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Spent a lot of time listening to the ECD-1 > GS-1 > JH13 setup, so good. I went for a long walk (great weather here), took some pictures along the way. Then, I dusted off the soldering setup and worked on the SOHA II that has been in the works for, what seems, a lifetime. It felt good. Finished off the day with some spaghetti and red wine. Now to watch a movie and maybe have an after dinner drink. Nice day overall. :D

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Shoveled some more snow, wondering why it keeps snowing during weekends and/or my day-offs but not on workdays.

Started doing some research on baby car seat, carriers, and strollers. My head almost exploded from the information overload - way too many different brands, models, features, etc.

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Started doing some research on baby car seat, carriers, and strollers. My head almost exploded from the information overload - way too many different brands, models, features, etc.

Congrats to you and your wife Haj! :jbl:

I had a sinking suspicion when you started the mad gear selloff a while back. ;) If you have any q's about the new gear you'll be needing drop me a PM.

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Shoveled some more snow, wondering why it keeps snowing during weekends and/or my day-offs but not on workdays.

Started doing some research on baby car seat, carriers, and strollers. My head almost exploded from the information overload - way too many different brands, models, features, etc.

Congrats to you... there's nothing better!

It can be harrowing. Keep in mind anything you buy now will need to be replaced somewhere between 9-12 mos. as the child grows. We went with the Graco Snugride 32. So far so good. The upside is that it fits with a bunch of other Graco stuff (like their strollers). So you have a bit of a modular system. The other nice thing about the Snugride is the detachable bases for the car seats. This means you buy one seat and multiple bases for your cars (or for grandparent's car).

We got this system: Graco Quattro Tour Travel System Stroller - Diaz - Graco - Babies "R" Us

The stroller is a bit hardcore but it rocks for long day needs and it scales with the child. The infant car seat locks into the stroller and then when the child gets older you just put them in the stroller.

Feel free to PM me as well. Baby gear can be a bit of an overload... you'd be surprised how much you DON'T need despite what's available.

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From our experience (4 of em):

The lift out bassinet/car seat/stroller combination is a godsend for keeping sleeping babies asleep

Sling, rather than baby bjorn

Breast feeding is a pain, but the benefits are worth it if you can manage. My wife was a la leche league leader, if you're interested in that, we have a ton of information

Don't stress most of it, it's really not that complicated, just go with it.

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Shoveled some more snow, wondering why it keeps snowing during weekends and/or my day-offs but not on workdays.

Started doing some research on baby car seat, carriers, and strollers. My head almost exploded from the information overload - way too many different brands, models, features, etc.

Right on Haj! My wife has a pretty awesome pre-baby spreadsheet if you want it. Shoot me a PM if interested.

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Started doing some research on baby car seat, carriers, and strollers. My head almost exploded from the information overload - way too many different brands, models, features, etc.

Congratulations on the new adventure.

I have to echo the suggestions for the combo stroller/car seat/bassinet, it is a life saver (usually yours).

We ended up using a Baby Bjorn as our son just did not like the sling, so you may not have the decision making power for that one.

Breast feeding has numerous advantages for the baby but my wife also said it helped her shed those extra birthing pounds a lot faster. It can be a pain though if the little one then turns up their nose at bottle feedings.

Don't be fooled into thinking you need a changing table, ours received minimal use as we usually just used a bed or couch.

Get a bigger vehicle!

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Started doing some research on baby car seat, carriers, and strollers. My head almost exploded from the information overload - way too many different brands, models, features, etc.

Congratulations! x3 on the combo bassinet/car seat stroller. My kids have successfully used that and my newest grandchild (6 weeks old) was sound asleep all evening when they brought their kids over for a visit.

BTW, I tried playing the BD version for Pinocchio on the Oppo BDP-83 and it would not play. Not the first Disney BD I've had problems playing on the Oppo.

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