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Posted (edited)

Thanks, I took many photos of that artifical falls until I got this good one. Inspired by Peter's on last page.

Second picture is from my trip to Hong Kong last year.

Edited by Cankin

My current digital P&S is starting to act up a bit so I'm looking for something new.

I have a Canon S90 now, and I am leaning towards the Ricoh GR-IV as a replacement.

Can anyone out there think of an alternative for me? My criteria are as follows - in order of importance.

Small - I want something that will fit in my pocket. A little bigger than the S90 is OK, but a G12 is too big.

VERY good image quality

FAST AF/low shutter lag

Very close close focus

I don't *NEED* a zoom lens, but I'm not really opposed to one either. I value the close focus more highly than zoom.

Any suggestions?

Posted (edited)

I know next to nothing about fancy cameras, but as far as P&S goes, my wife's Olympus XZ1 has incredibly fast focusing and looks spectacular in close range. Given the images I can get out of it, I'm sure it'd be incredible in the hands of someone who knows how to use it!

Edited by El_Doug

Have little to offer, but from just going through some testing myself I'll toss out the likely obvious - figure out how important your commonly used features are as a dedicated external switch/button v. menu system. Fortunately jumping in and out of macro is usually external (like on GR-IV). One thing I've learned from the LX5 is how much time I can save with external controls even in a P&S.


Im thinking the X10 is also larger than I want. Fitting in an average pocket is pretty important.

My S90 may have a little more life in it than I thought, so I'l just keep rolling it around in my head.


Ari, you are welcome to try out my LX-5 if you want.

I might take you up on that. Interested in a weekend day photo walk?

I don't know how much different the s95 is from the s90 but I'll have it with me in nyc in a few days if you want to play with that also.

I think they are pretty close. I looked around a bit and the Ken Rockwell review says that the S100 is way faster. Ken Rockwell likes nikon, he must be right :P

And depending on workflow dual RAW/JPG record? Nice to not have to decide prior.

Would prefer both.

Im overly comfy with mostly using JPG and resorting to RAW when necessary.

Posted (edited)

I was thinking about buying the s95 or s100, but was not sure which one. I then started looking at the X10, and somehow ended up buying the X100. The LX-5 looks interesting as well. If I had some extra cash I might buy a LX-5 to use as a secondary travel camera. It would be nice to have a zoom. I would go with the X10, but all the problems I read about it having scared me off.

Edited by TruBrew

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