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You could smuggle a projector a lot more easily. But I don't know if home projectors can do this newfangled 3D thing yet.

I've got one of those too, but it doesn't do so well when there is daylight since it's impossible to block out all light sources in that room. The TV will be wall mounted behind where the projector screen rolls up and down.

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I've got one of those too, but it doesn't do so well when there is daylight since it's impossible to block out all light sources in that room. The TV will be wall mounted behind where the projector screen rolls up and down.

We have that light problem in summer, but as i watch little TV, it doesnt bother me.

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just lost 400 bucks in 3 hands in a row.

sat down with $100. got dealt AA. flop comes 4K5. normal betting goes on. Turn comes A. i bet. guy calls. another pushes over the top. i call. river comes 4. guy has quad 4s. i lose $100.

buy in for $100. get KK. flop comes rag-rag-rag. i bet big. same exact guy calls. turn is more junk. i push. he calls. river comes 2. he has trip 2s. i lose $100.

buy back for $200. get AA. flop comes AK10. slow bets. rag on turn. more bets. rag on river. enough money in the pot for me to push. guy slow played QJ.

hope he fucking gets arse aids...

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just lost 400 bucks in 3 hands in a row.

sat down with $100. got dealt AA. flop comes 4K5. normal betting goes on. Turn comes A. i bet. guy calls. another pushes over the top. i call. river comes 4. guy has quad 4s. i lose $100.

buy in for $100. get KK. flop comes rag-rag-rag. i bet big. same exact guy calls. turn is more junk. i push. he calls. river comes 2. he has trip 2s. i lose $100.

buy back for $200. get AA. flop comes AK10. slow bets. rag on turn. more bets. rag on river. enough money in the pot for me to push. guy slow played QJ.

hope he fucking gets arse aids...

damn, that's crazy bad luck.

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just lost 400 bucks in 3 hands in a row.

sat down with $100. got dealt AA. flop comes 4K5. normal betting goes on. Turn comes A. i bet. guy calls. another pushes over the top. i call. river comes 4. guy has quad 4s. i lose $100.

buy in for $100. get KK. flop comes rag-rag-rag. i bet big. same exact guy calls. turn is more junk. i push. he calls. river comes 2. he has trip 2s. i lose $100.

buy back for $200. get AA. flop comes AK10. slow bets. rag on turn. more bets. rag on river. enough money in the pot for me to push. guy slow played QJ.

My Dad made a living playing poker in Vegas in the early 80's, and I learned from him never to gamble what you can't afford to throw away.

hope he fucking gets arse aids...

And all this time I never realized there were specialized strains. dunno.gif

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My Dad made a living playing poker in Vegas in the early 80's, and I learned from him never to gamble what you can't afford to throw away.

And all this time I never realized there were specialized strains. dunno.gif

i dont play with money i need. learnt that a long time ago by getting burnt often and then not having money for gas. interesting couple of years. made me respect money more and taught me other important life lessons.

this was different though. with a $15 preflop bet, a guy with pocket 2's has no business being in that hand. especially after having no straight or flush draws, he further had no business calling a $40 bet. or the $55 bet on the turn which didnt help him at all. i was all in before the river 2 came up...fucker lucked out.

whatever, lesson learnt. never get into a hand with a guy who is wearing $4000 worth of jewelery.

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just lost 400 bucks in 3 hands in a row.

I can't tell you how lucky I am that I did not understand a single word of why you lost 400 dollars. Flop, pushes, turn, rags, slow - it is fortunately complete gibberish to me.

But the reason that I exist comes down to gambling. My grandfather was is WW1, and a great gambler on 3-card brag. On his way back to the front, he was on a winning streak and got back two days late. In the meantime, his company had gone over the top and was wiped out to a man - so Arthur was the sole survivor. Put on graves duty as punishement (ie recovering decomposing body parts from no-man's-land).

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Got new paint for the future audio room in my basement.

In its current state, it needs help, to say the least. :palm:





I need to measure it and see if its big enough for something righteous, like Harbeth 40.1 or Thiel 3.7.

Edited by aardvark baguette
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And yet still much better than being the decomposing body parts. Good for your Grandfather, otherwise you might not be here.

It is a sobering fact that the only reason we are here is as a direct result that our forebears survived whatever life threw at them - famine, pestilence, persecution, war etc, going back over the centuries.

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