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First JP and now you. I'm having abandonment issues. :sadcat:

I'll still visit.

Where to, Ric?

Just 40 min. south to Mountain View. Will make commute and Google search results much faster.

'burbs scare me though.

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Al, sorry to hear that you are losing Ric. I hear that both Mountain View, CA and Carlisle, PA are stepping stones to South Florida. Don't worry you will always have a place to stay when you visit. :)

I prepared some Memphis style BBQ sauce. I'm almost done reducing the sauce. I also prepared a mop with apple cider, apple cider vinegar and some bourbon along with a dry rub for the spare ribs which will be smoked tomorrow.

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Thanks for the sympathy Shelley, and a group hug while drinking in Chicago sounds good Grahame.

Pretty soon, we will all be living in So Fla. :P Thanks for the offer of hospitality Mike, but I sure hope you BBQ the next time I'm there! As Marc said, that sounds awesome.


Second Mets walkoff homer against the Giants in a row. Man that sucks.

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Leave big blobs of solder on the wire and the pin then melt the blobs together? Messy though.

That's what I was thinking. Basically twist the strands together real tight, tin them, push it through.

Strip about an inch of each conductor, take a lighter to the wire and burn off the enamel coating and then tin the wire. To solder the plugs I push the conductor through the plug and then insert solder through the top ( I always have some 0.031" Kester around for this purpose) and heat the side of the pin until the solder starts flowing. Then I continue to feed solder into the pin until it is pretty much full.

Thanks for the advice, guys. I didn't even think about the possibility of an enamel coating, will try the lighter method tomorrow. Yup I always use Kester 44 60/40 since it's the only thing I have, and in fact I think it is 0.031".

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Participated in a outdoor fundraiser for a worthy cause. Am sore and sunburned, but happy. I've just been listening to music and reading the rest of the day, and am getting ready for some late night hockey, hoping the Wings can repeat their last game.

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Dragged all the lighting equipment out of my car and back into the basement. Did the dishes. Packed my gym bag. Got the 8x10" prints, mats and frames together that make up Josh & Gina's wedding present. Loaded the previous two items in the car. Returned a crappy LED nightlight to local hardware store. Was treated with astounding rudeness by the manager. It was so bad, it was comical. Went to the local Hunt's Photo/Video store, where they were having a "sale" of sorts. Bought nothing (hmph). Went to the gym. Squeezed in a 40 minute workout before the closed. Went to mum's house, had a bit to eat. Went over operation of the TV and DVD/VCR combo I installed yesterday. Came home.

Now I have to change the plug on the charger for the IR flash I bought (it's a UK plug and, duh, I need a US one) get it working and then borrow a hotshoe-to-PC-cord adapter from Eddy. There's also about 500 household chores I should be doing, but sod it, it's Saturday night.

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Had a pretty great day with Lily until 6:10pm when she took a header in the office and cut her chin on the desk chair. 4hrs and 5 stitches later I figure I'll only have nightmares about this for a few months. She's fine and was her normal self while we were there until the actual stitches, that was about as awful an experience as I want to remember. F me, I need a drink.

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Eeek, Nate. That have to have been scary, but kids are pretty resilient. Growing up, our pediatrician lived in back of us. I have many memories of him patching one of us kids up in the kitchen or living room after yet another spill.

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We're watching a little Curious George right now and she doesn't seem any worse for the wear so I'm pretty sure that I'm more traumatized than she is. She's keeps saying, "Lily fall, booboo" and pointing to her chin but otherwise is her regular self doesn't seem to be in much pain.

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Glad to hear she is doing fine. I've had a few close calls w/ the little one here, but none requiring stitches. Hoping for a speedy recovery on the stitches. She'll get extra loving on mama's day that for sure eh? :)

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Had a pretty great day with Lily until 6:10pm when she took a header in the office and cut her chin on the desk chair. 4hrs and 5 stitches later I figure I'll only have nightmares about this for a few months. She's fine and was her normal self while we were there until the actual stitches, that was about as awful an experience as I want to remember. F me, I need a drink.

That basically happened to me when I was younger. My parents said it was a nightmare trying to calm me down to so that I could actually get the stitches. Hope all is well at home.

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Had a pretty great day with Lily until 6:10pm when she took a header in the office and cut her chin on the desk chair. 4hrs and 5 stitches later I figure I'll only have nightmares about this for a few months. She's fine and was her normal self while we were there until the actual stitches, that was about as awful an experience as I want to remember. F me, I need a drink.

Got shivers just reading this. Ugh. Glad she's OK though!

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