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Driving along on Monday with the cruise set to 85mph, I was passed by a monster black BMW or Audi land cruiser as if I was stationary. Reckon he was doing 140mph.

His license plate was F1 ASH, arranged so that it spelt "FLASH". Oh dear oh deary me. What a clown.

Anyway, justice was done - five miles later he had been pulled over by the police. Heaven knows how they caught up with him. He'll lose his license for sure at that speed.


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Was offered a position with the company I've been a contractor with for the past 8 months. Switchover will be this coming Monday if we can push the paperwork through, or 2 weeks at most.

I said I was getting JH13s when this happened... heh... maybe it's time to set aside a buck an hour in the JHAudio fund. :)


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It's the congratulations cat!

Yes, I know you hate cats, but my congratulations dog didn't even look like a dog, and my congratulations mouse was even worse, and a congratulations fish didn't make sense even to me, and that's the extent of my artistic talent, but it's the thought that counts, right? ;D

Anyway, big congrats to you.

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It's been a draining 24hrs. Yesterday afternoon I received word from my future employer that my start date might be slipping. Uh, say that again? The conversation with the HR department would have been funny if it wasn't actually happening:

HR: Can't you just extend with your current employer?

ME: Uh, no.

HR: I don't know what to tell you.

ME: All I know is that as of Friday, I'm unemployed.

HR: They're telling me it'll take 30 to 45 days to process 'x'.

ME: That's a problem.

HR: I know. It doesn't make any sense.

ME: You're telling me.

So after a mild 2hr period of panic yesterday afternoon word came down that they wouldn't really know anything until today, but the hope was that things could be processed in a timely fashion or otherwise dealt with. This morning I received a call and paperwork confirming that everything is back on track. Phew.

Now I just got through lunch with my office since my boss is taking Friday off and wanted to get everyone together to send me off. Pretty surreal experience, punctuated with a few semi-awkward silences and glances between my boss and I. We were at one time pretty friendly, used to go fishing together on the weekends all the time, but that relationship has frayed over the last few years. So for that reason today very much feels like my last day in the office even though I'll be back tomorrow. Not sure what the hell that'll be like.

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Nate - glad to hear the paperwork was processed in timely manner. I remember it was weird for me as well when I left my previous work after working there for 6 years, though probably not quite as much as your situation since all parties involved knew I was leaving for the last 3 months of my contract. I felt bad for the guy that replaced me as he barely got any training before they just threw him in, despite the fact they knew for 3 months I was leaving.

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Good news on the new job, Nate, and just get through the day and get out the door tomorrow. Weird feeling leaving but best to just dew eet and move on. I did the same back in 1997 after 7+ years at a firm I still really liked and where I had lots of friends. Feels odd briefly but good overall to be taking a new tack.

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Was offered a position with the company I've been a contractor with for the past 8 months. Switchover will be this coming Monday if we can push the paperwork through, or 2 weeks at most.

I said I was getting JH13s when this happened... heh... maybe it's time to set aside a buck an hour in the JHAudio fund. :)


Congrats Brent, that's great!

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HR functions are a law unto themselves.

I'm moving from a contract to a part time employed situation at a UK university. Contract ran out at the end of May. So we are now 7 weeks and counting. Progress has gone beyond glacial to geological. Don't expect to be in post until start of September - which means that a Euro14m multinational project has been without a Project Manager for three months.

Go figure.

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