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Continuation from THIS thread.

Wow that .wav is a pretty impressive display of what you do.

So uh the noisy vinyl segment.. is that ~close to the best what mint vinyl can do? It seemed very noisy. I am just curious because I have yet to hear a high end vinyl rig and am curious at the noise floor/pops/clicks you get with such a rig.


The noise floor/pops/clicks has nothing to do with the actual rig. The noise floor/pops/clicks mainly depend on your cart and the quality of the vinyl. The vinyl in this case was good at best. FAR from mint.

I have to go out right now, but later I will post some examples of mint vinyl on a very high-end rig and some cheap poor man's rig. One clip was transferred on an $18,000.00 turntable. One was done on a used $35.00 turntable and $80.00 cart. The others were transferred on complete rigs that cost $2,000.00 at most. Which is which? All of the vinyl was either mint or near mint.

This is why I think some vinyl audiophile thoughts and opinions are BULLSHIT! If you want sound like this you DO NOT need to spend a lot of $$$ and you don't need a lot accessories like a Clever Little Clock or Magic Pebbles or mega-buck-iso-blocks. Isolation works but you can spend a total of $100.00 or less and do it yourself and get the same results as the crap you pay $800.00 for. Same goes for hi-rez vinyl transfers! No need to do high rez when doing vinyl transfers for CD use. I had a client pay $80.00 bucks for a shitty hi-rez vinyl transfer. I topped their best hi-rez for a total of $25.00 at 16/44.1!

Now, if you get a mint vinyl record and cue it up on a "cheap" technics - will you get same results? YES - if you know how to clean it up properly and properly master the music, you can get the exact same results I did.

People love to make others think that vinyl is complicated and that set-up is difficult, etc etc. While it's not as easy as hitting play on a CD player, vinyl can be easy and fun! The real trick and the HARDEST is learning how to properly master the transferring and (re)mastering. Lot's of tricks to learn but it takes time, practice and a good ear.

Check back later for the sound clips.

Hrm okay interesting. And is it possible to keep vinyl mint? Even if you listen to it a lot?

I'd say yes, or at least close enough to mint that it wouldn't matter. If the turntable's setup right and the records are kept nice & clean, they're good for hundreds of plays.

I'd say yes, or at least close enough to mint that it wouldn't matter. If the turntable's setup right and the records are kept nice & clean, they're good for hundreds of plays.

I think they are good pretty much forever if you dont play them over and over/back to back. I have albums i bought new in the 60s that still sound new and have not gotten noisey. This has been the norm with all the albums I have bought new over the years.

I also have found that the better the cartridge (by far) the quieter and at the same time more detailed you will get. The same records that displayed noise with my Dynavector 17D3, got almost dead quiet when I moved to the XX2 MKII cartridge. When we put a friends XV-1s cartridge on my table ZERO noise. Good cartridges ride deep in the grooves and all you get is music.

Whoa!!!!!!!!!!!! Eye and ear opening to start my day. My office just grew, the music space grew 1/3 wider and 1/3 longer. Perhaps I should dump my cheapy 1543 dac and get a Bel Canto like Ardvark Sandwich. Nice work Luis!

Thanks man! All from different systems worth different amounts. I think they all sound nice. :D

Whoa!!!!!!!!!!!! Eye and ear opening to start my day. My office just grew, the music space grew 1/3 wider and 1/3 longer. Perhaps I should dump my cheapy 1543 dac and get a Bel Canto like Ardvark Sandwich. Nice work Luis!

Dew Eet :cool:

Good samples, Luis. I like the stuff around 1:30 best :D

Dew Eet :cool:

Easy for you to say. I have been trying to score a BC on Agon but the prices are just a little too rich now.

Good samples, Luis. I like the stuff around 1:30 best :D


This thread is encouraging for someone who just entered vinyl with the cheap technics and cart you described :)

Very happy to see that!

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