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What did you do today?


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Spent last night getting ready for the big weekend - double birthday party today for the kids (actual bdays 12-31 for Maya and 12-26 for Daniel, both 6 now), then having friends over for dinner and overnight for New Year's, then Anne's family visiting tomorrow for the holidays, since we went to my family for Xmas this year. All good stuff, but pretty tiring!

Here's a pic of the double brownie cake (Star Wars/Hello Kitty if it doesn't show well in the lousy Blackberry pic) Anne made for the kids, which I thought was really cute:


I bet you never did anything like THAT, Mister Baker man, Spritzer! ;)

Feeling Nate's pain - also fighting a sore throat this week. Blah.

Edited by jvlgato
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Some dickwad scratched the fuck out of the side of my pickup truck just now in a grocery store parking lot. It's about 18" long and fairly well grooved. Definitely won't buff out completely. Looks more like the work of a shopping cart than another vehicle. Sucks, but I guess I'll get over it. Bought the truck new in '07. It has just under 30k miles and has been trailer-kept most of the time.

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Some dickwad scratched the fuck out of the side of my pickup truck just now in a grocery store parking lot. It's about 18" long and fairly well grooved. Definitely won't buff out completely. Looks more like the work of a shopping cart than another vehicle. Sucks, but I guess I'll get over it. Bought the truck new in '07. It has just under 30k miles and has been trailer-kept most of the time.

That is a real bummer to see 2010 out. Sorry to hear; I must admit that on the rare occasion that I've done something similar I always leave an apologetic note at least, and/or my phone number. But here in the UK, 20% of drivers have no insurance - yes, around 10 million drivers (plus) have no insurance. So there is little self-interest in such scumbags owning up. Hugely illegal of course. Police now have number plate recognition cameras in an attempt to root this out.

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Did our first wedding registry at Bed, Bath and Beyond... Out of everything, registering seems to make it the most real. Holy shit, I'm actually getting married!

Frank: I told my wife I wouldn't drink tonight. Besides, I got a big day tomorrow. You guys have a great time.

College Student: A big day? Doing what?

Frank: Well, um, actually a pretty nice little Saturday, we're going to go to Home Depot. Yeah, buy some wallpaper, maybe get some flooring, stuff like that. Maybe Bed, Bath, & Beyond, I don't know, I don't know if we'll have enough time.

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i hope you had a third toslink cable!

Main and back up cables both went within 5 minutes of each other. Scrounged around and found a 3rd optical cable. Too short but will do. Now if I can just figure out where to get new connectors and then how to put them on.

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Took a closer look at the scratch and it will mostly buff out. I don't think what will remain will be all that distracting, at least after I get used to it being there. That's life, I guess.


Ordered a pizza tonight figuring it was my last chance to be bad before I recommit to Atkins beginning tomorrow. It was kind of an interesting conversation:

Me: "I'll have a medium special" (looking at the menu, that's a $13.05 pizza).

Pizza guy (who is kind of a hippy with lots of tattoos and face jewelry): "You can get a large special for $8.88."

Me: "But I'm not that hungry and want to get back on my diet tomorow. If there are leftovers, that will fuck with my head. Either I throw away perfectly good food, or I eat it, knowing that it's bad for me. Lose/lose situation."

Pizza guy: "Ehh. I see what you mean... whatever you do you lose."

Me (looking a bit confused, I'm sure): "Ya, thus my lose/lose comment. You hungry?"

Pizza guy: "Actually, I am, and I'll be lucky to get out of here by midnight. Old lady's gonna be pissed if I'm not there..."

Me: "Ok, so I'll take the large, but I only want half of it. Put the other half in a separate box and keep it for yourself. Happy New Year."


It's not a resolution as such, just a good way to mark time and to check my progress from month to month. Went from 310 to 251 this past year, but then got off the wagon and was back up to 269 the other day.

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