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The official bitching and whining because you didn't get an HF-1 thread

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I could easily have bought the HF-1 during the offering period. I thought it was pure FOTM hype and let them go. Now that months have passed, it seems like they're actually solid performers. Do I regret not having bought one? Not particularly.

But do I want grawk's HHF-1? Yes! Grawk's HHF-1 is unlike any other HHF-1. Apparently they're worth $1,500.

May 04 14:41:02 : grawk : MY hhf1s are $1500 good

And by the way, do I absolutely loathe the threads on Head-Fi regarding HF-1 profiteering and related whinning? Hell yes.


Can I bitch and whine about all the bitchers and whiners? Or will there be another thread for that?

No, and no. What would be the point? You start bitching and whining about bitching and whining and then someone else starts bitching and whining about your bitching and whining, and pretty soon there isn't any room for anything else in the universe and we collapse like a black hole. You wouldn't want that on your record, would you?

But do I want grawk's HHF-1? Yes! Grawk's HHF-1 is unlike any other HHF-1. Apparently they're worth $1,500.

Of course mine are unlike any others. They're all unique, and mine were made specifically based on what I wanted from them. I'd be surprised if anyone else liked them as much as I do tho...I think you'd have to be nuts to pay $1500 to buy mine from me. But then that's what it'd take to get me to sell...


There's also the "Copper Member" thing...

yeah, you can't even leave that post grubbing title to us social climbers! leave something for the peons, sheesh! :'(


Good grief. I've got an HF-1. However, if the current eBay auction for one goes any higher, I'm not going to have it much longer than it takes to list it on eBay. I don't believe people are dishing out that kind of cash :o


Good grief. I've got an HF-1. However, if the current eBay auction for one goes any higher, I'm not going to have it much longer than it takes to list it on eBay. I don't believe people are dishing out that kind of cash :o

and it's from the second round too. that's a QUICK turnaround for over 200% profit. sheesh.


I heart HF-1 bitching threads...

Maybe it makes me petty, but all the Head-Fi drama about the HF-1 makes me giggle like a little girl.

I also heart my HF-1's...

I'm glad I got them because they're definitely a step up from the 325i to my ears. And the mods have only made them better. They're a great change of pace from my 650/Zu. And because of the time and effort I've put into the mods, I don't see myself ever getting rid of them. For $200 (HF-1) + $0 (DIY mods w/ free wood) = one hell of a bargin.


Can I bitch and whine that I down own a pair anymore?

I had the #16 for a while, then sold them off when I realized that I really wasn't using them at all, and put the money toward a potential purchase that never fell throuhg at the last minute.

I did like them and think they're well worth the $200, but not $350-$450 price tag they seem to be fetching on occasions.


I see everybody's favorite whiner has just joined us, so I invite him as well as the rest of you to park it all here so nobody actually has to read your bitching. ;D

I hope you don't mean me. I'm still looking for a set and I guess I'll pay whatever the seller asks if I find it reasonable.


I hope you don't mean me. I'm still looking for a set and I guess I'll pay whatever the seller asks if I find it reasonable.

Get grawk's. They have around $1100 worth of mods on them from what I'm guessing. So $1500 seems like a reasonable price. :)

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