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the following is Jacob's shitty fuck suck broken fuck leg diary entry for the day.

Aptly described, although perhaps a few fucks short of the truth. Sounds really rough, man, and that it will continue to be or some time to come. Hang in there and keep us posted on your progress.

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Sorry to hear about the pain Jacob. I had major abdominal surgery 5 years ago and the pain was profound. The docs also dispensed pain meds only with much begging. The approach to pain management here is still in the dark ages. Granted it is dangerously easy to get hooked on the meds, but I believe there is a lit of data that suggests effective pain management can improve recovery time.

In my case, I found that it was very very important to stay ahead of the pain. If I waited too long to take the meds, it was exponentially harder to tame the pain.

Like Vicki said, make sure you get plenty of rest. Also stay hydrated. I hope today is better.

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Jacob - shake it off crybaby. >:D

Kidding of course. Your PM's yesterday gave me no clue as to how bad the day had gone. Hang in there and get to Monday and see what the surgeon says. Hard to believe this is the same guy who was in my garage a couple of weeks ago drinking scotch and smoking cigars. Get better so we can repeat that scenario. Besides, I'll need you to get the speaker alignment just perfect.

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I figured the pain was going to start in earnest one of these days. I hope you can get more comfortable and get more sleep and get past this eventually. Choose life, don't let the death rodents into your home.

Well, we are hanging in the snow up here in northern Michigan and I cannot imagine how these oldsters make it through the winter. Especially with their idiotic Labrador mix eating everything in sight and jumping up on them constantly. It is always so dense and green here during the summer that it is weird being able to see other houses along the lake and seeing out to the water directly from our loft room. Here is a pic from the loft window. It is just an iPhone shot but you can kind of see the place where the white ice/snow meets the not yet frozen water beyond the house. The dumb dog went right through the invisible fence and running out onto that ice this morning. Too bad he didn't fall through.


Bleak and beautiful.

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Had a winter weather incident yesterday. Blizzard like snow storm that dumped 6" in an hour. Got caught in it in the car. Following a taxi along a quiet country road, leaving 50 yards space and driving in third gear (out of six) at 20mph. Out of the white out, a delivery van had stopped on a downhill (he was lost. What a bonehead thing to do - stop in those conditions on a downgrade), the taxi managed to slither out of the way and was slowly edging past the taxi. I went 2nd, 1st gear with the traction control firing off to keep the car going straight. Then I had to brake - antilocks fired off. With 20 yards to go I said to the wife "I'm going to hit him - nothing more I can do". Turned out to be a minor bump - as soon as I contacted him his car just slithered away.

Minor damage to his and my bumpers. Could have been much worse.

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Sorry to hear about the pain Jacob. :( Hang in there.

Al: Your statement about the lab mix made me laugh. My parents have a, recently acquired, similar dumb mutt who spends all his time jumping on everyone and eating everything, including the blankets in his bed. I keep trying to tell them they need to give him to a family with a big backyard and a lot of young boys but my dad seems to be attached to him now. :palm:

Edited by shellylh
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.Well, we are hanging in the snow up here in northern Michigan and I cannot imagine how these oldsters make it through the winter. .


Bleak and beautiful.

Just saw the weather forecast and apparently you're picking up more snow. You might want to pick up a copy of Traverse magazine which does a nice job of letting you know what is going on in the Traverse City area.

Traverse City is one of my favorite places in Northern Michigan. Enjoy!

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Sorry to hear about the pain, Jacob, mothers are like that. I believe it even has a name: martyr syndrome.

Srsly, though, hope your leg heals up without complications, that loose cast does not sound good, I agree with everyone else's advice -- just stay off it, and move it as little as possible. Though I'm not a doctor any more'n I am a lawyer.

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Sorry to hear about the pain Jacob. :( Hang in there.

Al: Your statement about the lab mix made me laugh. My parents have a, recently acquired, similar dumb mutt who spends all his time jumping on everyone and eating everything, including the blankets in his bed. I keep trying to tell them they need to give him to a family with a big backyard and a lot of young boys but my dad seems to be attached to him now. :palm:

My father in law pulled the same stunt with this stupid beast. Stuck with him now it would seem. We went sledding and cross-country skiing and the dog found a coyote carcass that consisted of a head, vertebrae, and two hind legs. He whipped the thing around until he got one of the legs off and would not relinquish it. He pretty much devoured it. Disgusting.

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