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What components do you need in the chain between the cd player and the speakers themselves to drive them and give them volume control? What brands to you recommend and why? ( Price point under $1500; goal involving, full, dynamic, relsoving sound-not too bright or edgy, yet not rollled off on highs, mids well present but not over stated, bass, foundational, but not dominant, boomy or muddy, just tight. Listen to acoustic singer emphsis and jazz. Transparency and immediacy critical. (posted something like this on Source site referring to dac issue and didn't get response.)

  • 2 weeks later...


You need the capacity to attenuate volume, e.g. a preamp or attenuators (no source selection with simple attenuators, however) or if your CD player has volume control, that can control volume for that source.

I own powered 20s, and have listened to virtually everything ATC from the 100s on down, including all of their amplification products, at least as of a month ago. The powered 20-2A's will work with very nearly anything, but they're particular about quality. Ladle sound from the toilet, and guess what you'll get! So if you don't want bright and edgy you'll need to be careful about the qualities of the preamp. The speakers themselves are quite dynamic and very resolving.

I've heard good things about TVC units, the prometheus in particular, though I haven't heard that combination myself.

I've used a variety of EAR preamps, though those are out of your price range. ATCs own CA2 preamp is quite nice, especially with the powered speakers. New retail on the CA2 is $1,900, if you can find one used or demo, you could be a lot closer to your price point. If you can do without volume control, I would wager that the EAR 834L would sound nice, and with a bit of tube rolling you can get a sound you'd like. A friend liked the top of the line Audio Research, though I have found their sound a bit "gray." I had a YBA line stage with them that was quite good, and it had a remote control. Keep in mind that one person's opinion is just that. I've heard that Plinius sounds good with them, and there are CD Lads in your price range on audiogon, but haven't heard that combination either.

What has been quite surprising to me is that power cords make a huge difference in the sound, perhaps more so than the interconnect. I'm not, generally, a promoter of power cords, but with the powered ATCs (20s and 100s), they make a surprisingly big difference. I'm using Kubala Sosna Emotion power cords and they're horribly expensive but good sounding. You might consider the PS Audio power cords, again I have not, but I have an inkling that they'd sound good and they're only expensive not horribly so.

I'm leaving on vacation and won't be checking this forum for a month, but if you want to email me, I'll be checking messages periodically.


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