Today I'm going to pick up a copy of the 10.6 upgrade. Then I am faced with the question of do I install Adobe CS3, or upgrade to CS5.

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Yeah, I think I am going to have to buy the full version of Photoshop CS5 to replace my old CS software. I have been trying to use Aperture but for some reason it is very slow on my iMac and very annoying to use.

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I will try that. I imported about 1300 images from a CF card last night and it pretty much just died.

I also made the mistake of saying I wanted it to open whenever images are attached the to the computer like iPhoto always does. Now every time I connect the iPad or plug in a CD card I immediately have to got through the start up process and tell it I am not ready to buy.

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Speaking of photo software, I fingally got Photoshop installed last night. For reasons not worth explaining, I am running CS4 now. So far I'm having my normal reaction to ever PS upgrade I've done since about 4.0: WTF THIS IS DIFFERENT I WANT MY OLD VERSION BACK!!!1!one It'll be a minute before I wade through the backlog of photos I have to edit and acclimate myself to the new software.

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Hmmm...I can see how that might not look so good at full rez, esp. in color, if that was all the detail left after resizing. Was the exposure pretty much spot on, or did you do any post kanoodling? I remember using noise ninja a bit years ago, but I was never that blown away with it. Have you tried LR3/CS5? The NR system is so superb, at least for removing color noise. I don't mind just letting the luma noise be, as luma NR usually looks worse that luma noise, to me at least.

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If the lighting is super yellow/red, like the hotel bar in Chicago, "correct" WB will bring out a shitload of blue noise. That's just a fact of life.

One thing you can try, is changing the WB while the shot is in B/W mode (I have done this in Adobe Camera Raw, not sure exactly how it would be done otherwise). It can greatly change the noise profile of the shot, if B/W is the look you are going for. If color, you either have to suck it up, accept the blue noise, and blast away with chroma NR, or let the WB look a bit more "natural" and a bit less corrected to proper.

Definitely run some RAW files through CS5 ACR. Once you get used to it, it should definitely upgrade your camera's performance. I know it did for me. I have a bunch of compact camera RAW files from years ago that now look much better.

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Were you using RAW in your NR comparison? My comments about CS5 only pertain to how it handles the noise in RAW files. I haven't used DFine ever, or NN in a very long time, so I don't really know how they compare at any rate. I guess I just like how much CS5 has improved their NR system, which gives me better results than I got in CS4 without having to add to my workflow.

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